

2017-04-20 中山大学哲学珠海

         4月15日上午,中山大学哲学系(珠海)于海滨红楼13栋办公楼顺利举行Political Philosophy Workshop第六讲。本次研讨会主题为从儒家视角重思民族主义、爱国主义和世界主义(Rethinking Nationalism, Patriotism, and Cosmopolitanism: A Confucian Perspective),由我系陈建洪教授主持,主讲人为浙江大学特聘教授彭国翔。

        彭国翔教授探讨了中国传统、特别是儒家意义下的民族主义、爱国主义和世界主义,其立论出发点是当代政治哲学家努斯鲍姆(Martha Nussbaum)等人关于爱国主义和世界主义的论辩。为了解开民族主义、爱国主义和世界主义之间的纠葛,彭国翔教授试图引入儒家观点,提出一种深植的世界主义(rooted cosmopolitanism)或世界性的爱国主义。文中首先说明,消极意义的民族主义倾向于排斥他者,但积极意义的爱国主义却以团结人民为本质,两者有很大的不同。他进而指出,儒家的“仁”、“我”和“天下”等概念有助于构思一种深植于具体爱国主义的世界主义。

        彭国翔教授的演讲引发了热烈回响。何宝申博士、郭峻赫教授、Luis Rodrigues博士、王征博士和Tim Beaumont博士先后针对民族主义和爱国主义的区分、儒家政治哲学的诠释、世界主义的确切内涵等问题,展开批评与讨论。此外,我系学生也踊跃提问,畅谈自己看法。最后,陈建洪教授对本次研讨会进行总结,并对彭国翔教授所做的精彩报告表达感谢,宣布哲学系(珠海)政治哲学研讨会第六讲圆满结束。


Political Philosophy Workshop VI: Rethinking Nationalism, Patriotism, and Cosmopolitanism: A Confucian Perspective

        Professor Peng from Zhejiang University came to speak at the SYSU Department of Philosophy (Zhuhai). He elaborated some criticisms on nationalism and patriotism and argued in favour of a cosmopolitan view based on Confucian values.

        After this, Professor Chen, as the moderator, started by summarizing Professor Peng’s talk and give a context of the concepts of nationalism, patriotism and cosmopolitanism. Dr. He, who acted as a respondent, asked Professor Peng to clarify his use of concepts of nationalism and patriotism, and raised issues about consistency, logical flow and asked how Prof Peng would reply to those who disagree with his interpretation of Confucianism.

        Professor Kwak asked Professor Peng to provide some context on patriotism and nationalism in East Asia and highlighted that this is different from other contexts worldwide. Additionally, Professor Kwak argued that there might be some tensions in the use of Confucian concepts used by Professor Peng.

        Dr. Kun Wang asked about how other Confucian traditions can reinforce Professor Peng’s article.  Dr. Rodrigues asked whether it is possible to have a patriotism without nationalism and how to use Professor Peng’s concepts in the ethics of war. Dr. Wang asked for clarification of the translation in Chinese of the concept of ‘Cosmopolitanism’. Dr. Beaumont highlighted that Professor Peng’s definition may be contested by scholars of nationalism and patriotism.

        Additionally various undergraduate and postgraduate students demonstrated interest on the talk and asked questions regarding Confucian concepts and their relation to nationalism and patriotism.

        The Department of Philosophy thanks Professor Peng for his very inspiring and interesting talk.


英文稿:Luis Rodrigues


