
Santa uses sign language to ask girl with hearing problems

2017-06-20 小仙 小仙英语伴读订阅号

ChinaDaily-Internet goes nuts over heartwarming moment kind Santa uses sign language to ask girl with hearing problems what she wants for Christmas

  译  圣诞老人用手语问听力障碍的小女孩想要什么礼物

____ Editor's notes: This is old News. This is a reading material for English learner. ____

  译  编者按:就是旧闻。是英语学习者阅读材料。

A little girl with hearing problems told Santa Claus what she wants for Christmas using sign language.

  译  一个有听力障碍的小女孩用手语告诉圣诞老人她想要什么圣诞礼物。

The heartwarming scene was captured by an onlooker at Middlesbrough's Cleveland Centre on November 5 and was posted to YouTube.It has since attracted over 156,600 views.

  译  11月5日发生在英国米德尔斯堡克里夫兰中心的这暖心一幕被旁观者拍了下来并上传到YouTube上,该视频已经被观看了15.66万次。

  单词  capture 捕获

  单词  onlooker 旁观者

  单词  attract 吸引

In the short video, the girl's mum is then heard telling Santa: 'Sorry, she can't talk very well.'

  译  在这段短视频中,这个女孩的妈妈告诉圣诞老人说:“对不起,她不太会说话。”

The kind Kris Kringle then asks if she uses sign language to which her mother replies: 'Yeah, she does animals and things like that.'

  译  这位“克里斯•柯林格勒”(电影人物)便问女孩是否会用手语,她的妈妈回答说:“可以,她能比划出动物这样的东西。”

Saint Nick then taps the adorable girl's arm to get her attention before using hand signals to ask her what she wants for Christmas.

  译  圣诞老人轻拍可爱女孩的手臂,先引起她的注意,然后用手语问她圣诞节想要什么礼物。

  单词  tap 轻敲

  单词  adorable 可敬的

In what appeared to be a scene straight out of the tear-jerking movie Miracle on 34th Street, Santa and his excited little pal are then seen conversing in sign language.

  译  这一幕完全就是感人电影《34街的奇迹》中的场景,电影中圣诞老人和他兴奋的小同伴用手语进行交流。

  单词  tear 眼泪

  单词  jerk 猛拉

  单词  excited 兴奋的

  单词  pal 伙伴

  单词  converse 谈话

  单词  appear to be 似乎,好像 例句:There appear to be plenty of others like him.似乎像沈悦一样的人还有很多。

The animated youngster's eyes light up and she beams as she tells Santa that she hopes to find a scooter underneath her Christmas tree.

  译  小女孩的眼睛一下子亮了起来,她笑盈盈地告诉圣诞老人她希望能在圣诞树下找到一个滑板车。

  单词  animat 动画

  单词  youngster 小孩子

  单词  beam 大梁

  单词  scooter 滑板车

  单词  underneath 在……下面

Within hours of the video being posted online, thousands of people had watched it - and almost all were completely enchanted with the inspiring scene.

  译  这个视频上传到网上才几个小时,就有几千人观看,而且几乎所有人都被这鼓舞人心的一幕深深吸引住了。

  单词  enchant 使迷惑

  单词  inspire 激励

  语法  本句中being posted online是分词做定语的用法。作定语时,分词可用来修饰名词或代词,并和所修饰的词在逻辑上有主谓关系。(1)前置定语:单个分词作定语时,通常放在被修饰名词之前,作前置定语。例如:What exciting news it is! 这是多么令人振奋人心的消息!  (2)后置定语 a、少数单个分词(尤其是过去分词为多)作定语时,也可作后置定语。例如:Make sentences with the words given .用所给的词造句。 b、单个分词作不定代词的定语时,要放在被修饰代词之后,作后置定语。例如Is there anything unsolved ? 还有没解决的问题吗?  c、分词短语作定语时,要放在被修饰名词之后,作后置定语。这时的分词短语相当于一个定语从句。例如:Do you know the old woman sitting under the tree ?你认识坐在树下的那个老太太吗?

source: China Daily

  译  英文来源:每日邮报 | 翻译&编辑:丹妮


