【6/6苦劳座谈預告】陈光兴XSandro Mezzadro:葛兰西的当代意义、人民民主斗争的未来
在第三世界的政治斗争之中,意大利共产党领袖和理论家葛兰西(Antonio Gramsci)无论在韩国、香港、台湾、印尼等地,一直是重要的理论资源。在台湾的语境,80年代末至90年代初出现的“人民民主派”一方面继承了经由霍尔(Stuart Hall)、拉克劳(Ernesto Laclau)等人引介的葛兰西理论,另一方面形成于由1989年事件而引发的政治斗争之中。这一思想路线从20多年前开始,便一直延续至今天的不同运动,包括移/工、性/别、原住民、文化、学生和艺术的运动。
藉着意大利学者、葛兰西/马克思主义者Sandro Mezzadra访台的机会,我们邀请了陈光兴与这位重要的人民民主理论家进行一次激烈的对谈。讨论问题包括:“葛兰西”在意大利和全球的当代意义为何?在80年代末至今,人民民主斗争如何转化发展?葛兰西和1955年的万隆会议的关联为何?毛主义跟这些不同路线的关系又为何?我们如何在不同形式的马列毛主义、葛兰西主义、万隆会议的60年以后形成的“万隆份子”的视野之下设想新的全球政治模式?最后,我们如何可以跨越不同的边界、组织更深、更广的政治联盟?
Gramsci has been a major sources of Thought in the Third World struggles, including Korea, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. Taiwan version appeared in the context of the 1989 Tiananmen politics, drawing versions of Gramsci from Stuart Hall, Ernesto Lacau, etc, forging a "popular -democratic struggle" position. This line of thought has sustained until today mainly in the movement (in a wider sense, migrant/labor, gender/sexuality, aboriginal, culture, student, art, intellectual thought, etc. Taking advantage of Italian Gramscian Marxist theorist Sandro Mezzadra's visit, we organize this event to invite one of the key proponent for poplar democracy, Kuan-Hsing Chen, to be in dialogues.
What does "Gramsci" mean today in Italy and the globe? How has popular -democratic struggle unfold since late 1980s? What was the relation between Gramsci and the 1955 Bandung? What does Maoism have to do with all these? What would one envision a new politics of the earth, inspired by diverse forms of Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, Gramscianism, and now Bandungism (emerging out of is 60th anniversary). Last but not the least, what is to be done across all kinds of borders to forge deeper and wider alliances?
座谈时间:2017年6月6日(星期二)晚上7点/Date: 6th June, 2017 19:00
座谈地点:苦劳网台北办公室(台北市中正区杭州南路一段6巷22-2号2楼;靠近捷运“善导寺站”5号出口)/Location: 2F., No.22-2, Ln. 6, Sec. 1, Hangzhou S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan
Sandro Mezzadra(意大利波隆那大学;《边缘作为方法》作者)
Sandro Mezzadra在意大利波隆那大学教授政治理论,集中思考研究全球化、移民政治、资本主义的转变以及与后殖民主义理论之间的关系。他除了是一名学者以外,更是一名富有跨国运动经验的行动者(德国、阿根庭、美国、澳洲、印度、希腊...等等)。从70年代末开始,他开始参与革命性的工人自主运动(operaismo)。自此,他开始参与了国际范围中不同的占领、反北约(anti-Nato)、反核、劳工、反种族歧视以及移工运动。
Sandro Mezzadra teaches political theory at the University of Bologna. He has spent time as a scholar and as an activism in many parts of the world, including Germany, Argentina, the US, Australia, and India.
In the last fifteen of his work has particularly centered on the relations between globalization, migration and politics, on the transformations of capitalism as well as on postcolonial theory and criticism.
He has been an activist since the late 1970s when he joined the revolutionary autonomous movements. He has been active in several social movements in Italy and beyond since then, including squatted social centers, anti-Nato and anti-nuclear struggles, labor activism, and anti-racist movements and struggles of migration.
Trained in the tradition of so-called “autonomist Marxism” or “operaism” and continue to work within it although trying to reframe it drawing from other currents of radical thought (from anti-colonialism to anti-racism and feminism, to quote a couple of them). He is an active participant in current debates surrounding these heterodox stream of Marxism and one of the founders of the .
讲者Sandro Mezzadro(图片取自网路)