

2017-06-17 弘小编 弘正学苑


Part I                        Writing                   (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on Facing Setbacks in a Positive Way by referring to the saying "Life has to have cracks in it so that the sun can shine through." You can cite examples to illustrate your point and then explain how you can develop your ability to face failure "properly. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Part II

Listening Comprehension

(25 minutes)Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D .Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1. A. Stone flakes were made by early humans.

B. Stone flakes may not be made by early humans.

C. Stone flakes were used by monkeys to crack open nuts.

D. Stone flakes were used by ancient humans to cut bones.

2. A. The flakes made by early humans are more complex.

B. The flakes made by monkeys are used as tools.

C. The flakes used by early humans are made by monkeys.

D. The flakes made by monkeys have cut-marks.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3. A. The reason for ending the production of diesel cars.

B. The technology of producing electric cars.

C. The condition of air pollution in London.

D. The comparison between diesel vehicles and electric vehicles.

4. A. The incident that made people understand how harmful diesel vehicles are.

B. The scandal that made all automakers want to produce electric cars.

C. The incident that Volkswagen attempted to promote its vehicles illegally.

D. The scandal that Volkswagen attempted to cheat on emissions tests on its vehicles.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5. A. It is China's first time to send two astronauts into space.

B. It marks the beginning of the world's longest human space flight.

C. The carrier rocket was fired from a Satellite Launch Centre in the Gobi Desert.

D. The carrier rocket was built by an independent space expert.

6. A. A part of a space vehicle that can operate by itself.

B. An indispensable part of a space vehicle.

C. A central part of a carrier rocket.

D. A part of the centre of a new space station.

7. A. Land a rover vehicle on Mars.

B. Finish building a new space station.

C. Land a probe on the moon.

D. Complete five manned space missions.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just 

12. A. He has got the first place in the test.

B. He has got high scores in the test.

C. He has been praised by his professor.

D. He has passed all of the tests.

13. A. A few weeks before the exams.

B. A few months before the exams.

C. A few days before the exams.

D. A few hours before the exams.

14. A. Ask his classmates.

B. Look up some information.

C. Go online to check them.

D. Discuss them with his professors.

15. A. Classmates.

B. Mother and son.

C. Teacher and student.

D. Headmaster and student.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B, C and D.. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A. They hire only retired workers.

B. They do all the work themselves.

C. They close the hotel during low seasons.

D. They try to keep down the cost of extra staff.

17. A. Staff training.

B. Bookkeeping.

C. Cleaning and washing-up.

D. Gardening and flower arranging.

18. A. They have their hotel beautifully decorated.

B. They provide delicious food.

C. They make their guests feel at home.

D. They give parties regularly for their visitors.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A. For the research for the US military.

B. For the research for a handful of universities.

C. For the research for some government facilities.

D. For the provision of information to its users.

20. A. 60 million.

B. 14 million.

C. 84 million.

D. 28 million.

21. A. Conveniences brought to consumers through the use of the Internet.

B. Implications of the increasing commercial use of the Internet.

C. Security risks posed by the commercial use of the Internet.

D. Advantages of Internet banking over traditional banking.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

A. Backpacks

B. clear

C. Covering

D. fog

E. immediately

F. Little

G. named


I. rainbow

J. shelter

K. slowly

L. surroundings

M. thick

N. trucks

O. walking

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the 

C) A new study by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG)identifies 16emerging-market firms that they say are turning eco-consciousness into a source of competitive 

polluting), but now wants to stop the rest of the world from following suit. The WEF-BCG report demonstrates that such fears are overblown. 

      Computers are also useful in the context of language courses, where they are used to drill students in basic skills. Software programs reinforce ESL (English as a Second Language ) instruction, as well as instruction in French, German, Spanish, and other languages. By using these programs on a regular basis, students 

46. The word "literacy" (Line 1, Paragraph 1 ) means__

     A) the ability to read and write                      

     B ) the ability to use                           

     C ) literature

     D) the knowledge of language

47. The main purpose of this passage is to __

     A) persuade the educators to increase computer use in their own classroom

     B ) analyze advantages and disadvantages of computer use among college students

     C) identify some of the ways that computers benefit college students

     D) describe how computers can be used to teach foreign languages

48. According to the author, a word processor can be used to __

     A) revise papers                              

     B) retype papers       

     C) reduce the psychological burden of writing papers

     D) improve the writing skills of a student

49. In this passage, the writer's argument is developed primarily through the use of    

     A) cause-effect analysis                       

     B) comparison and contrast

     C) induction 

     D) examples

50. According to the author, the reason for students to go to college is __

     A) to learn something                         

     B) to perfect themselves   

     C) to improve computer skills

     D) to make the best use of computers

Passage Two

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

     Language is, and should be, a living thing, constantly enriched with new words and forms of expression. But there is a vital distinction between good developments, which add to the language, 


D) make use of economical short cuts

52. "Art is enhanced, not hindered, by discipline" (Lines 6-7, Paragraph 1 ) means __

A) an artist's work will be finer if he observes certain aesthetic standards

    C) more importance is now attached to oral expression

    D) the children may be discouraged from expressing their ideas


Part Ⅳ Translation

( 30 minutes )

 二十四节气(solar terms)的划分起源于黄河流域一带(Yellow River area,是中国古代历法(calendar)特有的重要组成部分和独特创造。在古代中国,人们常用二十四节气来表示季节更替和气候变化状况。节气的制定是我们祖先在长期的农业生产实践中,逐步认识气象变化规律的结果。长期以来,甚至直到今天,二十四节气在中国的农牧业生产(agricultural and animal husbandry production)中一直起着重要的作用。










set hack坎坷,挫折

twists and tums挫折    



reflect on思考,反思






Make the most of sth.充分利用某事


1.As the saying goes…Everyone wishes to have things go theft way.Yet the journey through life is not always the case and we should face all the setbacks positively.

  用As the saying goes引出题干中的名言,接着展开阐述。Every one wishes…Yet…先让步,再提出观点,增强表述的说服力。

2.This causes HS to reflect on what has happened,face it positively and as a result we build up and accumulate experience.

  Reflect on表示“思考”,后面跟what引导的宾语从句。

3.In general.it is failure that encourages US to work harder and eventually leads to success.

  It is…that…是强调句型,本句中被强调部分是failure。

4.We should have a more optimistic view on life and try to make the most of it,learning from the twists and turns along the way.

  以we should提出建议,have a more optimistic view on…表示“对……怀有积极的态度”;make the most of sth.“充分利用某事”也是值得积累的用法;learning from…为现在分词短语表伴随。

Part II

Listening Comprehension

News Report One

( 1 ) Stone flakes were ancient tools that have been regarded as the handiwork of early humans, but a new study published in the journal Nature indicates this may not actually be the case.

indicate?   B

2. What did Tomos Proffitt say about the flakes?   A

News Report Two

(3) The World Health Organization says that 92 percent of the world's population lives in areas of high air pollution. Experts say much of that pollution comes from vehicles fueled by diesel. Many cities in Europe have called for ending the production of diesel cars. They 

3. What is the news report mainly about?  A。

4. What does "diesel-gate" refer to?  D。

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5. What do we learn from the news report about China's launch of Shenzhou-11spacecraft?  C。

6. What is a module according to the news report?   A。

7. What does China plan to do by 2020?   A。

Section B

Conversation One


M: Well. (11) Actually, that's part of the graduation requirement. Everybody in my class has to finish a project like that. Professors will check our work regularly and give us suggestions and instructions.

W: Mmm. That's a new way to mark students' performance. Hope you get an A for yore" work.M: Thank you. Give me your advice afterwards.

W: Sure. I'll call you later.M: Bye.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. What is the man doing now?   A。

9. What is the man's understanding of being an artist?   B。

10. What can people see from the man's website?   A。

11. Why did the man make his own website?   C。

Conversation Two

W: You look better today. How did your test go?

M: (14) I'll go and talk to my professors or a learning support assistant.

W: Sounds like you've learned something useful this year!

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just beard.

12. Why does the man look so happy today?  B。

13. When do most students prepare for exams according to the man?  D。

14. What will the man do if he has any questions during the study?  D。

15. What is the relationship between the two speakers?  C。

month was their tenth anniversary in Brighton,and they had a dinner for their friends to celebrate, Pamela gave a speech and everyone wished them lots of success for the future.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. How do Pamela and Edith manage to make a profit?   D。

17. What jobs in the hotel are given to the college students?  C。

18. Why are the two ladies popular in the area?   C。

Passage Two

(19) The Internet began in the 1960s as a small network of academic and government computers primarily involved in research for the US militaryriginally limited to researchers at a handful of universities and government facilities, the Internet has quickly become a worldwide 

networks or gain illegal access to the organization's computer systems and data.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. What was the original purpose of the Internet?  A。

20. How many US citizens had access to the Internet by 1999?C。

21. What is this passage mainly about?  B。

Passage Three

(22) Sports have unwritten rules, so does business--and violators are often punished just as swiftly. Here are some of them. First of all, (23) never dress above your position. Everybody knows that dressing for success is important. It's also the surest way to draw the not-so-

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. According to the speaker, what is the similarity between sports and business?  A。

23. What will happen if someone dresses improperly in the company?   D。

24. What should we do if a colleague proposes a bad idea?   C。

25. What does the speaker say about ideas?  A。

Part Ⅲ  Reading Comprehension

Section A





















26.O.walking。此处是现在完成进行时,缺少现在分词。根据语义,此处是指在山中行进,所以O 正确。



29.L.surroundings。根据句子结构可知,此处应填名词复数形式。符合要求的选项有L.surroundings和H. outskirts,这里是指我们周围的环境而outskirts是指“郊区”,所以L正确。

30.F.Little。根据句子结构可知,此处缺名词修饰语。根据上下文We have been deep in the forest for many kilometers和we cannot see the sky可知,此处表示“深入森林深处,树木厚密,森林腹地光线很少能渗透进来”,故F正确。



33.G.named。根据句子结构可知,此处应填动词的过去分词形式,构成被动语态。此处是指“我们远望群山,明白了为什么此山被称为Blue Ridge Mountains”,所以G正确。




Section B

Passage One







  解析:题干意为,一家空调制造商利用建筑物中的废热来为机器提供动力。注意抓住题干中的关键信息air-conditioner manufacturer和waste heat from buildings。文中D段倒数第二句提到,中国的空调制造商远大集团利用建筑物中的废热来为机器提供动力。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为D。


  解析:题干意为,批判环保主义的人认为,环保是发达国家才能有的奢侈品,因为那不是穷人最急需的。注意抓住题干中的关键信息critics of environmentalism和a rich-world luxury。文中J段第二句提到,许多批判环保主义的人认为,环保是发达国家才能有的奢侈品:穷人首先要解决温饱问题,然后才能谈及对超洁净空气的需求。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为J。

38.F    .

  解析:题干意为,可持续发展先进企业的员工被鼓励提出环保的想法。注意抓住题干中的关键信息workers和motivated to bring forward green ideas。文中F段第三句提到,这些“可持续发展先进企业”还鼓励员工们提出环保创意。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为F。


  解析:题干意为,研究新兴世界的成功企业为促进可持续发展做了些什么是很有意义的,因为大多数人生活在那里。注意抓住题干中的关键信息successful companies in the emerging world和sustainable growth。文中B段末句提到,鉴于大多数人都生活在新兴世界,因此研究一下这些国家的成功企业为促进可持续发展做了些什么是很有意义的。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为B。


  解析:题干意为,新兴市场中的企业有许多更广泛的问题需要考虑,所以它们很难持续专注于某一个特定的问题。注意抓住题干中的关键信息difficult、companies in emerging markets和wider problems。文中G段首句提到,在新兴市场中,企业很难专注于某一特定领域,因为它们还得考虑从糟糕的基础设施到不稳定的供应链等很多更广泛的问题。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,敌答案为G。


  解析:题干意为,尽管一些成功的企业支持环保事业,但这并不意味着环保事业能够引领企业取得成功。注意抓住题干中的关键信息embraced greenery和the success of a firm。文中I段第三句提到,一些成功的企业支持环保事业的事实并不能证明是环保事业使这些企业取得成功。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为I。


  解析:题干意为,本土思维可能比西方国家凭空想象的做法更容易被各企业所效仿。注意抓住题干中的关键信息be easier、home-grown ideas和West。文中C段末句提到,比起西方国家臆想出来的对策,起源于本土的理念可能更容易为其他企业所效仿。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为c。


  解析:题干意为,有人发现,"-3自然资源匮乏而消费者又资金短缺时,环保事业将会十分有利可图。注意抓住题干中的关键信息greenery、profitable和natural resources are scarce。文中J段末句提到,很多人发现,当自然资源匮乏而消费者又资金短缺时,环保事业不失为一项利润丰厚的企业发展战略。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为J。


  解析:题干意为,埃及的一家食品生产商Sekem设定了通过有机农业改造沙漠化土地的目标。注意抓住题干中的关键信息Sekem、reclaim desert land和organic fanning。文中E段第二句提到,埃及的一家食品生产商Sekem以通过有机种植来改造沙漠化的土地为己任。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为E。


  解析:题干意为,为了开拓未来市场,这些企业常常会努力接触并培养低收入消费者,而这常常以牺牲一些短期利益为代价。注意抓住题干中的关键信息future markets、educate poor consumers和short—term profits。文中H段第一句提到,这些企业还努力接触、培养低收入消费者,时常为了开拓未来市场而牺牲短期利益。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,故答案为H。

Section C

Passage One






  解析:literacy最基本的意思是the ability to read and write,但在本文中的literacy出现于第一段:Educators today are more and more often heard to say that computer literacy is absolutely necessary for college students.因此,此处literacy引申为“使用的能力”。故选B。


  定位:根据题干信息main purpose of this passage可知解答本题需要通观全文。



  定位:根据题干信息word processor Canbeusedt0可将答案定位到第二段第二、三句。



  定位:根据题干信息the writer’s argument is developed primarily through可知解答本题需要通观全文。



  定位:根据题干信息the reason for students to go to college可将答案定位到文章最后一段。


Passage Two












  解析:第一段倒数第二句提到:And the true answer to it is the s锄e that art is enhanced,not hindered,by discipline.从字面理解这句话,其意为:“……规则是对艺术的促进,而不是对艺术的阻碍。”即:没有规矩,不成方圆;遵守规范,才会有更好的艺术。紧接着的下一句“You cannot carve satisfactorily in butter.(用黄油来雕刻永远也做不出令人满意的艺术品。)”将此意说得更明白透彻。故选A。


  定位:根据题干信息modern plays可将答案定位到第三段第二句。

  解析:本题是问现代戏剧语言具有怎样的特点。第三段第二句提到:“相比以前吐字极为清晰的戏剧语言,现代观众不得不接受的是勉强识字的人所表述的信息,而且常常被拙劣地设计成‘(现代人)沟通缺乏’的体现,很多时候还夹杂着缺乏教养的下流言语和语法错误。”故A为正确答案。incoherent和linguistically objectionable是对文中streams of barely literate trivia的同义转述。





    定位:根据题干信息teachers和linguistic lapses in their pupils可将答案定位到文章最后一句。


Part IV Translation

The twenty-four solar terms is a unique component and creative invention of the Chinese traditional calendar, which originates from the Yellow River area. It was used to indicate the alternation of seasons and climate changes in ancient China. The establishment of solar terms reflected our ancestors' knowledge about climate changes during their long history of farming activities Over years, it has played an important role in China's agricultural and animal husbandry production--even to this day.

