
RDA招新 | We are hiring!



RDA is an innovative team focusing on landscape space design for living quarters, large commercial complexes, high-end hotels and commercial office buildings. We are always committed to providing space solutions to show the genius locus by combining landscape with art through interdisciplinary cooperation. With unique aesthetic concept and rich professional experience, we provide best design consulting services for many well-known companies and government agencies, and explore the value of the genius locus while creating a pleasant space.


我们致力于为客户解决项目场地问题,用专业的设计策略及手法挖掘场地价值,使景观能在特定的场所环境中实现最大的可能性, 并使之反映相应的场所特性,创造出反映场所精神的空间与形式。

We are committed to solving the problem of site for clients, using professional designing strategies and techniques to excavate the value of the site, so that the landscape can realize the maximum possibility in the specific site condition. and make it reflect the corresponding site characteristics, creating a space and form reflects the spirit of the site.


In the face of the unknown future, we do a good job in the present, we grow in the project, but also learn in the project, the rest to time, the implementation of the presentation and industry recognition is the best proof. 


We organize professional training and develop talent development plan to improve the professional ability of RDAers. At the same time, we also organized a variety of interesting team building and festival events to enhance team cohesion.


- 7年以上工作经验,具有独立的项目把控力及领导设计团队的综合能力,能对项目的全程和最终效果负责;

- 具备优秀的美学修养及审美能力;

- 出色的沟通汇报能力;

- 具有责任心,敬业精神及团队协调能力;

- 有国际视野,对行业发展有独到的见解及深刻的认识,能够推动公司设计或技术发展;
- 有已建成知名项目的主持设计经验者优先。

Project Director

- More than 7-years working experience, with independent project promotion, comprehensive ability to lead the design team, strong ability to control the project, and be responsible for the whole process and final effect of the project,

- Have excellent accomplishment of aesthetic,

- Excellent communication, coordination and reporting skills,

Strong sense of responsibility, professional dedication and team coordination ability,

- Have international vision, unique insight and deep understanding of industry development, able to guide the company's design or technology development, 

- Experience in presiding over well-known projects is preferred.


- 5年及以上资深景观设计师,有已建成知名项目的主持设计经验者优先;

- 具有优秀的审美及项目把控能力及原创设计能力,并具有对空间材料的独立思考能力;

- 具有责任心,敬业精神及团队协调能力;

- 具有一定项目落地还原度的能力;

- 熟悉项目概念设计到施工完成所有阶段的工作内容;

- 能够独立担当项目对接、汇报与甲方沟通等工作。

Senior Landscape Architect/PM

- 5years or above working experience as senior landscape designer,experience in presiding over well-known projects is preferred,

- Have excellent aesthetic appreciation and project control ability and original design ability, and have independent thinking ability of space and materials, 

- Strong sense of responsibility, professional dedication and team coordination ability,

- Have the ability to achieve a certain degree of project implementation,

- Familiar with the work contents of all stages from conceptual design to construction completion,

- Able to independently take charge of project liaison and reporting, and communicating with Party A.


- 3年及以上园林、景观种植设计工作经验;

- 具备优秀的美学修养及审美能力;

- 了解中国各地域常用植物,有独立设计能力;

- 能够在会议或讨论中专业有效的表述相关问题和解决办法;

- 具有责任心,敬业精神及团队协调能力;

- 具有施工现场服务经验,能独立处理种植施工问题者优先。

Plant Designer

- At least 3 years working experience and strong performance capability,

- Have excellent accomplishment of aesthetic,

- Familiar with common plants in different regions of China, capable of independent design,

- Be able to present problems and solutions professionally and effectively in meetings and discussions,

- Strong sense of responsibility, professional dedication and team coordination ability,

- Have construction site service experience, can deal with planting construction problems independently is preferred


- 具有2-5年的工作经验,具有较强的表现能力;

- 具备优秀的美学修养,有较强的的色彩感及空间感;

- 了解如何用模型、效果图等工具表达设计亮点;能够通过文本排布抓住方案重点,表现设计思路;

- 具有责任心,敬业精神及团队协调能力;

- 熟练掌握制图建模软件,能够熟练使用参数化建模软件者优先;

- 能够高效协作团队完成项目基本创意及方案落实工作。

Landscape Architect

- 2-5 years working experience and strong performance capability,

- Have excellent accomplishment of aesthetic, strong sense of color and space,

- Understand how to use models, renderings and other tools to express design highlights; Able to grasp the key points of conceptual design through text layout and express the design ideas,

- Strong sense of responsibility, professional dedication and team coordination ability,

- Proficient in graphics modeling software,Expertise with parametric modeling software is preferred,

- Able to efficiently cooperate with the team to complete the basic project ideas and program implementation.

请将您的简历及作品等发送至招聘信箱shhr@rda-design.cn 邮件主题栏为姓名+应聘职位, 作品集不得大于10MB

Please send your portfolio (not exceeding10MB), resume and salary requirements to:shhr@rda-design.cn 

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RDA 景观设计事务所致力于景观结合艺术等跨学科合作的方式解决空间问题展现场地精神,是一支专注于地产住宅、大型商业综合体,高端酒店及商业办公等景观空间设计的创新型团队。凭借独特的美学理念及丰富的专业经验,为众多知名企业及政府机构提供优质的设计咨询服务,在营造宜人空间的同时挖掘场地价值。

About Rand Design Associates

Rand Design Associates is an innovative team focusing on landscape space design for living quarters, large commercial complexes, high-end hotels and commercial office buildings. We are always committed to providing space solutions to show the genius locus by combining landscape with art through interdisciplinary cooperation. With unique aesthetic concept and rich professional experience, we provide best design consulting services for many well-known companies and government agencies, and explore the value of the genius locus while creating a pleasant space.


