分享完毕,希望有所帮助。 参考文献:1.Peled-Avron, L. , & Shamay-Tsoory, S. G. .(2017). Don\"t touch me! autistic traits modulate early and late erpcomponents during visual perception of social touch. AutismResearch.(本文) 2.Kaiser, M.D., Yang, D.Y.J.,Voos, A.C., Bennett, R.H., Gordon, I., Pretzsch, C., . . . Pelphrey, K.A.(2016). Brain mechanisms for processing affective (and nonaffective) touch areatypical in autism. Cerebral Cortex, 26, 2705–2714. 3.Scheele, D., Kendrick, K.M., Khouri,C., Kretzer, E., Schlapfer, € T.E., Stoffel-Wagner, B., & Hurlemann, R.(2014). An oxytocin-induced facilitation of neural and emotional responses tosocial touch correlates inversely with autism traits. Neuropsychopharmacology:Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 39,2078–2085.