邓玉峰 | 我们到最后面对的只有伦理问题,活着只是一种选择
第一版海报被强行去掉敏感文字“34.6 万”和“武汉公民的”,最后只剩下“秘密”,100张海报也因此不能宣传。以后有关于《34.6万武汉公民的秘密》的展览内容将会涂改关键敏感词和相关主办单位与人员。
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邓玉峰每个月养着一个没有通讯录的手机号码,在各种软件和网站上登记,一年下来,手机里面积攒了各种黑色产业广告,内容有法lungong、妓女、办证刻章、发票、车牌、银行流水、文凭 、赌博 ... ...
Part ofmedia reports and comments worldwide
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SIXTH TONE: Police Shut 'Privacy Art' Exhibit for Displaying Personal Data
CNBC、美联社、法国国际邮报、环球时报、中央人民广播电台、参考消息、中国国际电视台、法制日报、中央社、武汉电视台、澎湃新闻、天津电视台、法律与生活、trend-watching英国全球趋势研究平台、TechNode、知乎热搜 . . . . . .
英 文 阅 读
The Secret of 346,000 Wuhan Citizens
The Public Art Projectof Wuhan Art Gallery , 2018
Criminal groups, privacy data,the masses, paper, invisible ink, uv lights, volunteer, video, printers, media, people, etc
ArtistDengYufeng bought the personal
data of346,000 Wuhan residents and the datawereprinted on A4 paper and
displayed onthe wall of the museum in amonumentalform, treated with a solution
that madethe data invisible indaylight butvisible in low light. Meanwhile
during theexhibition he launchedan art actionof inviting more than 100
volunteers to sendtext messages to thepeople whosedata has been bought and
exhibited, invitingthem to come to seetheirinformation.Two daysafter the
opening ceremony, theexhibition was shutdown by the localgovernment,Deng was
under investigation,themuseum removed alltraces of theexhibition “secretly”.The
incident has beenreported by variousmedia in Chinaand around the
world,including the New YorkTimes, the AssociatedPress, CNBC, GlobalTimes,
Courrier International, RadioNetherlands Worldwide,CNR, Reference News,CGTN,
Legal Daily, the EconomicObserver, CNA,Wuhan TV,thePaper,Tianjin Radioand TV
Station ,NanfangMetropolis Daily, Law and Life,Trend Watching,TechNode and
Zhihu...which hasled to discussions and protestson the ethicalboundary of
individual rightsprotection and privacy in China.
Thefirst version ofthe poster alerted the Chinese government since it wasreleased, and under thepolitical pressure, the sensitive words“346,000” and“Wuhan citizens”were removed, finally only the “secrets” was left.
The police came tothe Museum to investigate, collectevidence and close down the exhibition,temporarily confiscated Deng'sexhibition works, computers and other personalstuff,and restricted him fromleaving Wuhan. In the future,the exhibitions on"the Secrets of 346,000 Wuhan Citizens" willremove the keysensitive words,the relevant organizers and personnel.
After theexhibition,The topics on the severeleakage of personal privacy in China,privacyprotection and data supervisionmechanism have been constantly discussed andprotested by the people.Therefore,The government and many companies havestrengthened and changed theirsupervision mechanism of data management.FromJuly 2018 to the end of December2019,Thirteen departments, including theMinistry of Industry and InformationTechnology,the Supreme People’s Court,theSupreme People’s Procuratorate, the Ministryof Public Security,the Ministry ofHousing and Urban-Rural Development andChina Insurance Regulatory Commission,jointly issued the Special Action Planon Comprehensively Cracking DownHarassing Phone Calls and carry out thiscampaign across the country.Theincident has also sparked debates among Chineselegal experts, with one sidearguing that Deng could face up to seven years inprison and the other arguingthat he could not be punished with criminalresponsibility. Till now Deng isstill waiting for the final outcome from thepolice.
To be continued
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