

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2022-08-28


Every day we need to put on a fresh new attitude. You know why Yesterday's attitude will get old If you don't start a fresh and a new then you'll bring all the negative from yesterday into today.

You need to do something to get your day started right,I mean if your not a person who can manage a long time then take 5 minutes or 3 minutes and lock yourself in the bathroom and pray for 5 minutes. 

Just God help me ,Help me. I want to put on love. I want to go out of my house today and treat people right. I've got problems God and they tend to make me cranky. 

Don't let me take them out on other people. Make a plan to go out and behave yourself.

Every morning when you wake up you need to say Father thank you for this day. Thank you that you woke me up. Thank you that you gave me air to breath. 

Thank you that you surrounded me with favor I'm grateful to be alive,I'm grateful for my family. I'm grateful for opportunities. 

Lord I'm going to live this day to the full,That's putting on a fresh new attitude,You wipe the slate clean. 

You let go of yesterday's disappointments what didn't work out. You get your mind going in the right direction. I'm going to see the good today, I'm going to be kind to somebody I'm going to stay in faith an enjoy this day.

Make a plan to be a blessing. 

Plan ahead of time that when somebody offends you your going to forgive them immediately, Plan ahead of time to be quick to forgive; Plan ahead of time to give things away. 

To compliment people to encourage people. Just get up in the morning and think Lord here's my goal today everywhere that I go, I don't know how many people I will see today maybe 15, 20, 25.

But every single person I see,I want to say a little something to them that will make them feel a little bit better then they were before I got there Psalm 119:147. 

I rise early to cry our for help and to put my hope in your words, He says I start every morning talking to you, I cry out in prayer and listening to you I read your word.

He says I start my day with hope. Are you starting your day with hope or despair at some point we have to look in the mirror and say maybe I'm the one that needs to change.

Maybe I've developed a habit of seeing what's wrong rather then what's right. Maybe I've trained myself to be negative, disrespectful, hard to get along with.

That's why it's so important every morning to put on this fresh new attitude.

I'm excited about this day. I don't have to go to work,I get to go to work. I'm grateful for this job I'm not focusing on what's wrong. 

Lord I want to thank you for what's right in my life, Hey, Jesus died for us so that we could have a great life church I want you to have the very best life you can have.

There's a lot of lost people out there that don't know Christ, Let's get out in the world and be a living message to them,Let's preach at all times and only use words when necessary.

Let's let our attitude And our actions Do the preaching. You can argue with words but you can not argue with consistent action. 

This day is a gift from God, It is filled with possibilities new ideas, new friendships ,Mercy is kindness and kindness is mercy and boy we love the mercy of God don't we.

Oh my gosh, mercy is so amazing, We can do things wrong and God just forgives us That he never shuts us out of his life Because we didn't do everything exactly the way He wanted it done. 

His mercy is new every day, Every morning and I figure he makes a new batch every day, because I used up all of yesterday's

This is why it's so important to get up in the morning and spend some time with God.Am I going to live this day negative, sour seeing the wrong, chip on my shoulder or am I going to live it in faith positive, hopeful, seeing the best, being good to people. 

This is a choice that we have to make everyday Whatever you happen to be facing today or may face.

I actually want you to call it Goliath because if you call it Goliath then at least you know where it's going to wined up.

Life is to short to live negative sour letting circumstances dictate out attitude. 

Every morning you need to make the decision this is another day the Lord has made I'm going to live it in faith I'm going to be positive. I'm going to see the best, I'm going to make the most of this day.





One Speech A Day

 Can Change Your Life




