

One Speech A Day 精彩英文演讲 2022-08-28



《后翼弃兵》根据沃尔特·特维斯的小说改编:20 世纪 50 年代末,年幼的贝丝·哈蒙被遗弃并托付给肯塔基州的一家孤儿院。她具有惊人的国际象棋天赋,同时对政府提供给孩童的镇静剂上瘾。贝丝被自己心中的恶魔所困扰,在药物和痴迷的双重作用下,她变成了一个令人印象深刻、技艺高超且富有魅力的弃儿,并决心打破男性主导的国际象棋界建立的传统界限……




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- I'm Anya Taylor-Joy, and I'm here at BuzzFeed, and I'm going to be talking about my first times.

First thing you do on your phone when you wake up? I text somebody that I love, and I say that I'm awake and alive on the planet, just so they don't worry about it.

First time you knew you were famous? Famous is a bit of a weird word for me.

I think, I've had lots of different hair colors, so it's been quite easy for people to be like, oh, you look so much like the girl from, blah, but with different hair.

And now that I've kind of come back around to all of them, it's getting harder to do that, so I have to just kind of say that I'm that girl.

First dating advice you ever got? A boy told me he loved me, and I didn't feel it back, and I asked my sister if I should say it back to him, and she felt really bad for him and was like, "Say it!" But I didn't, 'cause I don't think you should say it if you don't mean it.

Down it goes, okay.

First Jane Austen novel you read? "Emma".

But she does have...

It's not a book, it's a collection of letters, that she wrote to her sister, Cassandra, and that's a really good read.

First role you really wanted but didn't get? It was my first audition ever.

It was my first experience of rejection, like true rejection, and it was to play the young Angelina Jolie in "Maleficent", and it was Disney, which for me was like, (gasp) oh my God! Even though I look nothing like her, but I definitely cried for a very long time after that happened.

First memory from filming "Emma".

Combination of like, terror.

I was really frightened my first day of rehearsals.

'Cause I just saw all of these icons of cinema come in, and they were all so English, and I'm like, a mutt of lots of different places.

And so I was just like, oh my goodness, I really hope I do a good job at this.

And then, pure love, when I realized that people that I was a real fan were so nice, and I wanted to hang out with them all the time.

First wild fan experience? You know, you just live inside of your own head.

You kind of know that you're just a human being like anybody else.

When people shake or cry when they meet you, you just feel really like, please don't do that, it's really okay.

I'm not scary, and I'm not anything wild and crazy.

So yeah, the shaking, I've never...

I kind of just try and calm them down.

First time you watched "Clueless"? Sleepover, I was 13, 14? Last time I watched "Clueless"? Probably like, last week.

I watch that movie a lot.

That movie's a really good movie.

First on-screen kiss? I think it was James McAvoy in "Split", which was an odd first kiss to have.

Considering he was playing my captor, and I had to have my eyes open the whole time, whilst he was pretended to be like, a nine year old boy.

So that was pretty standard, I think.

I think everyone's had that experience, personally.

First TV show you remember binge-watching? "8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter" That was on at seven o'clock, every night, I just loved it.

I'd try and like, stay up late to watch it.

First book to movie adaptation you remember loving? Okay, I had the world's biggest crush on Peter Pan, like forever, just that character, and that book was just everything, I'd ever wanted in my life.

And then, I saw Jeremy Sumpter do it in 2003, and my heart just could not handle it.

I think I watched that film every single day, for like, four months.

So Jeremy...

First job? I don't even know if I got paid for it.

I did a modeling shoot, but I can't really remember that.

But I think the first job that I didn't get paid for, was basically doing anything that my sister wanted me to do.

'Cause I thought she was the coolest person in the entire world, and I just wanted her to love me.

So I just like, would make her sandwiches, and give her massages, and just do all of that kind of stuff.

First kiss? I was 14, it was on a trampoline.

(laughs) I was determined that I was not going to get to 15, and not have been kissed.

That was not going to happen to me.

Like, my life was...

No, that was not part of the story of my life.

I felt pretty good about it afterwards.

I was like, yeah, trampoline, 14, yeah, I feel good about that in my life story.

First time you were starstruck? I used to live my life listening to the soundtrack from "Beasts of the Southern Wild", and Dan Romer scored that.

And I met him at a studio, and we had just been having a really nice conversation, and then halfway through I realized he was Dan Romer, and I just couldn't breathe.

I was like, okay.

And then, I just sort of ran away, I didn't really know what else to do.

And then, I met Saoirse Ronan when I was 20, and she was a big idol for me when I was little, and I don't remember what I said.

I don't think I was very cool.

I'm gonna work on that one.

First scene you filmed for "Emma"? Weird one, we did the carriage scene.

Josh O'Connor and I were in this carriage that wasn't really moving, and the scene takes place towards the end of the film.

And we would go like, what are we doing? It was really fun, 'cause we got to do it a whole bunch of different ways.

And Josh is just so funny, that it was quite difficult to not be laughing the whole time, when you're in such a closed space with him.

First impressions of Bill Nighy and Johnny Flynn on the set of "Emma"? Well, I mean, Bill, he's the coolest man that you will ever meet.

Like, that role is taken, that's happened.

And he showed up wearing his lounge robes.

It's very difficult to not be awe-inspired when he walks into a room.

He's so suave.

And Johnny and I had a very instant, kind of, brother-sister, sort of relationship.

We found bickering really funny.

It's lovely when you can feel so safe with somebody, that you know that you can try absolutely anything, and they'll go with you on it.

So every take was really different, and that was really fun.

First bad date? I was on a date that wasn't a date once, and that sucked.

Like, that was awful.

I was convinced it was a date.

I was so excited about it.

And I think at the end of it, he like, punched my arm, and was like, I'm so glad you're my friend.

And I was like, (gasps) (somber music) me too, man, yeah, this is great.

So it was my first bad non-date.

This has been so much fun, even though I'm mildly embarrassed now.

But "Emma" comes out on March 6th.

So please check it out, 'cause that's actually really good fun.














凭借该片,安雅获得了第26届哥谭独立电影奖-最具突破演员奖 、第22届英国帝国电影奖-最佳新晋女演员奖。这部电影也让很多人看到了安雅作为演员的潜力。2017年,安雅参演的恐怖片《分裂》上映,这部电影对她意义重大。


























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