
RIBA & REMAC TY 城市会客厅 | 暨国际城市智库设计科技创新中心即将正式启动

REMAC TY 睿住天元 2023-09-17





RIBA CITYROOM @ REMAC TY  International Thinktank Design Technology Section will be officially launched



The basic concept that architecture is a combination of art and technology has been deeply rooted in mind. In the era of rapid development of global science and technology, the attitude towards design technology,to a large extent, influences and determines the design philosophy of architects. The discussion and practice on how science and technology can empower the planning,design,construction and management of buildings has both academic and industrial value.At the same time,Think tanks are the needs of mankind to deal and make scientific decisions with increasingly complex social issues,the product of the development of an information society,and the result of scientific and technological progress.

2021年5月28日,将在英国驻上海总领事馆会议厅举办RIBA&REMAC TY城市会客厅暨国际城市智库设计科技创新中心启动仪式。On May 28, 2021, RIBA Cityroom @ REMAC TY International Thinktank Design Technology Section Launching Ceremony will be held in the conference hall of the British Consulate General in Shanghai.
启动仪式将由英国皇家建筑师学会RIBA、英国领事馆国际贸易部、广东天元建筑设计有限公司(简称REMAC TY)主办,MIT、AA School、哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、同济大学建筑与城市规划学院、交通大学设计学院支持,英中贸易协会CBBC进行主持。The launching ceremony will be organized by RIBA, British Consulate -General Shanghai DIT, Guangdong Tianyuan Architectural Design Co., Ltd(REMAC TY),supported by MIT,AA School,Harvard University,Columbia University in the City of New York, CAUP TongjiUniversity, and Shanghai Jiao Tong School of Design and hosted by CBBC.


RIBA & REMAC TY城市会客厅-国际城市智库设计科技创新中心,是RIBA及REMAC TY共同发起的开放式、联合研究及实践平台。为了探索设计科技化如何引领引领未来城市的发展与建设环境的平衡、增强在设计创新与智慧城市上的合作机遇,RIBA & REMAC TY城市会客厅-国际城市智库设计科技创新中心联合科技创新企业、学术机构、行业协会、建筑设计及城市规划专家,对全球设计科技化在城市与建筑领域的应用和创新,进行多元观察、学术研究与解决方案共建。面向未来城市规划领域的变革,应用设计科技化方法、人工智能与数据处理的方式建立一套完善的循环系统,为城市规划、建设、运营、管理等方面提供相关的决策服务,解决未来城市发展面临的问题。

RIBA CITYROOM @ REMAC TY International Thinktank Design Technology Section is an open, joint research and practice platform initiated by RIBA and REMAC TY. In order to explore how design technology can lead the development of future cities and balance the construction environment, and enhance the opportunities for cooperation in design innovation and smart cities, RIBA CITYROOM @ REMAC TY International Thinktank Design Technology Section unites Technological innovation companies, academic institutions, industry associations, architectural design and urban planning experts conduct multiple observations, academic research and joint solutions for the application and innovation of global design technology in the field of cities and architecture. Facing the changes in the field of urban planning in the future, applying design technology, artificial intelligence and data processing methods to establish a complete cycle system to provide relevant decision-making services for urban planning, construction, operation, management, etc., to solve future urban development problem.

目前平台已联合广联达、光辉城市、品览科技、奇志科技等国内创新领域先锋企业,以及AA school、MIT、西交利物浦、宁波诺丁汉等国际院校。城市会客厅将在未来三到五年里,持续汇聚国际资源,以促进交流和联合工作的方式,为城市发展、建筑与设计工作提供前沿资讯、技术信息、工作模式、实践方案等方面的创新价值,并会与其他世界范围的权威机构共建评估体系,对企业、项目、专业个人进行观察、评估、认证及奖励,切实成为全球设计科技化发展的推动者。

At present, the platform has united with pioneering companies in innovation fields such as glodon, sheencity(chongqing)technology co. ltd., pinlan, and kiwi inc., as well as international schools such as aa school, mit, xi'an jiaotong liverpool, ningbo nottingham, etc. in the next three to five years,the cityroom will continue to gather international resources to promote exchanges and work to provide cutting-edge information, technical information, and work models for urban development, architecture and design work. it will also build an evaluation system with other world-wide authoritative organizations to observe,evaluate,certify and reward companies, projects,and professional individuals to effectively become a promoter of the development of global design technology. the keynote and annual plan of the riba cityroom @ remac ty International thinktank design technology section will be specifically released at the global press conference on may 28.

有关RIBA & REMAC TY城市会客厅-国际城市智库设计科技创新中心的主旨发布及年度计划发布,都将在5月28日的全球发布会具体呈现。The keynote announcement and annual plan announcement of the RIBA CITYROOM @ REMAC TY| International Thinktank Design Technology Section will be specifically presented at the global press conference on May 28.

本次活动将对发起RIBA & REMAC TY 城市会客厅及国际城市智库设计科技创新中心,将会在三年计划中形成的战略方向、具体项目合作、国际资源链接等诸多事项进行发布,包括但不限于学术论坛、学术研究、相关奖项等。

This event will release the strategic direction, specific project cooperation, international resource and many other matters, including but not limited to academic forum, research, and relevant awards,of RIBA CITYROOM @ REMAC TY International Thinktank Design Technology Section.


Guests are sincerely invited to design the platform of scientific and technological think tanks to establish an initial model and foundation for joint development in the future. To jointly build the design technology international resource network and sustainable development ecology, actively explore the cooperation between technology and architecture,and discuss the possibility of demonstration industries and creative products.

主办方代表将为本次仪式进行开幕致辞,同济大学、宁波诺丁汉大学、西交利物浦大学、MIT、AA School教授进行线下以及远程的学术报告。设计科技知名企业广联达科技股份有限公司、光辉城市(重庆)科技有限公司、上海品览数据科技有限公司、深圳奇志动联科技有限公司等杰出战略合作伙伴的代表也会同各位进行相关产业信息分享。

The representative of the organizer will give an opening speech for the ceremony,professors from the universities like Tongji University, the University of Nottingham Ningbo, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, MIT and AA School will conduct online and offline academic exchanges with everyone. Representatives of well-known companies such as Glodon Company Limited, SHEENCITY.COM, Pinlan, Kiwi Inc. and other outstanding strategic partners will share industry information.

通过本次启动会,希望促进广泛业界及社会大众更多关注设计科技化这一主题。预祝本次RIBA & REMAC TY 城市会客厅-暨国际城市智库设计科技创新中心启动仪式能圆满成功。

Hoping that through this event, more professionals and the society will pay attention to the theme of design technology. And wishing the launch ceremony of RIBA CITYROOM @ REMAC TY |International Thinktank Design Technology Section a complete success.


RIBA&REMAC TY 国际城市智库设计科技创新中心后续动态

If you want to know more
about the RIBA CITYROOM @ REMAC TY International Thinktank Design Technology Section 
please leave us comments


About RIBA:
Founded in 1834, RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) has a history of 187 years. In 1837, RIBA was awarded the Royal gold medal. In 1848, RIBA was given the royal title by Queen Victoria. Currently, RIBA has 50,000 members and architectural communities in 150 countries around the world. RIBA has always adhered to the mission of promoting the development of the world construction industry.  In January 2020, RIBA established the WFOE in China and started its work in an all-round way to promote the internationalization and high-level development of the Chinese construction industry and practitioners, and praise Chinese architects and outstanding architectures on the world stage.




广东省勘察设计协会理事单位、广东省建设工程绿色与装配式协会副会长单位、 中国建筑业协会绿色建造与智能建筑分会常务理事单位,国家高新技术企业,列入省装 配式产业基地,参与国家BIM及智能化标准修编。 企业拥有专利30项,通过了ISO9001:2015 质量管理体系认证,知识产权管理体系认证。连续11年获广东省守合同重信用企业,获评2019年度广东省工程勘察设计民营企业勘察 设计收入十强企业,成为华南理工大学、华南农业大学、广东工业大学等多个高校的校 外基地。

With Engineering Design Qualification Certificate(Class A), Urban Planning Qualification(Class B) and Landscape Design Qualification(Class B), it’s committed to creating top-notch buildings with smart technologies, exploring the cutting-edge prefabricated BIM and smart design technologies, promoting the development of prefabricated building, and advancing the progress of intelligent building design. It’s the council member of Guangdong Survey&Design Association, vice chairman member of Guangdong Provincial Construction Sustainable &Prefabricated Industry Association, and standing member of Green Construction & Intelligent Building Sub-Association of China Construction Industry Association. On top of that, it’s rated as National High-tech Enterprise and Prefabricated Industrial Base in Guangdong Province. And it has played its part in the revision made to the National BIM and Intelligent Design Standard.With 30 patents in possession, it has also passed the ISO9001:2015 quality management system certification as well as the intellectual propertymanagement system certification. Due to its strong commitment to the contracts, it has also been listed among the Trustworthy Companies in Guangdong Province for 11 straight years. Besides, in2009, it was honored as the Top 10 Private Survey & Design Enterprise with the Biggest Operating Revenue. Moreover, it has served as the practice base for several universities, such as South China University of Tchnology, South China Agricultural University and Guangdong University of Technology. 



