岗位方向 一、 Fixed Income Trader【北京】 需求部门:资产管理部招聘类别:社会招聘发布时间:2021-03-02工作地点:北京市 工作职责:1. 根据投资经理的指令需求和交易要素,完成资金回购、各类债券一级、二级交易询价、执行工作,准确高效完成相关工作;2. 及时向投资经理沟通反馈指令执行情况,及时反馈交易中出现异常情况和问题;3. 撰写交易日志,整理相关业务资料、交易信息、台账等收集归档工作,做好各种交易数据整理分析。 任职资格:1. 具备银行间债券市场本币交易资格、证券从业资格;2. 具备1年以上债相关工作经验,拥有资金回购和现券二级交易经验最好;3. 熟悉相关交易规则及相关法规,熟悉各类固定收益投资工具;4. 具备良好的沟通协调能力、团队意识,工作积极主动,认真踏实,责任心强;5. 熟练使用资讯终端,具备较强数据处理能力者优先考虑。 官方投递链接http://cicc.zhiye.com/szzwxq?jobId=150358701 二、Research Assistant - Household Appliances【上海】 需求部门:研究部招聘类别:社会招聘发布时间:2021-03-02工作地点:上海市 工作职责:He/she is responsible, under direction, for studies of assigned companies and their securities. The job incumbent recommends the purchase, sales, or holding of these securities to institutional/private clients. The duties and responsibilities he/she is going to take this job include, but not limit to:- Covering several A/H public companies: performing due diligence and financial analysis of these companies, writing investment-driven research reports, and undertaking a wide area of business analyses and competitive assessments. Creating and maintaining earning and valuation models on all companies may not be a must, but a good estimate is always necessary.- Interacting regularly with company executives and institutional/private investors.- Identifying and communicating actionable investment ideas to the sales force and institutional/private clients. Type of ideas can vary, but should be well-researched and easily understood from strategic point of view, and explained within a brief 3-5 page report.- Collecting data and maintaining database updating regularly. 任职资格:Education- An MBA or a Master degree in finance, accounting, or other related majors, or a bachelor degree with at least two year’ work experience, from the first-tier universities.- Excellent command in Chinese and good at English.Core competency- Strong judgment and analytical ability- A effective communicator- A quick learner- Good problem-solving skill- A team player- Self-confident & energeticPreferred background- A CPA or CFA holder.- At least 1 year experience in relevant fields. 官方投递链接http://cicc.zhiye.com/szzwxq?jobId=150398462 三、Research Assistant - Non-bank Finance & Fintech【北京】 需求部门:研究部招聘类别:社会招聘发布时间:2021-03-01工作地点:北京市 工作职责:This job is to be performed by a Research Assistant who is responsible, under direction, for data collection, statistical studies, and research of assigned industry groups and individual companies and their securities.The duties and responsibilities he/she is going to take this job include, but not limit to:Providing strong support to Research AnalystsPerforming financial analysis, writing investment-driven research reports, undertaking a wide area of business analyses and competitive assessmentsCreating and maintaining earning and valuation models on the assigned companiesInteracting with institutional clients to provide support in data requests and other assigned research projects 任职资格:KnowledgeWith strong research knowledge in one of the following fields: Digital payment, wealth/asset management, consumer finance, supply chain finance or capital marketsWithin 1-2 years working experience in the strategy department of internet companies, top-tier securities firms, asset managers or audit firmsEstablished Relationship with regulators and industry participants is a plusSkills and AbilitiesAbility to learn things quicklyAbility to read financial English fairly wellAbility to use Excel, Word and PowerPoint to analyze information and prepare documentAbility to use internet tools and any other methods to collect data for recommendationSolid financial analysis skillsQualificationsAn MBA or a Master degree in finance, accounting, economics or other related majors from the first-tier universitiesExcellent command in English and Chinese. 官方投递链接http://cicc.zhiye.com/szzwxq?jobId=150397755 四、Research Assistant (物业管理&多元)【北京、上海、深圳】 需求部门:研究部招聘类别:社会招聘发布时间:2021-03-01工作地点:北京市,上海市,深圳市 工作职责:1、跟踪市场动态,撰写公司和行业研究报告,开展对内外部客户的服务;2、组织和参与各项路演、调研活动;3、进行行业和公司数据的跟踪收集,响应客户需求;4、协助完成其他日常工作。 任职资格:1、国内外重点院校硕士及以上学历,1~2年房地产行业、尤其物管或REITS相关研究经验是加分项;2、对卖方工作模式较为了解,具备较强的分析研究能力和沟通表达能力;3、英语可作为工作语言;4、踏实勤奋,能够接受高强度工作,有较好的团队协作意识。 官方投递链接http://cicc.zhiye.com/szzwxq?jobId=150397750 五、FICC - Trader (结构化业务,场内做市交易岗)【北京】 需求部门:固定收益部招聘类别:社会招聘发布时间:2021-03-12工作地点:北京市 工作职责:Job Description:- 负责场内产品做市交易策略的开发;- 负责做市交易的日常风险管理及做市策略执行;- 研究场内产品量化交易策略;- 与IT开发人员合作优化交易管理系统,结合实盘将策略进行系统实现。 任职资格:Requirements:- 研究生以上学历,具有较强的经济、金融、数学、计算机背景;- 2年以上做市相关经验,抗压能力强,工作高效;- 熟悉做市业务及规则,精通ABS定价模型;- 熟悉国内主流ABS交易品种,交易场所做市相关规则等。- 团队合作意识强、书面及语言表达能力强、工作责任心强、正直诚信;- 具备证券从业资格。 官方投递链接http://cicc.zhiye.com/szzwxq?jobId=150403266 信息来源:公司官网 由财融圈编辑整理,转载请在文首注明来源。