Clarinet and String Quintet
时间:2019年5月29日(星期三) 晚7:00
地点:中央财经大学学院南路校区 学术会堂402
Date:Wednesday, May 29, 2019 7:00pm
Venue:402, Academic Hall, Xueyuan Nanlu, CUFE
Introduction Strings and winds are the base of an orchestra! Four parts for strings (like the choir architecture: soprano, alto, tenor and bass) plus the color of a wind instrument. With this chamber orchestra, we will give a one hour overview of composing through all times from baroque, classical and romantic pieces towards a very interesting composition of our time. Beginning with the first clarinet concerto ever (sounding like a trumpet!), followed by some Aria-like composition that usually appear in the opera house, and goes to something like pop music at the end! This concert will be one of the most colorful and astonishing programs, full of surprising moments and touching pieces, presented by the smallest way of a chamber orchestra in cooperation with musicians of the NCPA. 音乐会介绍 弦乐和管乐是管弦乐队的基础!本场音乐会里,弦乐的四个声部(就好比合唱团的结构:女高音、女中音、男高音和男低音)加上管乐的音色形成了这个基础。我们将用一个小时的时间,与这支室内管弦乐团一起,纵览所有时期的音乐:从巴洛克、古典到浪漫主义阶段,再到我们这个时代非常有趣的创作。从历史上第一首单簧管协奏曲开始(听起来像小号!),接着是一些类似咏叹调的作品,通常在歌剧院里才会出现。而到最后,是近似流行音乐的结尾!我们将与国家大剧院的音乐家们合作,组成一个迷你室内管弦乐团,呈现给大家一场最丰富多彩和令人惊叹的音乐会。 |
约翰·梅尔希奥·莫尔特(1696 – 1765)(11分钟)
Johann Melchior Molter (1696 – 1765) (11 Min.)
Konzert für D-Klarinette Nr. 1 A-dur (ca. 1750)
Giacomo Meyerbeer, (1791-1864) (20 Min.)
Sonate pour la clarinette avec accompagnement de 2 violons, alto & violoncelle (1813)
Allegro moderato Adagio – Andante
Rondo - Allegro scherzando
Adagio - Andante
Rondo - Allegro scherzando
Louis Spohr (1784-1859) (6 Min.)
Romanze B-Dur für Klarinette in B und Klavier (1805)
Gordon Jacob (1895-1984) (13 Min.)
"Mini Concerto" for Clarinet and String Orchestra (1980)
Allegro moderato
Allegro vivace
Jochen Settili 单簧管
Jochen Settili clarinet
Jochen Settili从师于Georg Zeretzke, Sabine Meyer, Giora Feidman,在德国柏林艺术学院获得了单簧管硕士学位。他有丰富的管弦乐团演奏经历,并参加了包括《悲惨世界》 《吸血鬼之舞》和遍布德国的其他乐团演出。在环游欧洲的众多演奏会中,他几乎演奏了单簧管曲目中的所有篇章。赛迪利的音乐职业生涯广阔,他不懈地投入到表演、指挥、博士论文写作和教学中,目前在北京的德国大使馆教授音乐和哲学。他还精通长笛、双簧管和萨克斯,这让他在古典乐和爵士乐演奏方面都游刃有余。他曾多年担任柏林Neuköllner歌剧院董事,并在德国的青年艺术家音乐比赛以及最近的中国青少年音乐比赛担任评委。
Jochen Settili studied with Georg Zeretzke, Sabine Meyer, Giora Feidman and earned his Master in clarinet at the University of the Arts Berlin, Germany. His orchestral experience includes a wide diversity including “Les miserables” or “Tanz der Vampire” also as engagements in Symphony Orchestras all over Germany. In numerous performances throughout Europe he performed the entire range of the clarinet repertoire (incl. Bass- and Eb-Clarinet). Settili’s career profile in music is broad based with ongoing commitments in performance, conducting, writing a doctoral thesis, and teaching, currently as a teacher for music and philosophy at the School of the German Embassy Beijing. Additional professional skills in flute, oboe and saxes let him feels at home in classical music as well as jazz. Many years he was an executive of “Neuköllner Oper, Berlin” and jury member of the German music competition “Jugend musiziert” and latest in “China Youth Music Competition”. He is artist and consultant of Zhengou-Instruments Company and promoting these instruments all over China as instrumentalist and conductor. Also teaching in masterclasses in Guizhou and Shenyang.
樊悦 第一小提琴
FAN Yue First Violin
师从武汉音乐学院张金洲老师、中央音乐学院教授Alexander Quartet第一小提琴杨戈芳老师、密歇根大学教授圣路易斯交响乐团首席David Halen。留美期间任Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra及Lansing Symphony Orchestra一提琴演奏员;Michigan University Symphony Orchestra及University Campus Orchestra首席。2016年获胜 Ann Arbor Camerata Concerto Competition,并成功在获奖音乐会进行独奏演出,同年其弦乐四重奏获Chamber Music Competition第三名。2013-2015连续三个夏天,樊悦都在美国科罗拉多州著名音乐节Aspen Music Festival and School 学习和演出,并一直以出色的面试表现保持着全奖的成绩。2016年夏天她又获全奖前往德国参加Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, 并考取首席位置。2016年10月樊悦归国加入了国家大剧院管弦乐团,成为该团最年轻的小提琴演奏家。近三年来,樊悦随国家大剧院管弦乐团参与“一带一路”等多项国家重大演出活动,赴阿布扎比、美国、韩国等多国出访演出。
Nicole Fan is an active violinist in both chamber and orchestra playing. After receiving her masters degree in both violin performance and in chamber music from University of Michigan Ann Arbor, she came back to Beijing and joined NCPA orchestra as the youngest violinist and assistant second violin principal. On top of the concerts and opera performances with NCPA, she had also started her own music brand Fan Music and have organized many chamber music salons over Beijing.
As an educator, Nicole focuses on music education in not only teaching techniques, but also initiating people's perception and developing their love for good music. Her Fan Music is also devoted to this purpose.
Nicole received her bachelor's degree in Remin University of China with Ge-fang Yang under scholarship and came back to Beijing after 3 years masters study in the states with David Halen under full scholarship. Nicole wish to continue her career in Beijing.
胡悦 第二小提琴
HU Yue Second Violin
1993.9—1995.7 以優異的成績考入中央音乐学院附小,师从黄圣音教授学习
1995.9—2001.7 中央音乐学院附中,师从金鸣教授学习。
2001.9 获得专业及理论奖学金考入中央音乐学院本科学习,先后师从刘育熙教授与谢楠教授学习。
2004.9 随胡咏言教授前往德国波恩参加贝多芬音乐节(Beethoven Fest Bonn)的排练及演出,并参加德国指挥家彼德.居尔克(Peter Gülker)教授的大师班。
2005.7 毕业于中央音乐学院本科,获文学学士学位。
2005.8 参加中国广东国际音乐夏令营,同法国指挥大师夏尔.迪图瓦(Charles Dutoit)交流学习并排练演出。
2005.9—2008.8 在广州交响乐团参加工作。工作期间曾随乐团与指挥家彼德.弗洛尔(Peter Flor)钢琴家弗拉基米尔.阿什肯纳吉(Vladimir Ashkenazy)以及大提琴家大卫.格林加斯(David Gringas)等多位世界知名的音乐家合作。
2010年12月-2014年七月在中央音樂學院樂隊學院擔任fellow(助教), 任二提琴首席職位。
至今從事教學18年,有頗為豐富的實踐經驗, 現在主要從事小提琴一對一專業教學。
1993.9-1995.7 Affiliated Primary School of Central Conservatory of MusicCollege, with honors under the tutelage of Professor Huang Shengyin
1995.9-2001.7 Affiliated High School of Central Conservatory of MusicCollege, under the tutelage of Professor Jin Ming
2001.9 Central Conservatory of MusicCollege, under the tutelage of Professor Liu Yuxi and Xie Nan
2004.9 Participated inrehearsals and performances of the Beethoven Festival (Beethoven Fest Bonn)in Bonn Germany with Professor Hu Yongyan and joined in the Master Class of German conductor Peter Flor, Pianist Vladimir Ashkenazy and Cellist Professor
2005.7 Graduatedfrom the Central Conservatory of Music, obtaining Bachelor of Arts degree
2005.8 Participated inthe China Canton International Summer Music,exchanges with the French maestro Charles Dutoit, participated inrehearsals and performances
2005.9-2008.8 Worked at Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra.During the period, had the cooperation with conductor Peter Flor, Pianist Vladimir VladimirAshkenazy and cellist DavidGringas and a number of world-renowned musicians
2010.12 till now Work as a Fellow at Central Conservatory of MusicBand College
刘莎 中提琴
LIU Sha Viola
青年中提琴演奏家,师承中央音乐学院王昌海教授、Andra Darzins教授,Stefan Fehlandt教授。她曾获巴登符腾堡州奖学金,先后就职于德国斯图加特国立歌剧院,德国广播爱乐乐团,现任职于中国国家大剧院管弦乐团。
刘莎曾就读于中央音乐学院,2012年被德国斯图加特国立音乐与艺术表演大学录取攻读硕士,追随拉脱维亚中提琴家、汉堡爱乐乐团中提琴首席,Andra Darzins教授以及著名Vogler四重奏成员,Stefan Fehlandt教授研习中提琴独奏与四重奏演奏,2016年她以满分成绩毕业获得硕士文凭。
留学期间刘莎曾担任斯图加特国立音乐学院乐团中提琴首席, 柏林青年爱乐乐团中提琴助理首席。2014年刘莎考入了德国八大广播乐团之一,德国广播爱乐乐团担任演奏员,除此之外还在德国其他著名乐团中担任演奏,例如:汉堡爱乐乐团(HamburgerPhilharmoniker),法兰克福广播交响乐团,(hr- Sinfonieorchester),萨尔州歌剧院,(Saarländisches Staatstheater) 她的演出足迹遍布中国、德国、英国、法国、比利时、瑞士、波兰、美国、阿布扎比酋长国、韩国,等国家,演出地点包括卡内基音乐厅(Carnegie Hall),汉堡北德广播交响乐团音乐厅 (Konzertsaal der Nord Deutschen Rundfunk Hamburg), 斯图加特国立歌剧院(Staatstheater Stuttgart),维多利亚大厅(Victoria Hall)等著名艺术殿堂。
2012年刘莎作为客座演奏家,与北方昆曲剧院合作参演了伦敦奥运会开幕式。曾受邀参加的国际音乐节其中包括波兰“第41届国际中提琴交流会”、奥地利“萨尔茨堡音乐节”、“北京国际现代音乐节”、“阿布扎比艺术节”、韩国“首尔艺术中心管弦乐节”等,并多次得到Kim Kashkashian、Hariolf Schlichtig、Barbara Westphal、Tabea Zimmermann、Günter Pichler等大师的指点与称赞。与她合作过的音乐家包括钢琴家Rudolf Buchbinder、女中音歌唱家Elina Garanča、双簧管演奏家Heinz Holliger 、竖琴演奏家Jesús Carrasco、单簧管演奏家Sabine Meyer、大提琴家Truls Mфrk、作曲家Helmut Lachenmann、指挥家Karel Mark Chichon、郑明勋、Stanislaw Skrowaczewski等。
Sergi Boadella 大提琴
Sergi Boadella Cello
Sergi Boadella 出生于巴塞罗那的一个艺术家家庭。
他在巴塞罗那开始大提琴的学习,很快便以专业第一的成绩考入德国Musikhochschule Trossingen音乐学院。
他有幸成为大提琴大师Marçal Cervera的学生,并于长达15年的时间里作为指定专职教授与Marçal Cervera共同教学。Marçal Cervera自幼从师于世界顶级大提琴大师Gaspar Cassadó。
Sergi Boadella曾经执教于Balearic Islands音乐学院, VIU等大学, 以及众多国际大师课。
作为独奏家以及通过与不同室内乐团的合作, Sergi Boadella 丰富的演出经历遍及欧洲,美国和中国。
作为Quartet de Barcelona 大提琴家的14年里,他录制了多张CD并在欧洲进行巡演,其中很多是作曲家作品的首演,有些曲目是专门为Quartet de Barcelona所创作。
Sergi Boadella目前拥有多个室内乐组合,多种不同风格的演奏形式,在国家大剧院,北京音乐厅,上海音乐厅和上海东方艺术中心等重要舞台与观众见面。
Sergi Boadella目前与家人居住在上海。2019年他开始演奏巴赫的无伴奏六组大提琴组曲。此外,他正在着手一本新书的写作,是对于巴赫和其大提琴组曲的不同视角的研究和诠释。
他目前所持的大提琴是公元1700年之前意大利工匠所制作,为巴赫组曲演奏所选用的琴弓是John Dodd于1790年在伦敦制作。
Spanish cellist Sergi Boadella is located in China since 2010.
Sergi Boadella was born in a artist family in Barcelona, Spain.
He began his cello studies in his hometown but moved very soon to Germany to continue them at the Musikhochschule Trossingen.
He had the privilege to be disciple of Marçal Cervera, disciple at his time of the great spanish cellist Gaspar Cassadó.
He used to teach at the Balearic Islands Conservatory, Valencia Internacional University, and many International Master Courses.
Sergi Boadella extensively performed as a soloist and with different chamber music ensembles in Europe, America and China.
As member of the Quartet de Barcelona during 14 years he has recorded several CDs and performed throughout Europe, premiering many works of Spanish composers, including works dedicated to the quartet.
During his stay in China, he was teaching on Cello and Chamber Music at Shenyang Conservatory of Music in Dalian as a Professor, later he moved to Beijing.
The past seven years he has performed and taught extensively throughout China. He has taught master classes at the Conservatories of Beijing, Dalian, Shenyang, Harbin, Shenzhen and Qongqing among others.
He performed as soloist with the Hunan, Harbin and Daqin symphony orchestras.
He performed as well with the BICO (Beijing International Chamber Orchestra) and the Dunshan Wind Symphony Orchestra as the soloist, which aroused intensive attention from audience.
He is invited to perform regularly in the most important stages in China, such as the NCPA (国家大剧院) Beijing Concert Hall(北京音乐厅), Shanghai Concert Hall (上海音乐厅), Shanghai Oriental Arts Center.
He is currently living with his family in Shanghai. This year of 2019 Sergi Boadella is performing the integral of the 6 Bach Suites for Cello solo. Besides that he is writing a book about Bach and the Cello Suites.
He plays a cello made in Italy before 1700 and with the Bach Suites a bow made by John Dodd, 1790 in London.
直播: 单簧管与弦乐五重奏