
专题 | 第二十四屆國際粵方言研討會第一號通知:徵稿




第二十四屆國際粵方言研討會將於 2020 年 11 月 13-14 日(星期五、六)在澳門 大學召開,由澳門大學人文學院主辦。本屆大會以「語言接觸」為主題,會議鼓勵不同角度的粵語研究以及與粵語相關研究,包括語言接觸現象、語碼轉換、詞彙或語法借用現象、粵語作為傳承語言以及粵語二語研究等。與此同時,會議同時歡迎語音學、音韻學、構詞學、句法學、語言習得、社會語言學、語義學、語用學、話語分析等不同範疇的粵方言研究。


每篇論文報告時間暫訂為 20 分鐘,討論時間 10 分鐘。

1. 論文提要可用中文或英文撰寫,不超過一頁 A4 紙,如有參考文獻亦須包含上述一頁內。電腦打字請用新細明體12 點,邊界各一吋。

2. 請提交一份無個人資料的匿名論文提要。提要請以電郵寄到下述電郵地址:yue2020macau@gmail.com

3. 以電郵附件形式投寄提要時,須 MS Word 檔及 PDF 檔兼備,電子檔名以論文題目 為名。

4. 提交論文提要時,請於電郵內寫上個人資料:(1)作者姓名;(2)所屬單位;(3) 通訊地址;(4)電郵地址; (5)研究範疇(如語音學、音韻學、構詞學、句法學 等);(6)論文題目。

5. 每個人最多只能提交一篇單獨撰寫的提要和一篇合寫的提要。

6. 論文提要須經匿名評審,通過評審後始能在研討會上報告。

7. 重要日期:

論文提要投寄截止日期 2020 年 7 月 31 日(星期五)

提要評審結果公佈日期 2020 年 9 月 1 日(星期二)




The 24th International Conference on Yue DialectsCall for Papers

The 24th International Conference on Yue Dialects will be held at the University of Macau on November 13-14 (Friday-Saturday), 2020. The Conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau. "Language contact" is the theme of this year’s conference,

with a view to encouraging research on language contact phenomena involving Cantonese, including, but not limited to, code-switching, borrowing (lexical and structural/grammatical), heritage Cantonese and Cantonese as a second language. In addition to studies pertaining to the theme, as in previous years, we welcome research on all aspects of Cantonese (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, language acquisition, sociolinguistics, semantics, pragmatics and discourse) anddifferent varieties of Cantonese.

Details of the Conference are as follows:

Submission of Abstracts

Each presentation will be 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion.

1) All submitted abstracts can be written either in English or in Chinese, and are limited to one single-spaced A4 page, with 1-inch margin all around. Use font size 12 throughout. Any reference list must be included in the one-page limit.

2) The abstract should not contain the name(s) of the author(s) and the affiliation(s), and must be submitted electronically to the Organizing Committee by email at yue2020macau@gmail.com

3) Each anonymous abstract submitted must be in both MS Word format AND PDF format. In addition, the electronic copy of the abstract should be saved by using the title of the paper.

4) In the body of the email, please fill in the following information:

(a) Name(s) of Author(s); (b) Institutional Affiliation(s); (c) Contact Address; (d) E-mail address; (e) Area of research (e.g., phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, others); and (f) Title of the paper.

5) We will accept at most one single-authored work AND one joint-authored work by an individual.

6) All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously. Only those abstracts that are accepted are eligible for presentation.

7) Important Dates:

Submission Deadline Friday, July 31, 2020

Notice of Acceptance Tuesday, September 1, 2020


精彩 | 齐鲁美食多——语言资源快讯山东美食推文一览

资料 | 觅食京津冀——语言资源快讯京津冀美食推文一览






