

2017-08-01 出国考试圈 出国考试圈




1.time management

how do you organize you time?

do you think young people organize their time in their time in the same way?

are you ever late for anything?

what excuses do you use when you late?

what excuses do people have when are late?

do you like it when others are late?


do you like sunshine?

do you like a place full of sunshine?

are there any technologies with sun in nowadays?for example?

do you like sunny days?

what do you like to do when it’s sunny days?

are there many sunny days in your hometown?

3.Work or studies

Your work

What work do you do?

Why did you choose to do that type of work(or,that job)?

Do you like your job?

Is it very interesting?

Do you miss being a student?


Your studies

What subjects are you studying?

Why did you choose to study that subject?

Do you like your subject?why/why not?

Is it very interesting?

Are you looking forward to working?

Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?


how often do you buy shoes?

have you ever bought shoes online?

do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

what’s your favourite brand of shoes?

what’s your favourite brand of shoes?

do you prefer fashionable or comfortable shoes?


What’s (the name of )your hometown (again)?

Is that a big city or a small place?

Please describe your hometown a litter.

How long have you been living there?


do you like history?

what historical event do you find most interesting?

what historical event do you think was most important?

do you think history is important?

do you like to watch programs on TV about history?




what’s your attitude toward jewelry?

what’s kind of jewelry you like to buy?

why so many people choose to buy expensive jewelry to maintain value?

how often do you wear jewelry?

2.home(your accommodation)

can you describe the place where you live?

how long have you lived there?

who do you live with?

do you plan to live there for a long time?


Do you often look in the mirror?

Do you often buy mirrors?

Where do you put mirrors?

when do you look at yourself in the mirror,why?


do you often do housework at home?

do you think men and women should share housework?

what kind of housework do you usually do?

what kinds of housework do you dislike to do?



1.优质服务   Good Service

Describe a time you received good service at a restaurant or a shop.

You should say:

      what goods or services you bought;

      who you were with when you were served;

      why you went there;

and explain why you think their service was good.


①What jobs require staff to get in touch with many people?

②What qualities do the staff need? Why?

③What’s the different between services in big shops and small shops?

2.新开商店 A Shop in Your Hometown

Describe a shop recently opened in your hometown.

You should say:

      what it sells;

      where it is;

      what kinds of people like to shop there;

and explain how you feel about this shop.

Part 3

①Do you like big shops or small shops?

②Why do some people like to visit small shops?

③Should governments develop big shops or small shops?

3.推荐书籍   A Book You Want To Read Again

Describe a book that you would like to read again.

You should say:

     what the book was about;

     why you read it in the first place;

     what you learned from the book;

and explain why you would like to read it again.


①How often do you read?

②Do Chinese people like to read?

③Do people with different reading levels buy the same kinds of reading materials?


Describe an invention that has changed the world.

You should say:

what it is;

how it’s changed our life;

how popular it is among different age groups;

and explain how you feel about it. 

part 3

what do you think the most important equipment in schools?

which invention do you think is the most useful at home?

do you think there will be no teachers to teach in school in the future?

do you think those inventions make people lazier? why?

what do think the advantages and disadvantages of inventions at home?

5.反对决定  A Decision You Disagreed With

Describe a time you disagreed with a decision that others made.

You should say:

      what decision it was;

      who made the decision;

      whether you told him or her that you disagreed;

and explain why you didn’t agree with this decision.


①What skills are necessary when making decisions?

②How can people improve their decision-making skills?

③How do you think computers will change the way people make decisions?

6.外国食品   Foreign Food

Describe a kind of foreign food you tried.

You should say:

     what it was;

     when and where you had it;

     why you had it;

and explain how you felt about it.

Part 3

①Do you like to try new food?

②What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

③Do you like to cook at home?

7.特别蛋糕 [新题]

Describe an occasion that you have a cake that is special

what kind of cake it is

when you ate the cake

who you ate with

and explain why you think the cake is special

part 3

what kinds of special food do chinese like to eat in special festivals?

what do people in your country like to eat in public holidays?

what’s the difference between the foods northerners like to eat and the food southerners like to eat?

what do people in your country like to eat on special occasions?


A Time You Were Not Allowed  To Use Your Mobile Phone

Describe a time you were not allowed to use your mobile phone.

You should say:

      when and where it was;

      why you were not allowed to use your phone;

      what you wanted to use your phone for;

and explain how you felt about not being able to use your phone.

Part 3

①How do young people and old people use mobile phones differently?

②What’s your attitude towards people using mobile phones in public places?

③Is it popular to use mobile phones in your country?

9.有趣的邻居  An interesting Neighor

Describe an interesting neighbor you have.

You should say:

      who he or she is;

      how you got to know this person;

      how long you’ve known each other;

and explain why you think he or she is interesting.


①Do you think neighbors are important?

②Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with one's neighbors?

③Do you think people's relationships with their neighbors today is the same as it was in the past?


Describe an impressive work of art (such as painting or sculpture) you saw.

You should say:

what it is;

when and where you first saw this work of art;

what it looks like;

and explain why you like it. 

part 3

do you like art?

do you think art classes are necessary?why?

how do you think art classes affect children’s development?

what kind of arts do Chinese people like?

what benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?




Describe TV series you like

you should say:

what the TV series are

who act these series

what is the plot

and explain how you feel about it

part 3

what kinds of TV programs are popular in your country?

why people enjoy watching reality show?

why young people don’t like watching educational programs today?


Describe a future plan which is not related to work or study

What it was about

When you made it

How it worked

And how you felt about the result

part 3

should parents set goals for children?

when do young children start to set goals for themselves?

what kinds of goals zre not realistic?

3.咖啡餐厅A Café

Describe a café or restaurantyou like to visit.

You should say:

      where it is;

      how often you go there;

      what you usually do there;

and explain why you like this place.


①What are some reasons why people eat out?

②Does it give people more status to eat in a restaurant rather than eat at home?

③Do people now go to restaurants more than before? (Why?/Why not?)

④What's the difference between eating at home and eating in a restaurant?

⑤Is there any difference between home-cooked food and food in restaurants?

⑥Which food do you think is healthier, restaurant food or home-cooked food?

4.Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage

you should say

who they are

how you knew them

what they usually do together

and explain how you feel about their marriage

Part 3

How has family changed in terms of men and women’s roles in the family?

What is the wedding ceremony like in China?

Do you think man and woman's have the same responsibility?

Do you think man shares more housework now?

Do you think man and woman should share the cost of their children's daily life ?

What will Chinese people dress in wedding?

What do you think of the asset distribution problem in the new marriage law





Work or studies

Celebrity/pop star




Indoor Activities

Newspaper and Magazine









Public transport/bus







Sunny days/sunshine

Daily routine


Describe a piece of good news you heard from others

Describe an occasion that you had a special cake.

Describe a time that you arrived at a place early.

Describe a time you saw lots of people were smiling

Describe a time you were not allowed to use your mobile phone.

Describe a leisure activity on or near sea you want to try.

Describe a kind of weather you like.

Describe a challenging experience you had

Describe a book that you would like to read again. 

Describe a company or organization that employs a lot of people.

Describe an invention that has changed the world.

Describe a thing that a wise person did/a person who gives a clever solution to a problem

Describe a time you spent time with a child.

Describe a time you moved to a new home or school

Describe an enjoyable experience you had in the countryside.

Describe an important plant in your country (such as fruits, flowers or vegetables) that you like.

Describe an important change that happened to your life recently

Describe an important event in the history of your country.

Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage.

Describe a shop recently opened in your hometown.

Describe two people you know from the same family.

Describe a well-paid job you would like to do in the future.

Describe a favorite sport which you like to watch.

Describe a person who was helpful to your work or study.

Describe a quiet place you visited.

Describe a plan you have for the future (but not related to work or study).

Describe a new friend you’ve made recently

Describe a special meal that you would like to have.

Describe your favorite piece of clothing.

Describe an interesting experience during your childhood.

Describe a time you received good service at a restaurant or a shop. 

Describe an impressive work of art (such as painting or sculpture) you saw.

Describe a free gift you received.

Describe a useful website that you often visit.

Describe a time you disagreed with a decision that others made.

Describe a famous person that you are interested in.

Describe a TV drama series you have watched.

Describe a plan you haven’t done yet

Describe a family member who you are proud of. 

Describe an English lesson you enjoyed.

Describe a popular place where people go swimming.

Describe a polite person you met.

Describe a place where you feel crowed.

Describe an interesting house or apartment that you visited. 

Describe a kind of foreign food you tried.

Describe a café you like to visit.

Describe a family member who has had important influence on you

Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future.

Describe a city or town you have been to.

Describe a time you had a conversation with a stranger.

Describe a time you waited for something special. 

Describe an interesting neighbor you have.







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