
TAIWAN: Expat Can't Get Laid, Blames Locals

2017-04-16 GlobalNewsAsia玩球资讯

Future hapa dad complains that he would be "smoking meth right now" if he wasn't in Asia, complains that he can't communicate with Taiwanese women, and of course, hates AMWF (ASIAN MALE, WHITE FEMALE)

 1/4 Malay 36 points  

"The sad thing is that I've even seen white women in Taiwan with local guys"

Yeah, for every  of the reverse. What a fucking asshole to say such a thing. I mean, if you are in someone else's country, yet hate their men but feel entitled to their women, why should the local guys not give this guy a good battering? He's literally human scum.

If anyone speaks Chinese, maybe they could post this on some Taiwanese forum. The guy certainly needs to be deported/sacked if he's working as an English teacher. Heck, it would even be encouraging to see something like 

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[–]trancefan95_6 1/4 Malay 38 points 15 days ago 

"The sad thing is that I've even seen white women in Taiwan with local guys"

Yeah, for every 50 or 100 of the reverse. What a fucking asshole to say such a thing. I mean, if you are in someone else's country, yet hate their men but feel entitled to their women, why should the local guys not give this guy a good battering? He's literally human scum.

If anyone speaks Chinese, maybe they could post this on some Taiwanese forum. The guy certainly needs to be deported/sacked if he's working as an English teacher. Heck, it would even be encouraging to see something like this


[–]chirrutking WMAF - My mom has WHITE FEVER 9 points 15 days ago 

I bet he will eventually settle for a porkchop or ugly Taiwanese girl, and then eventually murder her.

[–]sadeurasianguy Proud son of WM/AF sike 25 points 15 days ago 

That guy should stick to smoking meth. He feels so entitled to Asian women.


[–]Hotfire-Coldice r/hapas is ahead of its time, we are forerunners. wm dad af mom. 15 points 15 days ago 

He thinks its abnormal taiwanese girls go for taiwanese guys.


[–]EurasianTiger Aspie Holocaust-denying dad / mentally ill HK mom 14 points 15 days ago 

Insane, white male + Asian female psychosexuality explained.


[–]sadeurasianguy Proud son of WM/AF sike 4 points 15 days ago 

He probably would go nuts when he sees BMWF couples. Calling them mudsharks.

[–]euznfuccboi wmaf son 25 points 15 days ago 

So if a sexpat goes to Asia because he can't get any action from white women, but then can't get any action in Asia either, what is there left to do than smoke meth all day?


[–]shyAndAwkwardGuy Asian looking hapa 22 points 15 days ago 

Can you post the comment section of that status? There must be people calling him out for being a piece of shit thinking he is entitled to Asian women? Like what the fuck man? Good looking girls with good education going for wealthy men of their own community instead of shitty poor foreigners is mind blowing now? I think this fucker is still smoking meth now because of how delusional he is.

"Then become fluent in Chinese or just go home asshole". Yes absolutely you fucking faggot. Cannot believe that he just went to another country without knowing the local language then expected rich girls to throw themselves at him.


[–]chirrutking WMAF - My mom has WHITE FEVER 12 points 15 days ago 

g faggot. Cannot believe that he just went to another country without knowing the local language then expected rich g

He expected HOT girls to throw themselves at him cuz hes a tall white guy... and then he thinks it is fucked up that Taiwan girls like Taiwan guys.


[–]insanehapa [+1]Hapa[🍰] 10 points 15 days ago 

One white guy wrote

On one side, girls here are not virtue-signaling morons like the SJWS or many third-wave feminists and that's a relief, but also you can't find women that can think like this one:

Use of the term virtue-signaling is a good indication of Altright-signaling


[–]0102031 BMWFSon 16 points 15 days ago 

The butthurt of entitled sexpats is Hilarious, LMAO

I see asian guys only go for pretty/smoking-hot white females, this while white guys go for any subpar/below average crazy asian female, never a hot one.

Due to the rise of Asia, we see significantly more and more hot white females going for asian males, as well. Well-matched WFAM couples popup all over the place versus fugly balding white potbellied sexpats and equally fugly asian females. No wonder the white sexpat are burning with Rage, when he sees hot white females with local asian men.


[–]EurasianTiger Aspie Holocaust-denying dad / mentally ill HK mom 10 points 15 days ago 

Now you've got it!

See the problem!


[–]Rjhd64 WMAF-my father is absent in my life 13 points 15 days ago 

Absolutely fucking pathetic.


[–]EurasianTiger Aspie Holocaust-denying dad / mentally ill HK mom 11 points 15 days ago* 

This is fucking insane... and people are scratching their heads wondering why ER targeted AMWF couples

Can entitlement and white privilege be inherited? Absolutely.

White privilege / entitlement / fragility + Asian self hatred + myths about Eurasian superiority = powder keg of high explosives.


[–]5inisterWolf AM/WF raised by a pack of white wolves 16 points 15 days ago 

"The sad thing is I've seen white women in Taiwan with local guys. Not many but still more than there should be.

I'm gonna paraphrase Trump: "Unbelievable. Taiwan should build a wall."


[–]PaulRevereForHapas White-Malaysian. Can anyone see the change? I can't. 2 points 15 days ago 

Okay I agree with you here. China built a wall. Why shouldn't Taiwan?


[–]carbdog [+1]ABC in Taiwan - previously banned for no reason 2 points 15 days ago 

The wall statement is actually really accurate if you replace it with white guys in the context of Asia. In context of Mexicans in the USA, it's mostly bullshit. Mex-Americans are hard working as fuck. Yes, some are freeloaders but it's a small minority.


[–]5inisterWolf AM/WF raised by a pack of white wolves 1 point 15 days ago 

Yeah, I agree on both counts.

My aim was to be slightly facetious and use a trump-ism to bash white sexpats. I'm really not into walls. Taiwan has a moat.


[–]r_sucks3 ru/cn 1 point 14 days ago 

In context of Mexicans in the USA, it's mostly bullshit.

It's not.


[–]beachexec Mestizo (Mexican Father/White Mother) 13 points 15 days ago 

He complains about a language barrier but he probably hates it when immigrants stateside speak anything other than English.


[–]darkrood Taiwanese with Chinese Culture 12 points 15 days ago 

Sigh, dating in Taiwan is mostly a guy chasing girl thing.

You will RARELY have high quality girl with good education begging for any kind of white guys' cocks

🎵 Jingjiu Baby!!!🎵



[–]chirrutking WMAF - My mom has WHITE FEVER 6 points 15 days ago 

Not true, there is a expat bar in Taipei called Carnegies where all the girls with white fever go and throw themselves at ESL teachers and backpackers.


[–]darkrood Taiwanese with Chinese Culture 9 points 15 days ago 

There are places like that anywhere in Asia, and that does not disprove my statement.

Btw, you do realize girls hanging around bar all the times are mostly damaged goods right?


[–]lucidsleeper [+9]中国人 5 points 15 days ago* 

Don't use words like "damaged goods", that just makes you look like a misogynist who thinks women are property.


[–]darkrood Taiwanese with Chinese Culture 6 points 15 days ago 

Lolz, guys who hang around bars all day are damaged goods to women in an objective standard.

I am a guy, so I can't speak from a female perspective.


[–]lucidsleeper [+9]中国人 1 point 14 days ago 

This is the problem. Even though AM aren't misogynist, we will be labeled as such because our language/vocabulary.

Anglos say the same thing but they use terms like "traditional values", "trashy", "daddy issues" etc. to call out the same type women, no one thinks they are misogynists.


[–]carbdog [+1]ABC in Taiwan - previously banned for no reason 2 points 15 days ago 

Carnegies is for hookers and old ladies.


[–]Zardock_Moonwick Hapa 11 points 15 days ago 

It's just so utterly ironic how the same white guys that think Asian women are the greatest and no longer care about white women because "they age fast, are too feminist, fat, etc." get so outraged and upset when Asian men or other non-white men date them.

It just makes it so transparent how they really feel. If Asian women are the ultimate women and white women are all disgusting then why is it so upsetting when other guys date them?

Granted, this loser is mainly upset because he can't even get an Asian girlfriend even though he is "a tall, handsome white guy" and can't communicate to them either.


[–]EurasianTiger Aspie Holocaust-denying dad / mentally ill HK mom 3 points 14 days ago 

It's just so utterly ironic how the same white guys that think Asian women are the greatest and no longer care about white women because "they age fast, are too feminist, fat, etc." get so outraged and upset when Asian men or other non-white men date them.


I already made a video about this, but I wish I could add this as an addendum


[–]dad_of_3_hapas White dad 10 points 15 days ago 

The sense of entitlement there is pretty staggering. Nobody is entitled to be liked anywhere, if the locals don't like you, then either go where you are liked or switch up your game, clearly it isn't working.

You know where you can find a lot of english speaking successful women? America. Dumbass.


[–]EurasianTiger Aspie Holocaust-denying dad / mentally ill HK mom 10 points 15 days ago 

This is insane!!!! Dude with a triangle Oompa Loompa haircut goes to Taiwan and expects to be treated like a hero for being tall and white.

Can't stand seeing AMWF couples!! And you wonder why half Asians with white dads and Asian moms have issues!

Fuck! I'm putting this in the Sticky thread!


[–]someasianlurker Disillusioned AM 10 points 15 days ago 

Holy shit! that entitlement! Can you imagine white guys going to any other places and asking why they can't get with local women even though they are white? because I can't.


[–][deleted] 6 points 15 days ago 

This guy is trailer trash.


[–]HuShihMozi Quapa, u/AsiaticusFinch 5 points 15 days ago 

"I'd likely be smoking meth in a trailer right now."

How is that a bad thing for a loser?


[–]ashdnnr Chinese/Filipino/White from HI 4 points 15 days ago 

I actually follow that group that this was posted in.

There are so many issues with his post.

There are a few very candid responses (including ones from white women nonetheless) saying maybe the problem is that he's seeking hot, English-speaking, Taiwanese women. Of course he's going to be disapointed, because he's looking for someone based on their looks and English proficiency, not their actual personality.

Also, he states later in the comments that his Mandarin isn't that bad- but regardless, speaking a foreign language fluently does not automatically mean you have assimilated their culture and it's going to be easy to date people. A lot of foreigners told him not to judge [Taiwanese women / the culture].

Also several people commented that if he was/is suicidal, he should seek help, not post about it on Facebook. He verbatim replied to his own post:

"My original plan was to come here for a year, and if I didn't meet somebody special or succeed in travel photography, I was gonna kill myself. 3 years later and neither have happened, but I figured I'll stick around and have a bit of patience. Having patience is getting boring though..."


[–][deleted] 7 points 15 days ago 

Classic Loser Back Home, western women don't want him so he is looking for an Asian woman who will worship him because he is white. Before he went to Taiwan, he thought Asian girls would be throwing themselves at him. Boy was he wrong.


[–]decentmegaliths AM with WMAF cousins 5 points 15 days ago 

Did anybody remark about how his entire rant is predicated on the idea that local men are inferior?


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