艺术和科技似乎常常被对立来看,但是世界历史长河中很多举足轻重的人物和发明往往从这两个方面同时受到很多启发。你是否想到了达芬奇,莫奈,中国的古瓷器匠人, 特斯拉电动车?孩子们作为直接的核心用户,他们心目中的未来校园生态系统又应该是什么样子的?怎样的未来校园创新既有高度,又有温度, 既有意义,又有意思?这些创新命题正是我们YIA青少年创新学院2017年春季学期在上海包玉刚实验学校和西华国际学校,与参加的初高中同学们共同的深入探索。
Art and Science often seem to develop in different silos, but many movers and shakers of the world have been inspired by both. Think Da Vinci, Monet, China's ancient china art, Tesla? As the core user group themselves, how do our youth generation perceive the future school ecosystem? How we do innovate for such an system to balance both strategic meaning and warmth of the human touch? These are indeed the innovation journey and exploration by Youth Innovation Academy's coach team and participating students from the YK Pao School and the Western International School of Shanghai for Spring 2017 semester.
在为期12个周六或周日,总时长60小时的项目中,这些未来的创新者们经过自己的用户和市场研究,团队讨论,产出和最终确立了不同的创意,包括智能音乐家乐谱、智能未来书包、少年极客书桌, 职场小白穿搭指南APP,新一代学校就餐系统,高中生和家长职业体验互助社区。同学们之后在教练的带领下,以小组为单位,反复迭代试错,将创新落地。
During the project spanning across 12 Saturdays or Sundays for a total of 60 hours, these youth innovators conducted their own user and market research, brainstorming and ideation to define six brilliant innovation ideas inspired by both art and science, including Smart Musician's Score System, New Generation of Smart School Bag, Working Table for the Young Geeks, Dressing Guide APP for the Yougn Professionals, Campus Dining System and High School Students and Parents Community for Students Early Career Understanding in the field. All Students then completed iterations of prototyping and tests to deliver the final working model under guidance of the coach teams.
少年极客书桌 Working Table for the Young Geeks
小组成员:Jimmy Gao, Daniel He, Johnson Zhou
少年极客们需要自己动手对自己的电脑和主机进行大量改造工作,同时他们需要很多的工具来协助完成自己的想法。 普通的书桌显然不能满足他们“苛刻”的要求,于是就自己打造一台吧!透明的桌面下面其实就是一台可供方便操作的主机箱,桌面形状,大小和各种操作位置充分考量人体工程学,尽可能让少年极客获取更多的操作界面和舒适程度。当然还要注意劳逸结合,有范儿有趣儿,手摇式发电机连接的LED灯带,让少年极客马上可以进入运动和自娱状态。从初始的木板切割,到机箱配置选择,再到手摇发电机和LED灯带的设计和安装,全部由同学们手工打造!
The young geeks often go into lots of work to upgrade or remodel their computer work stations. They also have lots of tools for this work. The normal computer desk was never a good fit for them, so why not innovate for their own needs? All parts contained in the computer work station are highly visible under the transparent table surface. The working table's shape, size and arrangement are designed with a lots of users’ ergonomics in mind to provide enough work space as well as comfort to accomplish their "mission s impossible". As we all know, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. A hand crank energy generator for LED lighting adds both the much needed physical exercise and the fun into this niche innovation. And the resulting young geek table is 100% hand-made from cutting of the wood table surface, to the configuration of the computer station, to the hand electricity generator and LED lighting.
现场视频链接:极客书桌The Working Table For Young Geeks
智能乐谱 Smart Musical Score
小组成员:Horace Ding, Louisa Lou, Rudi Sun, Justin Wang, Simon Xi, Nicole Zhang
智能乐谱组充分研究了组内多名演奏经验丰富的成员和上海管弦乐团的职业乐者在演奏和翻谱中的各种痛点。 他们创新的智能乐谱可以通过脚踩踏板控制, 以Rasberry Pi树莓派编程来实现方便地录入乐谱,暂停、正翻页、逆翻页,回翻页等功能. 这组的同学们在产品的用户体验,包括外观设计,明暗度,携带方式,在铺架上的防滑等等,也作了大量的思考和Rhinoceros设计软件的建模渲染等落地实践。他们开发了演奏模式和练习模式两种状态以适应不同的使用者和使用场景, 考量和测试了不同的品牌定位和市场宣传方式,并且充分考虑了后续开发的侧重点,包括但不限于乐队指挥对于乐团乐谱的同步化方案,乐团演奏前的各种乐器的调音试音和节拍测试功能等。
The Smart Musical Score Team conducted thorough user understanding of the musical instruments players within the team, as well as professional performing musicians with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, for their pain points in turning musical score pages during the performance. These astute insights compelled them to accomplish a Smart Musical Score controlled by a foot paddle and Rasberry Pi programming, to achieve a series of smart functions such as ease of digitalize the traditional paper musical scores, pause, page-turning forward, backward, or in loops as desired by the musician. The team also put in heavy consideration and later Rhinoceros modeling, rendering and other implementation efforts to deliver the ideal user experience, including the smart musical score's form factor design, level of lightness on stage, ways of carry, and skid-resistance on the musical stand. They developed two modes - performance mode and practice mode, for different users and different usage scenarios. The team also considered and put into test different brand positioning and marketing approach. They envisioned the emphasis for next stage of further development as well, including but not limited to the synchronization function by the conductor, and digitalization of the various instruments' tuning steps right before a performance, as well as the tempo setting for the whole orchestra.
现场视频链接: 智能乐谱Smart Musical Score
高中生职业体验共享平台 Youth Career Exposure Community
小组成员:Tony Tang
Tony精准定位了高中生对下一步大学专业选择和就业的迷茫困惑这一痛点,并找到了通过家长和学生互动分享的共享经济解决途径。Tony通过教练们推荐的软件初步落地了承载这一新型校园社区服务的APP. 在他的高中生职业体验共享平台APP上,对不同未来方向体验感兴趣的高中生们将很方便的联系到能够提供这种“见识”和/或"见习"机会的家长们,为此,他们也需要拜托自己的父母,为别的高中生提供对等的机会, 以给自己赢得相应虚拟体验所需的“金币”。在这个APP上,Tony的设计和迭代考量是早期凝聚比较优质和小众的需求和资源。 除了家长和学生在这方面的痛点,对于项目的最初启动方式和后续拓展路径Tony也作了很多的用户访谈和深度思考。
Through in-depth initial user research of high school students and parents, Tony nailed an authentic educational pain point: the confusion or for many high school students in choosing near future college major and the career direction afterwards. After defining the right problem, he went on to find the sharing economy solution of students and parents professional exposure community. Tony then produced the initial APP to reflect this creative campus community service, through software recommendation and help from YIA coach team. On his APP, different students' needs for career exposure would be fulfilled by parents, who will then accumulate credits for his/her own child(ren) to explore the network. Tony designed and prototyped the User Interaction and User Experience to be exclusive to an initial close knit community to build trust and gain momentum. Tony then considered in depth the path to kick off the program for initial target user community and then how/where to expand and organically grow the community for more social impact.
现场视频链接:高中生职业体验共享平台Students & Parents Community For Career Exposure
职场小白穿衣指南 The Dressing Guide For Young Professionals
小组成员:Selina Gong, Doris Wang
这一为初入职场的女性小白设计的穿衣搭配宝典,是用户锁定精准,服务体验充分个性化的小而美创新。这一组同学在教练的指导帮助下,在用户肖像,用户体验旅程, 市场上已有时尚网站和APP研究方面做了大量的前期思考和设计实践工作。 正因为如此,当她们准备就绪,开始进入体现这一精准服务的应用程序APP实际落地工作时,效率和效果都非常惊艳。 不仅用户的身材、工作场景,收入情况、天气、节日、事件、已有服装、最新流行元素等等都被考虑在内,此APP还会帮你兼顾商店的打折信息和线上线下的时尚互动活动。不仅仅是职场小白,这样智慧的穿衣助手,任何人应该都会动心吧!这一创新的心动者也包括当天在场的包校中学部校长Paul Wood 博士呢!
This APP is designed for young female professionals dressing needs. It has clear user group target and provides customized services. Under the guide of YIA coach team, project members dived deep into User Persona and Customer Journey Map, as well as comparative study of existing fashion and dressing websites and APPs. This in-depth research resulted in high efficiency and quality output once the team was ready for prototyping and actual APP. This dressing guide APP takes into full consideration the user's body shape, work environment, income level, weather conditions, special holiday and events needs, clothes already bought and latest fashion trends. It also provides fashion discount information as well as online and offline fashion events. I guess lots of people would like to have such a dressing aid, not just the young professionals. The desire for this APP was indeed echoed by Dr. Paul Wood, Principal of YK Pao Secondary Division in his closing speech at end end of the Demo Day.
现场视频链接:职场小白穿衣指南 The Dressing Guide For Young Professionals
未来校园食堂系统The Future Campus Dining Innovation
小组成员:Caesar Tang, Charming Yan, Anton Zhuo
在YIA所有春季项目中平均年龄最小(13岁)的未来校园餐饮组,经过60个小时的精雕细琢, 给大家带来了全新的食堂服务设计和产品设计。 从“吃什么”到“吃多少”,这一组设想了用游戏互动的方式养成学生合理健康膳食的好习惯;整合型的餐具既将筷子,刀,叉,勺的功能集于一身,又自带温度测试和过烫食物提醒设计;装有NFC芯片和特殊固定设置的餐碗,既与餐盘分开,但又防止摇晃导致汤羹撒出, 甚至餐碗被碰掉。 这一组同学通过Arduino智能编程探索和实现了深度全自助的校园就餐系统,节省了食堂师傅打菜和结账的人工成本,也减少校园师生的排队时间。 最后,这一组同学通过深入研究得到的数据,事实和想法,进一步提出了下一步如何倡议校园食堂和就餐者节约粮食和有效回收餐余食物的环保创意。
The future campus dining innovation team is the youngest team of the YIA 2017 spring semester, with all members at 13 years old. They demonstrated holistic new campus dining service and products design innovation after 60 hours of hard work in their project-based learning exploration with the YIA. The designed future campus dining processes with games built in to foster healthy dining choices from "what to eat" to "how much to eat". They designed and prototyped 4-in-1 smart dining tool which combined chopsticks, knife, fork and spoon, as well by thermometer and visible color alert for hot liquid. They invented bowls with NFC chips and unique ways of attaching to the tray, so as to prevent spilling of soups or even dropping of the bowls from the tray. This team also implemented, through Arduino programming, the automation of buying and paying for food choices. This helps save time and cost for teachers, students and the school. Last but not the least, the team also put forward their ideas from in-depth research in regard to promoting reduction in and sustainable recycling of food wastes.
现场视频链接:未来校园食堂系统The Future Campus Dining Innovation
智能化模块书包 Smart Modulized School Bag
小组成员:Jerry Du, Kevin Song, Angela Wang, Alex Zhang
智能书包组对学生们的书包这一日常工具展开了新的探索和大胆畅想。他们设计和自己动手打造的书包完全颠覆了我们对这一传统产品的印象。 这一新型智能书包集制冷/制热杯架、蓝牙音箱、充电宝、太阳能发电板、冬天暖宝宝等十八般武艺为一身。作为“模块化”的新书包,它还预留了很多可以附加的口袋、魔术贴材质等等, 以备用户的其他需求。所谓“一包在手,夫复何求”?
The Smart School Bag team displayed wildimagination and courageous pursuit to disrupt a very traditional product, theschool bag. Their new smart bag combined a warming/cooling cup holder, a Bluetoothmusic player, a power bank, solar panels, a cooler/heating pad forsummer/winter all into one bag. As a pursuit in modular direction, the bag alsoboasts its transformation capacity with added extra container, Velcro extensionbelts, etc., to respond to other needs from users. What more do you want fromyour school bag?
现场视频链接:智能化模块书包Smart Modulized School Bag
All students were constantly challenged during the project to break out of their comfort zones, expand their creative boundaries to reach more innovative solutions. They eventually designed and implemented innovations with real potential social impacts. Within their own project team of 2-5 members, and under the guidance of experienced expert and practitioners of cross-desciplinary innovations, not only did the students grow their problem solving ability, technological understanding, social,communications and teamwork capabilities, their different youth leadership styles were also vividly amplified.
我们再次特别感谢四位在教育和创新领域富有建树的评委专家,跨界创新的资深业者,当天能够拨冗前来,和我们一起见证这些同学们独特的创新故事,并给他/她们加油打气,鼓励和分享。我们也特别感谢YIA春季学期辛苦付出的教练团队,与我们并肩合作的包玉刚实验学校和西华国际学校,尤其是包校负责科学和ICT教育的Jason Borovick老师,翁梅倩老师,中学部校长Paul Wood博士,和西华国际学校的中学部教学总监Greg Brunton先生和校长Myles d'Airelle先生。
We would like to thank again the four distinguished innovation experts for their time and effort out of their always overwhelming schedules to join us in encouraging and cheering for the young students. We also want to especially mention all YIA judges for their passion and commitment throughout YIA spring semester. Finally, we are much blessed with true devotion from both of our collaborating schools. And in particular we would not have had such a fantastic journey without the support from Mr. Jason Borovick, Ms. Meiqian Weng from YK Pao School's Science and ICT leadership team, Dr. Paul Wood, Scecondary Principle of YK Pao School, and Mr. Greg Brunton, Education Director of WISS Secondary and Mr. Myles d'Airelle, Secondary Principle of WISS.
我们真诚地为这些未来创新者和变革者们的表现和成长所自豪和骄傲! 让我们再一次为这些出色的少年少女们鼓掌!祝愿和祝福他/她们在持续创新,改变世界的征途上快乐前行,快步成长。Bravo for these brilliant future movers and shakers! Let's wish them all the best in their future journey of continuous innovation and global impact!