
画美不看淆 | 冬川豆

2016-11-10 硕帝 冬川豆种子不死

He who makes a good father makes a good president, I believe.

译 冬川豆

ll humor, maybe, bad taste(his golden palace in the Trump tower), yeah, narcissism, hell yeah!  But those things are irrelevant and trivial. I agree with you that he is a bad ass kind of person. But he is OUR bad ass. He may be a bully too, very likely. But isn't it a wonderful thing to let a bully, rather than an apologizer who travels around the world apologizing for the American greatness, kowtowing to the Saudi King, to be the Commander in Chief of this country? If he bullies as POTUS, he bullies for America. 


He digs coal, drills shale, builds pipelines, which will make our energy cheaper and safer and the economy grow. Manufacturing will come back to America because of cheap energy. More car plants in southern states like Alabama will be built, more manufacturing jobs created. No more Solyndra and bureaucratic squandering. Perish the thought of a carbon tax. More competitiveness for American goods in the global market. We can beat China if we fully release our energy potential, with the aide of punishments for currency manipulation on China. Deregulations will help small and family owned businesses, who are actually the major job creators in this country, expand and hire more. No more black drug dealer First Sons, no more Muslim clock bomb maker First Sons either. Political correctness will be history. No more stirring up of racial tensions. No more untruthful blames on our cops who work so hard against all odds and perils to maintain law and order. Dr. Ben Carson will aide him in curing the African American community, in a Dr. Ben Carson approach that Dr. Ben Carson has visioned and worked out. Isn't that beautiful? More charter schools, more parents' choices, more mobility for those unprivileged yet talented. Broken education system repaired.


Rudy Giuliani will be the Secretary of Homeland Security. More screening and monitoring on Muslims. Mosques that foster Islamic extremism will be raided and dismissed. No more pressure cooker bombs that kill and cripple American marathon runners. No more mass shootings out of homophobia(Orlando) and Anti-Semitism(San Bernardino). No more hypocrisy and more water boarding, let terrorists tremble and let ISIS feel the pain. America will be safe again and domestic terrorism free. The hated Obama care will be repealed, thus medical expenditures will go down, relieving tens of millions of middle class Americans of fines and extra costs. Isn't that marvelous? More tax cuts and simplified tax codes will also help the economy grow.


Newt Gingrich (1943- )

Newt Gingrich will be the Secretary of State. He is a historian and author who actually taught in universities. America will adjust its relations with its allies such as Great Britain, Germany and Japan. Britain will build more tridents to deter an ever increasingly aggressive Russia. Germany and Japan will be required to pay their fair share for Pax Americana, which is good, or they'd be kicked out from under our umbrella, which is even better, because their free ridership proves to be both our excessive burden and their unnecessary chain. When militarily normalized, Germany and Japan will stabilize Eastern Europe and Asian Pacific for their own sake. And I believe they are more than able and more than eager to do so. Thus China and Russia will be contained without a single U.S. dollar spent. Isn't that brilliant? 


So what are you so scared of from a Trump presidency? Bad jokes on the White House Correspondents' dinner? Or a gilded Oval Office?


By the way, I like Ivanka Trump very much. She is elegant, beautiful, articulate, energetic and passionate. 


Chelsea Clinton is plainly unattractive. 


He who makes a good father makes a good president, I believe.


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