确保全体学生的安全与健康是谢菲尔德大学的首要任务,我们在此谴责任何形式的骚扰和人身攻击。 The safety and wellbeing of our students at the University of Sheffield is always our top priority and we condemn harassment and abuse of any kind. 我们对于最近在谢菲尔德发生的一起事故感到异常难过,学校的安全部门将与我们驻校的警察一起对此事故进行调查。 We were saddened to learn about this isolated incident and the University's Security Services will be looking into it, along with our University-based Police officers. 同时,我们鼓励学生与学校及时反映相关问题,从而保证学校可以为你提供相应的支持与帮助。 In the meantime, we encourage our students to let us know if they have any concerns so that we can ensure they are aware of the support available to them. 大家可以拨打University Control Room的电话01142224085向学校上报你的问题,或拨打紧急求助电话01142224444(两个号码均一周七天24小时在线)。 Students can report incidents to the University Control Room on 01142224085, or in an emergency on 01142224444. These numbers are available anytime 24/7. 任何学生如果感觉到自己的人身安全受到威胁,也可以向学校提出匿名或正式举报,我们会在72小时内解决。举报网址为:https://reportandsupport.sheffield.ac.uk/ Any students who feel they have been the target of harassment or bullying can also use the University's Report and Support system to make a confidential disclosure or a formal report. This will be addressed within 72 hours. 我们知道有许多同学因疫情爆发对他们远在中国的朋友与家人感到担忧。如果你需要这方面的支持和帮助,请联系我们的学生服务中心,联系方式为: 邮件:support@sheffield.ac.uk电话:01142224321 We understand that some students may be worried about friends and family members in China. For more general support, students should contact Central Welfare and Guidance on 01142224321 or support@sheffield.ac.uk. 学校将继续与学生和职工保持直接联系,并为大家提供最新的健康与安全指南:https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/students/news/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-1.879436 我们也再一次强调在这个时期支持我们的朋友和学生的重要性。 We are continuing to communicate directly with our staff and students and urge them to follow the latest health and safety advice and guidance which they can find on our web pages here. We will also be stressing the importance of continuing to support friends and fellow students during this time. 谢菲尔德大学 University of Sheffield