
Some Sensitive words banned by Chinese state media

2017-08-05 ICHINESE awccijob

Grass Mud Horse (草泥马 cǎonímǎ). A pun on a rude word which you can learn about below.

In July, a WeChat post (in Chinese) appeared on the Media Tea Party [传媒茶话会 cháhuàhuì]  social media account titled: Media people must read: Banned and sensitive words in Xinhua News Agency reports [latest edition]

The updated rules include a rather comprehensive glossary of vulgar language and rude online slang, some of recent popularity, some dating back to a “hoax dictionary of legendary beasts” originally published in 2009.

Below is some banned words by state Media in politics and society. (the original Chinese text is here).

For the physically disabled

For the physically disabled, never use offensive terms such as:

one-eyed person [独眼龙 dúyǎnlóng],

the blind [瞎子 xiāzǐ],

the deaf [聋子 lóngzǐ],

idiot [傻子 shǎzǐ],

retarded [弱智 ruòzhì].

Instead, use

the sight-impaired [盲人 mángrén],

the hearing impaired [聋人 lóngrén],

the mentally disabled [智力障碍者 zhìlìzhàngàizhě], etc.

When reporting on facts

1. When reporting on facts, especially products, avoid using phrases that sound definitive and extreme, such as:                                                           the best [最佳 zuìjiā], the most famous [最著名 zuìzhùmíng], or the most advanced [最先进 zuìxiānjìn].

2. When reporting on medical products, do not use phrases such as                  best effect [疗效最佳 liáoxiàozuìjiā], radical cure [根治 gēnzhì], safe precaution [安全预防 ānquányùfáng], safe and no side effects [安全无副作用 ānquánwúfùzuòyòng], and cure rate [治愈率 zhìyùlǜ].

Press releases

In press releases, never use phrases such as                                              movie king [影帝 yǐngdì], movie queen [影后 yǐnghòu], superstar [巨星 jùxīng], king of [天王 tiānwáng], dream guy [男神 nánshén], and dream girl [女神 nǚshén]. Acceptable phrases are famous actor [著名演员 zhùmíngyǎnyuán], famous artist [著名艺术家 zhùmíngyìshùjiā], etc.

Dirty words

Dirty words such as wa sāi 哇噻 [roughly equivalent to “Oh, my God!”] and mā de 妈的 [“Damn!”] are banned from news reporting. Also do not use abbreviations that are common online, such as PK [from the online gaming term “player kill,” in other words, to thoroughly beat a competitor], TMD [abbreviation of 他妈的 tā mā de, an abbreviated, slightly cleaner form of “f**k your mother”], although new media are allowed to use PK. In recent years, online fans of celebrities use nicknames that do not follow Chinese language rules, such as corn [玉米 yù mǐ, for fans of singer Li Yuchun 李宇春], steel threads [纲丝 gāng sī, for fans of cross-talking comedian Guo Degang 郭德纲], and cold jelly noodles [凉粉 liáng fěn, for fans of 张靓颖 Zhāng Jìngyǐng]. If you cannot avoid such words because of the need for a reference in a report, use quotation marks.

News media and websites

News media and websites are strictly banned from using 38 vulgar phrases:

    • 装逼 zhuāng bī being pretentious. 装 means pretend, 逼 in Chinese slang usually refers to vagina. In this context, 逼 means class or ability. 装逼 can be translated to “pretending to have class.”

    • 草泥马 cǎonímǎ — f**k your mother. A pun on 操你妈 cāo nǐ mā; for the origin of this phrase and its connection to llamas and alpacas, see this article on “Hoax dictionary entries about legendary obscene beasts.”

    • 特么的 tè me de — an abbreviated, slightly cleaner form of “f**k your mother.” An internet variation on 他妈的 tā mā de.

    • 撕逼 sī bī — originally “catfight,” but the usage of the phrase has extended to any disputes with two parties involved; literally means “torn vagina.”

    • 玛拉戈壁 mǎ lā gēbì — “mother’s vagina.” A pun on 妈了个逼 mā le gè bī.

    • 爆菊 bào jú — slang for anal sex.

    • JB — “penis.” Slang form of 鸡巴 jībā.

    • 呆逼 dāi bī — “idiot”; literally means “retarded vagina.”

    • 本屌 běn diǎo — a self-deprecating word used by men who describe themselves as losers, often in a sarcastic way. The word literally means “this penis” and is a derivation of 屌丝 diǎosī or “loser” that literally means penis thread.

    • 齐B短裙 qí B duǎn qún — an ultra-short miniskirt, literally a “level-with-vagina miniskirt” [see “Gandie” on this page for origin].

    • 法克鱿 fǎ kè yóu — a Chinese rendering of “f**k you” — see hoax dictionary entries about legendary obscene beasts for origin.

    • 丢你老母 diū nǐ lǎomǔ — Cantonese for “f**k your mother.”

    • 达菲鸡 dá fēi jī — “masturbate,” a pun on 打飞机 dǎ fēijī. See hoax dictionary entries about legendary obscene beasts for origin.

    • 装13 zhuāng shísān — Shanghainese slang for 装逼 or “being pretentious.”

    • 逼格 bī gé — “the ability to be pretentious.”

    • 蛋疼 dàn téng — “ball ache”; literally “egg pain,” used to describe a feeling of frustration.

    • 傻逼 shǎ bī — “idiot”; literally “stupid vagina.”

    • 绿茶婊 lǜchá biǎo — “green tea bitch,” used to describe a girl who seems innocent and charming but is actually calculating and manipulative.

    • 你妈的 Nǐ mā de — “your mother.”

    • 表砸 Biǎo zá — “bitch,” a pun on 婊子 biǎo zi.

    • 屌爆了diǎo bàole — “exploded penis,” similar to the American slang “dope.”

    • 买了个婊 mǎile gè biǎo — “damn”; literally “bought a bitch,” a near pun on “mother’s vagina.”

    • 已撸 yǐ lū — “have masturbated”; literally “already rubbed,” now often used to mean a satisfying activity like shopping or watching a movie that has been completed.

    • 吉跋猫 jíbá māo — “pubic hair,” a pun on 鸡巴毛 jībā máo. See hoax dictionary entries about legendary obscene beasts for origin.

    • 妈蛋 mā dàn — “damn”; literally means “mother’s balls.”

    • 逗比 dòu bǐ — a neutral word to describe someone who is funny and a bit silly.

    • 我靠 wǒ kào — “damn,” a euphemism for “f**k” 我操 wǒ cāo.

    • 碧莲 bì lián — literally “green lotus,” usually used in the phrase 要碧莲 yào bì lián to describe someone who has no shame.

    • 碧池 bì chí — a Chinese rendering of “bitch,” literally “green pool.”

    • 然并卵 rán bìng luǎn — a feeling of resignation or disappointment, derived from 然而并没有什么卵用 rán’ér bìng méiyǒu shénme luǎn yòng, which literally means “however, there are no ovaries to use.”

    • 日了狗 rìle gǒu — f**k the dog, equivalent of “damn.”

    • 屁民 pì mín — “shitizen”; in other words, ordinary people who are powerless.

    • 吃翔 chī xiáng — “eat s**t.”

    • XX狗 XX gǒu — “XX dog”; any insult formed by attaching the word dog to any phrase.

    • 淫家 yín jiā — “winner”; literally a lewd person, a pun on 赢家 yíngjiā or “winner.”

    • 你妹 nǐ mèi — “your sister” is a slightly more polite version of “your mother” [你妈的 nǐ mā de].

    • 浮尸国 fúshī guó — literally “country of floating corpses,” a derogatory term for “India” referring to dead bodies found floating in the Ganges River.

    • 滚粗 gǔn cū — roughly “get the f**k out of here.”



By The editors: Jeremy Goldkorn, Lucas Niewenhuis, Jia Guo, Jiayun Feng, and Sky Canaves.

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