In February of this year, the global-health community experienced a huge loss when Dr. Paul Farmer died. As I wrote at the time, Paul was a hero of mine, and I felt lucky to consider him a friend too. Few people have done more to serve the cause of global health equity, which is one of the reasons I’m donating my proceeds from my new book to his organization Partners in Health.今年2月,保罗·法默医生与世长辞,这是全球健康界的一个巨大损失。正如我当时所写的那样,保罗是我心目中的英雄,我也很幸运能与他为友。就全球健康公平事业而言,几乎没有人能比得上他所做出的贡献,这也正是促使我将新书收益捐赠给由他创立的“健康伙伴”的一个原因。
Shortly after his death, I came across a series of audio interviews with Paul. I loved hearing him talk about why his work was so important to him. It was the next best thing to hanging out with him one last time.保罗去世后不久,我听了一些关于他的采访。我喜欢听他谈论为什么工作对他来说如此重要。这是除了最后一次和他一起出行之外,我认为最棒的事情。
The interviews were so moving that I wanted to make a video featuring Paul in his own words, along with some photographs that show his incredible connection to Haiti, the country where he worked the most. In these recordings, you can hear Paul speaking with the quiet moral certainty that continues to inspire me and many other people around the world. I hope the spirit of his work lives on for generations.这些采访让我深受感动,不禁想要制作一个通过保罗自己的话来纪念他的视频,并配上一些照片,展示他与海地之间不可思议的联系(他在这个国家投入了最大的心力)。从这些采访录音中,你可以听到保罗沉静又坚定的声音。这种信念会继续激励我和来自世界各地的人们。我希望他的工作精神世代相传。