
我希望所有人都能知道的精彩故事 | 盖茨笔记

Bill Gates 比尔盖茨 2024-05-31



南非Enviro Loo公司的这些工人生产的一种新型厕所改变了公立学校的卫生状况,使学生上学更加方便。




我工作中最棒的部分就是能够与从事这类工作或从中受益的人建立联系。在肯尼亚的马库埃尼(Makueni)郡,我遇到了一位名叫约瑟芬·基蒙伊(Josephine Kimonyi)的农民,她从她的邻居、也是农民同行那里了解到了一种新的奶牛(在基金会的资助下培育的),这种奶牛能够产出更多的牛奶。她的邻居饲养这种新型改良奶牛已经有一段时间了,就劝约瑟芬也试一试。




约瑟芬·基蒙伊(Josephine Kimonyi)和她的奶牛Mukuni。Mukuni每天产奶16升,几乎是约瑟芬以前的奶牛产奶量的两倍。



Have you ever heard a story that was so cool you couldn’t help telling everyone you met about it? Something you knew and wished that everyone else did too?

That’s how I feel about the people whose work I get to learn about through the Gates Foundation. Every day, around the world, they save lives and help people lift themselves out of poverty. Some are scientists. Others are educators, nurses, midwives, or advocates. Their work is so inspiring to me that I’ve committed virtually all of my wealth to supporting it.

I love sharing their stories. At a time when so much is going wrong with the world—wars, inequality, climate change—it’s important to remember what is going right. And that when we make progress in one area, there are almost always beneficial ripple effects.

Here's the story of how work on just one thing—cows—can ultimately touch millions of people’s lives.

The best part of my job is getting to connect with people who are either doing work like this or benefiting from it. In Makueni County, Kenya, I met a farmer named Josephine Kimonyi, who learned from her neighbor and fellow farmer about a new variety of cow (developed with funding from the foundation) that produces more milk. Her neighbor had been raising the new-and-improved cow for some time, and she’d urged Josephine to try it out.

Josephine told me that, thanks to the new breed, she now gets twice as much milk as she used to. She was filled with pride as she described the joy of being self-employed, earning enough income to send her kids to school, and even using some extra milk to help out her neighbors.

If you want to hear more about Josephine’s story and the magic of improved livestock, watch this video.

When I see how much passion people like Josephine have for helping themselves and their neighbors, I’m inspired to help too. 


