You know how many people here want to be a millionaire? Do you know how rare that is? Have you run the math? You have this enormous audacity yet you’re not putting in the work to get you there, because you think somehow you’ve been tricked by yourself or somebody else, but there’s some system, that there’s some fucking shortcut. There no fucking shortcut. You’ve got to put in the work lots of it. And that comes at the expense of golfing all the time, and that comes at the expense of going to every good damn event, and definitely comes at the expense of watching one more motivational video and three more books.
①millionaire[ˌmɪljəˈner] n.百万富翁;大富豪
million 百万 + aire 名词后缀 → 百万富翁
million [ˈmɪljən] num. 一百万;大量
来源于拉丁语名词 mille(一千)的复数millia.
milli 千,千分之一 + on 名词后缀 → 一千的一千倍 → 一百万
其同源词有:mile, millennium,
She's a millionaire several times over.
②enormous [ɪˈnɔːrməs] adj.巨大的;庞大的;极大的
e 出 + norm 规则,准则 + ous 形容词后缀 → 超出规则的 → 巨大的
enormous egos 强烈的自尊心
enormous pressure 巨大的压力
enormous potential 巨大的潜力
The problems facing the President are enormous.
③audacity [ɔːˈdæsəti] n.鲁莽;大胆无礼
aud 增加 + acity 名词后缀 → 胆量不断增加 → 大胆
aug,aud, auct(aux) = to increase(增加)
同源词:audacious,augment(增加、增大),august adj.威严的,令人敬畏的(一直增加到伟大的程度)
He had the audacity to say I was too fat.
You have to do, doing is the game. The world is shifting faster than it ever has before, but the way to win is as old as time. Do the right thing and put in the fucking work. It isn’t hack or a one change that you meed to make. There is no other way around this, you have to do the work. There is no choice, there is only one road to be a damn winner. There ain’t no shortcuts, there’s one way you freaking do it, it’s sweat, it’s blood, it’s tears. There’s no discount, there are no shortcut to success. Stop thinking they are, and stop wanting people to put you somewhere that you didn’t earn. Nobody gave me this, I earned it.Everybody says how did you crack the code? I grinded my way through the code, that’s how I cracked it. It’s hard work and dedication every single day.
④shifting [ˈʃɪftɪŋ] adj.不断移动的;流动的 v.转移;挪动;赶快;快速移动;变换;更替;变动,shift的现在分词
shift [ʃɪft] v.转移;挪动;赶快;快速移动;变换;更替;变动 n.改变;转移;转换;变换;班;轮班;轮班工作时间;轮班职工
V. (移动) Could you help me shift some furniture?
车辆 in vehicle (NAmE) 换(挡)
to shift into second gear
N. 班,轮班 to work an eight-hour shift
There are costs affixed to my dedication. Having a six pack of abs requires putting in time for sit ups. And the cost of having abs means they will bot be widespread adoption. Because most people don’t want to put in the time, it requires for you to look like that. They envy your results, but they’re not jealous of your process. You’re not willing to put in the work, that it takes for me able to occupy this level of excellence. I refused to bring myself down to dodgems of average. Why? Cause I work too hard. You ain’t gonna wreck in one moment what it look me time to build. Stop looking for a shortcut and go find you discipline and you drive and you will, then, you will find your freedom.
⑤crack kræk] v.破裂;裂开;断裂;砸开;破开;砸碎;打碎;重击;猛击 n.裂纹;裂缝;缝隙;狭缝;窄缝;(突然的)爆裂声,噼啪声 adj.训练有素的;技艺高超的;优秀的;一流的
a hard nut to crack 棘手的事;难以解决(或理解)的问题
Many students said the reading comprehension in the examination was a hard nut to crack.
⑥dodgem[ˈdɑːdʒəm] n. 开碰碰车;碰碰车
dodge 躲开 + e 名词后缀 → 碰碰车
来自dodge [dɑːdʒ] (谐音:躲之) v.闪开;躲开;避开;(尤指不诚实地)逃避 n.推脱的计策;逃避的诡计;骗人的伎俩
"I refused to bring myself down to dodgems of average." 翻译成:“我并不想把我自己拉低到平均水平。”那么,dodgems在这句话中是什么意思呢?欢迎大家留言讨论。