为了遇见真实的自己,他堵上了自己的余生。当你想做某件事时,世界也许会告诉你,你还未准备好。其实无需等待时机成熟,天衣无缝的时机永远不会到来,等待不过是我们不去改变借口罢了。有些人考虑的太多,是因为他们害怕行动。如果这事非做不可,不用特地告诉世界你准备好了,展示你的决心去做就是了。演讲中他不提曾经的耀眼光环,而是告诉观众光环背后辛酸故事和艰难抉择,让每一个人都为之鼓舞、深受启发。Because the world might say you're not allowed to yetPlease don't even bother askingDon't bother telling the world you are readyJust try not to wait,until like me,you are 29 before you find itand if you are ,that's fine toosome of us will never find itRaise the rest of your life to meet youdon't search for the defining momentsbecause they will never comeDon't wait until they tell you,you are readyI wait l long time out in the worldbefore I gave mysel permission to fail TED演讲:改变心态,实现一切