“下次去中国,我计划来趟火车旅行,那很棒。”Next time I plan to travel only with trains, because it's something amazing.
“如果我能来中国工作就好了。”If I could work there for a while ... that would be ideal.
“未来,我可能会在中国生活,在这做生意。”In the future, I will probably live in China for business.
“我在中国找到了梦想,我会留在这里。”I found my dream in China. I want to stay here.
"I’ve looked. It’s kind of hard because my hanyu is buhao. But I do look to see if I could find a job because I’d like to be there for a couple of years." “我研究过,这可能有点难,因为我的汉语不好,但是我还是想在中国找个工作,待上几年。”
"We have high-speed trains coming to Dali right now. That is amazing. It goes through the mountains, it goes through the middle of nowhere." “现在大理已经开通了高铁,高铁可不得了,它穿过高山,穿过渺无人烟的地区。”
"In rural China right now, there are so many opportunities. Our whole area around here in Dali is covered with green energy developments." “现在中国农村地区有很多机会。大理这边到处都是绿色能源项目。”
"I think if you guys can continue what you're doing, we have lots of good opportunities for the future. Expand your infrastructure, so people can be more connected. I wish we had high-speed trains everywhere. That would be nice." “如果中国能继续保持现在的步伐,中国的未来将充满机遇。继续你们的基础设施建设,拉近人们的距离。要是美国也能到处通高铁就好了!”
"I think China will soon become the world's leading economic power." “我觉得中国将很快成为引领世界的经济强国。”