You might think it's still an endangered species.你可能回想现在这个动物还是濒危物种。
But the good news is, populations are on the rise, due to enormous efforts by Chinese conservation programs, using new breeding technology.但其实熊猫的数量在稳步增加这是由于中国熊猫保育项目做了大量努力采用了新的培育技术。
By actively guiding adult pandas to mate, more and more panda babies are being born.积极引导成年熊猫交配越来越多熊猫宝宝成功降生。
But today, there is an even bigger challenge.如今更大的挑战来了。
Some of the panda cubs from these breeding programs are being reintroduced to the wild, their native home.有些熊猫幼崽将进行野化放归回到它们的故乡家园。
The first thing they have to learn, is how to climb trees.它们首要学习的技能就是爬树。
A panda cub is having a lesson in the forest.一只熊猫幼崽正在森林里接受这项培训。
He is already one and a half years old.它已经一岁半了。
That's his mother next to him a wild giant panda.在它旁边的是熊猫妈妈一只野生的大熊猫。
Mother and son are taken to a safe wild habitat and are set free to make their own way.母子俩被置于一片安全的野外环境里自由相处。
The ability of young cubs to survive in the wild is mainly taught by their mothers.幼崽在野外生存的本领主要由妈妈来传授。
The most important skill is to climb trees.其中最重要的本领当属爬树。
Because in this forest, they may encounter enimies, such as other bears.因为在这片森林中保不准会遇上其他猛兽比如其他熊。
The little panda seems to have no interest in practicing this new skill.幼崽似乎对练习爬树毫无兴趣。
She won't allow her son to be distracted.她不允许儿子开小差。
This is about life and death.这可是关于生死的技能。
Finally our little panda climbs up to the top of a tree.幼崽终于爬到了树顶。
See how sharp his claws are, and the strength in his limbs.它的爪子锋利四肢力量强大。
The most important thing he has acquired is great courage, a natural instinct he inherits from his wild panda mother.最重要的是它获得了巨大的勇气这是它的野生熊猫妈妈传给它的本能。
Now it's time to rest, after a tiring day.现在可以休息一下了。
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Journey to the West(西游记)全108集
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