

Love English 2 2022-12-23



Amazing China《美丽中国》
《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
In the evening of September 18, 1931, the Japanese invasion army--Kantogun (Kwantung Army) voluntarily blew up a section of the South Manchuria Railway which was near Liutiao Lake on the suburb of Shenyang, but they accused Chinese troops of destroying the railway. On this pretext, they attacked Beidaying and Shenyang City where the Chinese troops were stationed. Soon afterwards, they occupied more than 20 cities and vast surrounding areas within only several days. That was the “September 18 Incident” that shocked China and the whole world at that time.
In the evening of September 18, 1931, the Japanese troops mounted a large-scale offensive against Shenyang on the pretext of the “Liutiao Lake Incident”. At that time, the Kuomintang Government was concentrating troops on the anti-communist and anti-people civil war, adopted a policy of quislism towards the Japanese invaders, order troops stationed in Northeast China “not to resist absolutely” and withdraw to the inside of the Shanhai Pass. The Japanese invaders took advantage of this weak point, occupied Shenyang on September 9 and then divided troops to respectively occupy Jilin and Heilongjiang. By January 1932, the three provinces in Northeast China all fell into the enemy hands. In March 1932, under the aegis of the Japanese Imperialism, the puppet regime—the puppet “State of Manchukuo” was founded in Changchun. From then on, The Japanese Imperialists had changed Northeast China into Japan's exclusive colony, fully strengthening political oppressions, economic plunders and cultural enslavements. Our 30 million compatriots in Northeast China were plunged into an abyss of misery and suffering.
The “September 18 Incident” aroused people's angry tide of resistance against Japan all over China. People all over the country successively demanded resistances against Japan and opposed the Kuomintang Government's non-resistance policy. The people in Northeast China were roused to resist and launched anti-Japanese guerilla warfare. Various armed anti-Japanese forces including the Northeast Volunteers appeared. In February 1936, all anti-Japanese troops were uniformly reorganized as the Anti-Japanese Amalgamated Army of the Northeast. After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in 1937, the Amalgamated Army united vast majority of masses to further lunch protracted comprehensive armed anti-Japanese struggles, effectively coordinating the nationwide War of Resistance against Japan led by the Communist Party of China, and finally gained the victory over Japan.
The launch of the “September 18 Incident” was a long-premeditated important invasion step taken by the Japanese Imperialists for annexing China and dominating Asia and the Pacific Region. Early in the summer of 1927, the Japanese Cabinet held the “Oriental Meeting” and mapped out the “Political Platform towards China” in Tokyo, proclaiming that the Northeast China “has great interests in terms of (Japan's) national defence and people's existence”. In July of the same year, the cabinet prime minister Tanaka Giichi submitted the“Tanaka Memorial”to the Mikado, publicly proclaimed: “In order to conquer China, we must first conquer Manchuria and Inner Mongolia, and in order to conquer the world, we must first conquer China”, thereby decided the presumptuous strategy of establishing invasion bases in “Manchuria and Mongolia”. In 1931, the Japanese Army Headquarters secretly formulated the principles, steps and measures for invading Northeast China. After careful preparation for the invasion war, the Japanese Imperialists blatantly launched the “September 18 Incident”, it was a prelude to all-around armed invasions to China, then Asia and the Pacific Region.

1. aegis [ˈiːdʒɪs]  n.庇护,保护;主办,赞助,领导
相关知识:“宙斯盾”(Aegis)是美国海军现役最重要的整合式水面舰艇作战系统,全名为“空中预警与地面整合系统”(Advanced Electronic Guidance Information System/Airborne Early-warning Ground Integrated System),英文缩写刚好是希腊神话中宙斯之盾(AEGIS),所以也译为“宙斯盾”系统。
She went to Sheffield University as a lecturer, under the aegis of Boris Ford.
2. Imperialism [ɪmˈpɪriəlɪzəm] 帝国主义;帝制;梦幻帝国;扩张主义
imperial + ism 名词后缀,表……主义
imperial [ɪmˈpɪriəl] adj.帝国的;皇帝的;(度量衡)英制的  n.纸张尺寸;通常是23×23英寸;特大号;特级品;一小绺胡须;马车的车顶
imper 命令,统治 + i + al 具有…的 → 帝国的
Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism.
3. puppet regime [ˈpʌpɪt reɪˈʒiːm]  傀儡政权
puppet [ˈpʌpɪt]  n.木偶;傀儡
a puppet show
regime [reɪˈʒiːm] n.(尤指未通过公正选举的)统治方式,统治制度,政权,政体;组织方法;管理体制
reg统治 + im + e 名词后缀 → 统治制度
a fascist/totalitarian/military, etc. regime
4. guerilla warfare [gəˈrɪlə ˈwɔːrfer]  游击战
guerilla [gəˈrɪlə] n.游击队员
warfare [ˈwɔːrfer]  n.战;作战;战争;(群体、公司等之间的)斗争,竞争,冲突
war + fare 旅程,进行 → 战争
5. blatantly [ˈbleɪtəntli]  adv.(强调糟糕)非常,极为,完全
a blatant attempt to buy votes
6. prelude [ˈpreljuːd]  n.序曲;前奏曲;序幕;前奏;先声  v.为…作序;开头;成为…的序曲;演奏序曲;唱开场戏
pre 前 + lud 玩;戏剧 + e → 先演奏 → 序曲
Most unions see privatisation as an inevitable prelude to job losses...



“Love English 2”一周年了!
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