
《新概念英语》第三册Lesson 48 The silent village

Love English 2 2022-12-23



Amazing China《美丽中国》
《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

Lesson 48 The silent village

Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
Why was the village silent?

In this much-travelled world, there are still thousands of places which are inaccessible to tourists. We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable. But people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists, but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travellers. Visits to really remote villages are seldom enjoyable -- as my wife and I discovered during a tour through the Balkans.

We had spent several days in a small town and visited a number of old churches in the vicinity. These attracted many visitors, for they were not only of great architectural interest, but contained a large number of beautifully preserved frescoes as well. On the day before our departure, several bus loads of tourists descended on the town. This was more than we could bear, so we decided to spend our last day exploring the countryside. Taking a path which led out of the town, we crossed a few fields until we came to a dense wood. We expected the path to end abruptly, but we found that it traced its way through the trees. We tramped through the wood for over two hours until we arrived at a deep stream. We could see that the path continued on the other side, but we had no idea how we could get across the stream. Suddenly my wife spotted a boat moored to the bank. In it there was a boatman fast asleep. We gently woke him up and asked him to ferry us to the other side. Though he was reluctant to do so at first, we eventually persuaded him to take us.

The path led to a tiny village perched on the steep sides of a mountain. The place consisted of a straggling unmade road which was lined on either side by small houses. Even under a clear blue sky, the village looked forbidding, as all the houses were built of grey mud bricks. The village seemed deserted, the only sign of life being an ugly-looking black goat on a short length of rope tied to a tree in a field nearby. Sitting down on a dilapidated wooden fence near the field, we opened a couple of tins of sardines and had a picnic lunch. All at once, I noticed that my wife seemed to be filled with alarm. Looking up I saw that we were surrounded by children in rags who were looking at us silently as we ate. We offered them food and spoke to them kindly, but they remained motionless. I concluded that they were simply shy of strangers. When we later walked down the main street of the villager, we were followed by a silent procession of children. The village which had seemed deserted, immediately came to life. Faces appeared at windows. Men in shirt sleeves stood outside their houses and glared at us. Old women in black shawls peered at us from doorways. The most frightening thing of all was that not a sound could be heard. There was no doubt that we were unwelcome visitors. We needed no further warning. Turning back down the main street, we quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream where we hoped the boatman was waiting.

New words and expressions


inaccessible [ˌɪnækˈsesəbl]  adj. 难接近的,达不到的
in 不,无,非 + accessible 可到达的 → 不可及的
accessible [əkˈsesəbl]  adj.可到达的;可接近的;可进入的;可使用的;可见到的;容易理解的;易懂的;易接近的;易相处的;易打交道的
access 接触,接近 + ible 形容词后缀 → 能接触到的,可接近的
They live in a remote area, inaccessible except by car.
hospitable  [ˈhɑːspɪtəbl]  adj. 好客的
hospit 客人 + able 形容词后缀 → 好客的
The local people are very hospitable to strangers.
hostile [ˈhɑːstl]  adj. 不友好的,有敌意的
host 主人 + ile 形容词后缀 → 敌意的
The speaker got a hostile reception from the audience.
vicinity [vəˈsɪnəti] n.   周围,近邻
There is no hospital in the immediate vicinity .
architectural  [ˌɑːrkɪˈtektʃərəl]  adj. 建筑的
architecture + al
architecture [ˈɑːrkɪtektʃər] n.建筑学;体系结构;建筑设计;建筑风格;(总体、层次)结构
architect 建筑师 + ure 名词后缀 → 建筑学;建筑
architect [ˈɑːrkɪtekt]  n.建筑师;设计师;缔造者;创造者
arch弓 + i + tect 遮蔽 → 弓形遮蔽物的制造者 → 建筑师
The palace is a complete hotch-potch of architectural styles. 

fresco  [ˈfreskoʊ]  n.   壁画


fresc〔= fresh新鲜的〕+ o 物 → 指画在墙上的画鲜艳 → 壁画

There are also several well-preserved Byzantine frescoes. 
abruptly [əˈbrʌptli] adv. 突然地,意外地
abrupt [əˈbrʌpt]  adj.突然的;意外的;(言语、行为)粗鲁的,莽撞的,唐突的;生硬的
ab 离去 + rupt 破,断裂 → 断开 → 突然断开 → 突然的
The bus stopped abruptly, nearly tipping me out of my seat. 
tramp[træmp]  v.   徒步行进
We tramped across the wet grass to look at the statue.
moor [mʊr] v.   (用绳、链、锚)系(船)
We moored off the north coast of the island.
ferry  v.   (用渡船)运
fer 带来 + ry 场地,地点,工作处 → 把人从河一边带到另一边 → 渡口
the cross-channel ferry service
straggle [ˈstræɡl] v.   蔓延,散乱分布
The town straggled to an end and the fields began.
sardine [ˌsɑːrˈdiːn]  n.   沙丁鱼,沙丁鱼罐头
They opened a tin of sardines.
rag  [ræɡ]  n.   破烂衣服
procession  [prəˈseʃn]  adj. 不动的
process 过程;进行 + ion 名词后缀 → 向前走 → 队伍
a funeral procession
shawl  [ʃɔːl]  n.   披巾,围巾
peer  v.   凝视,盯着
quicken  v.   加快






“Love English 2”一周年了!

See China in 70 seconds全33集
Seasons of China(四季中国)全24集

《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集

Journey to the West(西游记)全108集




Lesson 40 Who's who

Lesson 41 Illusions of Pastoral peace

Lesson 42 Modern cavemen

Lesson 43 Fully insured

Lesson 44 Speed and comfort

Lesson 45 The power of the press

Lesson 46 Do it yourself

Lesson 47 Too high a price?

