
中国范儿 83 谷雨:百谷竞生长 春雨贵如油

Love English 2 2022-12-23



Amazing China《美丽中国》全集

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谷雨:百谷竞生长 春雨贵如油
Gu Yu: Crops Growing in the Nourishing Spring Rain

Gu Yu, or Grain Rain, is the sixth solar term in the 24 solar terms of China. It is also the last solar term in spring. Gu Yu signals the end of cold weather and a rapid rise in temperature, which is crucial for the growth of crops.

Gu Yu begins as the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 30 degrees around April 20 to April 21 every year. Ancient Chinese believed that the rain nourishes all grains. This is how Gu Yu got its name. Gu Yu is the best time in a year to sow the seeds and transplant seedlings. Gu means crops in Chinese. As a Chinese saying goes, it is wise to grow melons and beans around the time of Gu Yu. The newly-planted seedlings and crops are waiting eagerly for the coming of the nourishing spring rain. As a proverb goes, the spring rain is as precious as oil. Different regions have pretty different features of climate during Gu Yu in China. The north of the Qingling Mountain and the Huai River sees dwindling rainfall in the spring. So people there have to rely on irrigation to alleviate the effects of drought. In contrast, the lower reach of the Yangtze River and the Jiangnan Region are blessed with more rains and are prone to be hit by heavy rainfalls. In these regions, Gu Yu usually witnesses the coming of the first heavy rainfall, which is extremely important for the growth of crops.

In north China, people have the custom of eating vegetable toona sinensis during Gu Yu. China is the only country in the world that consumes and plants toona sinensis. Gu Yu is the best time in a year to try the fresh toona sinensis, which is fragrant, tasty and good for one’s immune system. In the south, people have the tradition of picking tea leaves on the day of Gu Yu. It is told that drinking Gu Yu Tea can help reduce inflammation and improve eyesight, among other benefits.

In the ancient era, groups of young ladies would go hiking and visit relatives on the day of Gu Yu, a practice called “Gu Yu Walking”. Ancient Chinese placed a premium on maintaining good health. For them, “Gu Yu Walking” was a good way to get in close touch with nature, enjoy some sunshine and strengthen the body. As a saying popular in Jiangnan Region goes, the best time to watch the peonies is the three days after Gu Yu. Since peonies will usually be in full bloom around the time of Gu Yu, peony is also called Gu Yu Flower in China. Thus, watching peonies become an important pastime for the people during this time of the year.

Gu Yu is a solar term in the Chinese 24 solar terms, which is based on astronomic, meteorological and climatic knowledge. As the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation, the Chinese solar terms provides the people a lens, through which they can observe and feel the world around them, have a touch of the beauty of the folk culture, and enjoy the most genuine and fantastic nature.



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