I am deeply interested in your graduate school in the Department of..., and plan to apply for admission. 我对于贵校研究生院的……系很感兴趣,想申请入学。"本句型是申请人学信件的开头,开门见山地表明了感兴趣的院系。其中的graduate school指的是“研究生院”。如果想申请在某一大学读本科的话,应当将graduate school替换为college或者university。句型拓展1. I am...,the Chinese applicant who desires to pursue my Ph.D. study in your honored program.
2. I shall appreciate any favorable action you might take in admitting me to your college.如果您能允许我到贵校就读,我将万分感激。长按识别二维码可关注该微信公众平台