
预习必备 | 人教版八年级英语上册Unit4微课/知识梳理/词汇句式精讲



Unit4 微课

01Unit4 单词

theater ['θɪətə] n.剧场;电影院;戏院

comfortable ['kʌmftəbl] adj.舒适的;充裕的 

seat [siːt] n.座位;

screen [skriːn] n.屏幕;银幕

close [kləʊs] v.关;合拢;不开放;停业

worst [wɜːst] adj.最坏的;最差的 

cheaply ['tʃiːpli] adv.廉价地;粗俗地 

song [sɒŋ] n.歌曲;歌唱


choose [tʃuːz] v.选择;决定

carefully ['keəfəli] adv.小心地,认真地 

reporter [rɪ'pɔːtə(r)] n.记者 

fresh [freʃ] adj.新鲜的;清新的

comfortably ['kʌmftəbli] adv.舒服地;容易地;充裕地

worse [wɜːs] adj.更坏的;更差的 

service ['sɜːvɪs] n.服务

pretty ['prɪti] adv.相当地adj.漂亮的

menu ['menjuː] n.菜单 

act [ækt] v.行动;表演 

meal [miːl] n.一餐;膳食 

so far到目前为止;迄今为止 

no problem没什么;不客气

creative [kri'eɪtɪv] adj.创造的,创造性的; 

performer [pə'fɔːmə(r)] n.表演者;执行者 

talent ['tælənt] n.天赋;才能,才艺;

have…in common有相同特征 

common ['kɒmən] adj.常见的;共同的;普通的

magician [mə'dʒɪʃn] n.魔术师;术士

all kinds of各种各样;各种类型

beautifully ['bjuːtɪfli] adv.美丽地;完美地;

be up to是…….的职责;由…….决定 

role [rəʊl] n.作用;角色 

play a role发挥作用;有影响 

winner ['wɪnə(r)] n.获胜者 

prize [praɪz] n.奖品;奖金

everybody ['evribɒdi] pron.每人;人人

make  up   编造  

example [ɪɡ'zɑːmpl] n.例子;榜样

for example例如 

poor [pɔː(r)] adj.可怜的;贫穷的 

seriously ['sɪəriəsli] 严重地,严肃地


give [ɡɪv] v.给;赠予;送 

crowded ['kraʊdɪd] adj.拥挤的 

Greg            格雷格

Depp           德普

Danny         丹尼

Eliza           伊莉莎

Vera            薇拉

Dennis        丹尼斯

American Idol 美国偶像

America’s Got Talent   美国达人秀

China’s Got Talent   中国达人秀

02Unit4 知识梳理

Unit4. What’s the best movie theater?


1. so far 到目前为止,迄今为止

2. no problem 没什么,别客气

3. have….in common 有相同特征(想法、兴趣等方面)相同

4. be up to 由…...决定/是…...的职责

5. all kinds of … 各种各样的……

6. play a role in doing sth./ sth. 发挥作用,有影响

7. make up 编造(故事、谎言等)

8. for example=e.g. 例如

9. take …..seriously 认真对待

10. not everybody 并不是每个人

11. close to 离..….近

12. more and more 越来越……


1. The DJs choose songs the most carefully.


2. How do you like it so far? = What do you think of it so far? = How do you feel about it so far?


3. Thanks for telling me.


4. Be up to you to do something


5. They play a role in deciding the winner.


6. He is much better than other actors at finding the most interesting roles.


7. I still don’t really know my way around.


8. How far is it from your home?


9. However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows.


10. Some think that the lives of the performers are made up.


11. However, if you don’t take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch.


12. And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true.



1. comfortable seats

(1) comfortable是形容词,意为“舒适的,安逸的”。其名词和动词形式为comfort,意为“使舒适,安慰”,其副词形式为comfortably意为“舒适地;安逸地”,反义词为uncomfortable“不舒适的,不安逸的”。变比较级和最高级时要分别在前面加more和most。例如:

    I don’t feel comfortable in the same room with her. 


    I feel more comfortable in this hotel. 


(2) seat作名词,意为“座位”,作动词时是及物动词,意为“坐下,使就座”。例如:

    Are there enough seats for everyone? 座位够吗?

    I seated myself at my desk. 我在书桌旁坐下。



    She sits alone in her room. 她独自坐在房间里。

    Our classroom can seat fifty students. 我们教室能坐50个学生。

2. close to

close to意为“靠近,接近”,相当于next to。例如:

    Jim’s house is close to his school. Jim的家离学校很近。

    I live close to the supermarket. 我住得离超市很近。


 (1) close可作动词,意为“关上,闭上”。其形容词形式为closed,意为“关着的”。例如:

    Please close the door, and keep the door closed. 


 (2) close还可作形容词,意为“亲密的”。例如:

    close friends 密友   a close game势均力敌的比赛

 3. choose

choose是动词,意为“选择,挑选”。后面可直接接宾语也可以跟to do不定式或者介宾结构。例如:

    They knew that discrimination was going on, but chose to ignore it.


    There is very little to choose between the world's top tennis players.


    They will be able to choose their own leaders in democratic elections.


 4. look for

look for意为“寻找”,是有目的地找,强调找的动作。例如:

    Jim is looking for his little dog. Jim正在找他的狗。


find out意为“查明白、弄清楚”,多用于经过调查、分析、研究等手段查出的情况,查出的东西往往是抽象的,如时间、事实、真相等。例如:

    Please find out when the meeting starts. 



    I found the book I was looking for. 



    China has discovered oil under the South China Sea. 



    Cai Lun invented the paper. 蔡伦发明了纸。

5. act


    He acted as if he hadn’t heard any of it.


    He acted as the ship’s surgeon(外科医生) in the ship.


6. play a role in

play a role in…意为“在……中起作用”或“在……中扮演角色”。in为介词,后面可接名词,代词或V-ing形式。其中play a role 是固定的,也可说成play a part,后面如果接一个范围那就加介词in。例如:

    We can play an important role in your overseas trade. 


    He plays an important part in protecting the animals.


7. make up


    I'm not making it up. The character exists in real life.


    Insects are made up of tens of thousands of proteins.


    They'll have to make up time lost during the strike.


    She spent too much time making herself up.


8. or

(1) or作为并列连词,用于否定句中,意为“和”。例如:

    I don’t like apples or pears. 我不喜欢苹果和梨。

    There is no water or air on the moon. 月球上没有水和空气。

(2) or作为连词,可以用于选择疑问句,连接两个并列成分。并列成分如果是三个或三个以上时,则前面用逗号隔开,or连接最后两个。此时or意为“或者,还是”。例如:

    Is the shirt yours or hers? 这件衬衣是你的还是她的?

    Is your mother a teacher, a doctor or a worker? 


(3) or除作“和,或者”讲,还有“否则,要不然”的意思。例如:

    Hurry up! Or you will be late. 


    Study hard, or you won’t pass the exam. 



1. Thanks for…       

thanks for…意为“为……而感谢”。thanks作名词,for为介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词形式作宾语。例如:

    Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。

【拓展】thanks for与thanks to的辨析:

thanks for意为“因……而感谢”,for后接感谢的原因;thanks to意为“幸亏……;多亏……;由于……”,to后接某人或某物,不表达感谢的含义,而是表达原因,有时可以与because of或with the help of互换。例如:

    Thanks to John’s kind help, we finished early. 


    Thanks for sending me such a nice present. 


2. What do you think of..?

(1) think of意为“考虑;就……思考”。提问对某人或某事的看法应该用疑问词what。此时think of可与think about互换。例如:

    Are you thinking about/of the question? 


(2) What do/did sb. think about/ of…? 这是询问某人对某事(人)的看法常用的句型,意为“……认为……怎么样?”,答语往往是对某物(人)的评价。例如:

    — What do you think about / of the book written by him?


    — It is very good. 很好。

(3) What do you think of…?可以和How do you like…?互换。例如:

    What do you think of the film? = How do you like the film? 


3. Talent shows are getting more and more popular.

getting more and more popular意为“越来越流行”。此固定结构“比较级+ and+比较级”或“more and more + 原级(多音节词和部分双音节词)”意为“越来越……”。例如:

    Our city is more and more beautiful. 


    More and more countries begin to save the financial crisis.


4. That’s up to you to decide.

(1)be up to意为“取决于”。例如:

    How Greece fared would be up to the Greeks.


    Whether go or not will be up to you.


(2)be up to意为“上升到”。例如:

    If you applied the same measures to legacy fighters,the cost would be up to$ 3 trillion.

 5.   It has the worst service.

the worst service意为“最差的服务”。形容词最高级前一般要加冠词the,意为“最……”。例如:

    This is the most beautiful flower. 这是最漂亮的花。

    He is the tallest in the class.他在他们班最高。



    I think the computer is the first most useful tool of all.



    Wu Fen is my best friend. 吴芬是我最要好的朋友。


    She is a most beautiful girl. 她是一个非常美丽的女孩。

—— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——



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