
预习必备 | 人教版八年级英语上册Unit9微课/知识梳理/词汇句式精讲




prepare  [prɪ'per]  v.预备;准备                   
exam  [ɪɡ'zæm]  n.考试  
available  [ə'veɪləbl]  a.可得到的;有空的        
hang  [hæŋ]  v.悬挂;(使)低垂
until  [ən'tɪl]  conj./prep.直到 ... 的时候;直到…为止   
catch  [kætʃ]  v./n.赶上;抓住;捕捉
invite  [ɪn'vaɪt]  v.邀请                            
accept  [ək'sept]  v.接受
refuse  [rɪ'fjuːz]  v.拒绝            
invitation  [ˌɪnvɪ'teɪʃn]  n.邀请;邀请函
reply  [rɪ'plaɪ]  v./n.回答,回复        
forward  ['fɔːrwərd]  v.转交;发送  adj.向前的  adv.向前地
delete  [dɪ'liːt]  v.删除            
preparation  [ˌprepə'reɪʃn]  n.准备,准备工作  
opening  ['oʊpnɪŋ]  n.开幕式,落成典礼                  
guest  [ɡest]  n.客人
concert  ['kɑːnsərt]  n.音乐会               
headmaster  [ˌhed'mæstər]  n.校长
event  [ɪ'vent]  n.大事,公开活动        
calendar  ['kælɪndər]  n.日历,日程表





八年级上册电子书:Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?

Unit9 知识梳理

Unit9. Can you come to my party?

1、on Saturday afternoon 在星期六下午
2、have to 必须
3、 prepare for 准备
4、go to the doctor 去看病
5、have the flu 患流感
6、help my parents 给父母帮忙
7、come to the party 参加晚会
8、meet my friend 见朋友
9、go to the party 参加晚会
10、too much homework 太多的家庭作业
11、go to the movies 去看电影
12、another time 下次,另外的时间,别的时间
13、last fall 去年秋天
14、hang out 闲逛
15、after school 放学后
16、on the weekend=on weekends 在周末
17、study for a test 备考
18、visit grandparents 拜访爷爷奶奶
19、the day before yesterday 前天
20、the day after tomorrow 后天
21、have a piano lesson 上钢琴课
22、look after 照看
23 make an invitation 制定邀请
24、accept an invitation 接受邀请
    turn down (refuse) an invitation 拒绝邀请
25、take a trip to Wuhan 去武汉旅游
26、at the end of this month 在本月底
27、look forward to + doing 期望/渴望
28、 the opening of… 开幕/开业
29、reply in writing 写回信
30、go shopping 购物
31、do homework 做作业
32、go to the concert 参加音乐会
33、not…until… 直到......才......

1. --Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?
    --Sure, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. I have to prepare for an exam.
2. I’m not available. = I’m not free.我没空。
3. I’m sad to see her go, and this party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye.”
4. I already have a great idea about how to do that.
5. Let me know if you need my help.
6. Drink lots of hot water and get lots of sleep.
7. What are you doing the day after tomorrow?
8. I’m really busy this week.
9. I’m afraid I can’t.= I’m afraid not.
10. Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday.
    Sam 要直到下周四才离开。
11. Who are you going to the movies with?
12. Are you free to come to my place on Saturday?
13. Would you like to come to my birthday party?
14. As I’m sure you know by now…
15. Bring Ms. Steen to the party without telling her so that she can be surprised.
    把Ms. Steen 来参加聚会而不要告诉她,以至于让她感到惊喜。
16. I look forward to hearing from you all.
17. Our favorite teacher, Ms. Steen, is leaving soon to go back to the US.
    我们最喜爱的老师,Ms. Steen, 就要离开我们回到美国去了。
18. We’re very sad that she’s leaving.
19. To show how much we’re going to miss her, let’s have a surprise party for her next Friday 28th.
20. If so, can you help with any of these things?
    如果是这样, 你能帮助做任何事吗?


1. prepare for
(1) prepare sth.意为“准备……”,宾语是所准备的内容。例如:
    Mother was preparing dinner in thekitchen.  
    He had a speech to prepare that evening.
(2) prepare to do sth. 表示“准备做某事”。例如:
    Taking out a piece of paper, he prepared towrite to his parents.  
    He is preparing to go on a trip.  他正准备去旅行。
(3) prepare for sth.表示“为……做准备”。例如:
    He is busy preparing with great care forthe Congress.
    Hope for the best and prepare for theworst. 
(4) prepare sth. for... 表示“为……准备某物”。例如:
    Please prepare the table for thedinner.  
    You must prepare a room for the guest.  

2. hang out
hang out是动副结构的短语,意为“闲逛”。例如:
    I hung out with my friends and took lots of photos. 
hang的其他搭配:hang about=hang around 闲逛,徘徊,逗留;hang up挂断(电话);hang on不挂断;hang意为“逗留,悬挂”时,过去式和过去分词都是hung;hang还有“吊死,绞死”的意思,但当hang意为“吊死,绞死”时,其过去式和过去分词都是hanged。例如:
    Thick clouds hung low and covered the sky.
    He was hanged at Landsberg prison on June 8,1951.

invite作及物动词,意为“邀请,招待”。常用结构为:invite sb. to do,invite sb.+副词或介词短语,表示“邀请某人做某事, 邀某人去某地”。例如:
    They’ve invited us to stay for theweekend.
    Who have you invited to your housefor your birthday party?
4. accept
accept作动词,意为“同意, 承认”。例如:
    It is generally accepted that smoking isharmful to our health.  
    I received his invitation to the party yesterday, but I refused toaccept it.

5. refuse
refuse作动词,意为“拒绝”。常用搭配有:refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 (作为不及物动词) ;refuse sb. sth.为某事拒绝某人(作为及物动词) 例如:
    He refused to change his mind.他拒绝改变主意。
    The United States has refused hima visa.
    She refused their invitation.她拒绝了他们的邀请。

6. reply
(1)作不及物动词,意为“回答”,可用“reply to(sb. /sth. )”表示“对……做出回答”。例如:
    He failed to reply to my question. 
    What did he do in reply to your challenge? 
    He replied that this was absolutelyimpossible.
    She sighed, but didn’t reply.  她叹了口气,没有回答。
    A few weeks later I received a reply.
    I called out a challenge, but there was noreply.

7. without
    I can’t do it without your help. 
    He went to school this morning without having breakfast.
    She was a lively young woman with patienceand imagination.
    Mr. Brown bought a garden with a beautiful lake.

8. surprised
surprised 是形容词,意为“吃惊的,感到惊讶的”,句子的主语通常是人。例如:
    I’m surprised at the accident.
    How surprised the students are!
    He told me something surprising.
(2) surprise作动词时,意为“使……惊奇,使……感到意外、吃惊”。例如:
    What surprised you? 什么事使你感到意外?
    He gave me a surprise by arriving early. 
(4)作名词用时还可构成短语:to one’s surprise意为“使某人吃惊的是……”。in surprise意为“吃惊地”。   例如:
    To my surprise, he passed the exam. 
    He looked at me in surprise. 他吃惊地望着我。

9. available
     I'll send you all the books available. 
    My bicycle is not available, and it is being repaired.
    我的自行车现在不能用, 因为正在修理。
    The season ticket is available for three months.     
    The doctor is not available now.医生现在没空。
    He was not always available to everyone. 

10. miss
    I’ll miss you when you go to Canada. 
(1) miss作动词还有“未击中,未抓住”的意思。例如:
    I tried to hit the ball but I missed. 
(2) miss还可意为“未赶上,错过”,是动词。例如:
    I missed the football match on TV lastnight. 
(3) miss与like; mind; finish; enjoy; practice; be busy;stop; can’t help; give up等词一样后接动词的-ing形式。例如:
    I don’t want to miss seeing that film ontelevision tonight.



1. Can you come to my party?
(1) can表示有能力做或能够发生,有“能,会”的意思。例如:
    I can run fast. 我能跑得快。
    She can speak Japanese. 她会说日语。
【注意】can在表示“能力”时,可与be able to互换使用,be able to 有更多的时态,常被用来表示can所不能表示的将来时或完成时。例如:
    They will be able to run the machine on their own in three months.
(2) can表示允许,意为“可以”。例如:
    Can I read your newspaper? 
    You can put your bike here. 
(3) can用于疑问、否定或感叹句中,意为“会,可能”。例如:
    This can’t be true. 这不可能是真的。
    Today is Sunday. He can’t be at school. 
(4) can 表示可能性,意为“可以,可能”。例如:
    Our classroom can seat 50 students. 

2. Oh,but Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday.
    We waited until the rain stopped. 我们等到雨停了。
    She stayed there until 9 o’clock. 她一直等到9点钟。
 (1) until用在肯定句中,多与持续性的动词连用。如stand/wait/stay等,表示主句动作的终止时间。
 (2) until可用于否定句中,即not…until…意为“直到……才”,常与非延续性动词连用。如open/start/leave/arrive等,强调主句动作开始的时间。例如:
    The child didn’t go to bed until his father came back. 

3. I have to study for a math test.
have to意为“不得不,必须”,表示客观情况要求某人必须做某事,有人称和时态的变化,后接动词原形。例如:
    She isn’t very well these days and she has to stay at home.
    Do you have to do everything? 什么事都得你做吗?
    She doesn’t have to come this afternoon. 今天下午她不必来。
【拓展】must与have to的辨析:
have to侧重于客观需要,含有“不得不”或“被迫”之意,有多种时态形式;否定式为don’t have to意为“不必”。
must侧重于说话者的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务去做某事;只有现在时一种形式(在宾语从句中可以表示过去);否定式mustn’t 意为“一定不要;不允许”。例如:
    You must do your homework first. 
    It’s raining. I have to stay at home. 

4. She helped me to improve my English so much.
help常用在句式:help somebody (to) do something.或helpsomebody with something.意为“帮助某人做某事”。例如:
    I have to help my parents with thehousework.
    Sometimes I help my mother do the cooking. 
can’t help doing sth 意为“禁不住做某事”。例如:
    She couldn’t help crying when she heard the bad news.
help oneself to 意为“随便用……”。例如:
    Help yourself to some fish. 随便吃点鱼吧。
with the help of 表示“在……的帮助下”。例如:
    I work out the problem with the help of the computer.

5. Let me know if you need my help.
从属连词if, whether引导的宾语从句是由一般疑问句或选择疑问句转化而来的,变成从句后,语序由原来的倒装语序变成陈述语序。whether和if意为“是否”。例如:
    Let us know whether / if you can finish the work before Friday.
    I don’t care whether you like the story or not.
    If the rain doesn’t stop, we will stay here.
    Hurry up, or you will be late.

6. What a great idea!
What a great idea!是一感叹句式,感叹句的句型结构如下:通常由what或how引导,一般各有三种情况:
 (1)What a(an)+形容词+可数名词的单数形式+主语+谓语!
    What a new watch it is!  多新的一块手表啊!
    What interesting books the children are reading! 
    What important news it is!   多重要的新闻啊!

    How tall the girl is!   那个女孩多高啊!
(2) How+形容词+a(an)+可数名词的单数形式+主语+谓语!
    How heavy a box they are carrying!  他们抬的箱子多重啊!
  (3) How+主语+谓语!
    How time flies!时间过得多快!

—— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——



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