
预习必备 | 人教版七年级英语上册Unit7微课/知识梳理/词汇句式精讲




much   /mʌtʃ/ pron.&adj. 许多;大量;多少

How much...? (购物时)......多少钱?

sock   /sɔk/ n. 短袜

T-shirt   /'ti:ʃə:t/ n. T恤衫

shorts   /ʃɔ:ts/ n. (pl.) 短裤

sweater   /'swetə/ n. 毛衣

trousers   /'trauzəz/ n. (pl.) 裤子

shoe   /ʃu:/ n. 鞋

skirt   /skə:t/ n. 裙子

dollar   /'dɔlə/ n. 元(美国、等国的货币符号为$)

big   /big/ adj. 大的;大号的

small   /smɔ:l/ adj. 小的;小号的

short   /ʃɔ:t/ adj. 短的;矮的

long   /lɔ:ŋ/ adj. 长的

woman   /'wumən/ n. 女子

Can I help you? 我能帮您吗?

need   /ni:d/ v. 需要

look   /luk/ v. 看;看上去

pair   /peə/ n. 一双;一对

take   /teik/ v. 买下;拿;取

Here you are. 给你。ten /ten/ num. 十

eleven   /i'levən/ num. 十一

twelve   /twelv/ num. 十二

thirteen   /θə:'ti:n/ num. 十三

fifteen   /fif'ti:n/ num. 十五

eighteen   /ei'ti:n/ num. 十八

twenty   /'twenti/ num. 二十

thirty   /'θə:ti/ num. 三十

Mr.   /'mistə/ 先生

clothes   /kləuðz/ n. (pl.) 衣服;服装

store   /stɔ:/ n. 商店

buy   /bai/ v. 购买;买

sale   /seil/ n. 特价销售;出售

sell   /sel/ v. 出售;销售;卖

all   /ɔ:l/ adj. 所有的;全部的

very   /'veri/ adv. 很;非常

price   /prais/ n. 价格boy /bɔi/ n. 男孩

a pair of 一双






1. 询问价格

1) How much is + 单数商品?     

How much are + 复数商品?

It’s + 钱      

They’re + 钱

2)  What’s the price of + 商品?  

It’s + 钱                   


2. how many/how much

询问数量how many + 可数名词,how much + 不可数名词

1)你有多少苹果?How many apples do you have?

2)你想要多少水?How much water do you want?


3. socks袜子, shoes鞋, shortts裤子, trousers裤子等都是成双成对的物品,一般以复数形式出现,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。但它们和a pair of (一双、一副或一对)连用作主语时,谓语动词要与pair在数上一致。

The shorts are Tom’s.   这条短裤是汤姆的。

The pair of shorts is Tom’s.   这条短裤是汤姆的。


4. 英美等西方国家的货币单位像dollar(美元)、cent(美分)、pound(英镑)、penny(便士)、shilling(先令)等有单复数变化。我国的货币单位元(yuan)、角(jiao)、分(fen)单复数一样。


100 dollars is quite a lot of money for him. 100美元对他来说是相当多的钱。


5. Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?


肯定回答:Yes, please.  …

否定回答:No, thanks. (…)

与Can I help you?同义的常用表达还有:What can I do for you?/May I help you?/Is there anything I can do for you?


6. want sth 想要某物        

want to do sth.  想要做某事       

want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事


7. Here you are. 给你。

8. It looks nice. 它看起来很漂亮。look“看起来;看上去”,连系动词,后接形容词作表语。

9. I’ll take it. 我买了。


10. 表感谢的用语:Thank you / Thank you very much / Thanks / Thanks a lot / Many thanks.

回答感谢的用语:That’s all right / That’s OK. / Not at all./ You’re welcome.


11. Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! 我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服!

1)come and do sth 来做某事

Come and see us. 来拜访 / 看看我们吧。

Please come and have dinner with us. 请来跟我们吃顿饭吧。

2)on sale 廉价出售       

for sale 出售   


12. We sell all our clothes at very good prices. 我们卖的所有服装价格都很优惠。

at very good prices  以合优惠的价格


13. for的用法


Is this apple for me? 这个苹果是给我的吗?

Here is a letter for your mother. 这儿有你妈妈的一封信。


Do you need bags for sports? 你需要运动包吗?

I need a cup for milk. 我需要一个装牛奶的杯子。


For lunch, I like hamburgers and salad. 午饭我喜欢汉堡和沙拉。

For girls, we have T-shirts in all colors. 女孩子们可以买到各种颜色的T恤衫。


You can buy socks for only 5 dollars each. 你可以买到每双只卖5美元的袜子。

5)for oneself 亲自

Come and see for yourself.你亲自来看看吧。


14. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物

buy my mother a sweater = buy a sweater for my mother 给我妈妈买了件毛衣

△sth若是代词,只能用buy sth. for sb.  如:buy it for him


15. have a look at = look at 看一看


一. 单项选择(共20小题;共20分)

1. --- How much                  the pair of shoes?

--- Twenty dollars is enough.

A. is  B. are  

C. was  D. were

2. --- How much                  the bottles of milk?

--- 31 yuan.

A. are  B. is  

C. am  D. be

3.                  the museum                  from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.?

A. Be; opened  B. Be; open  

C. Is; open  D. Is; opened

4. They always sell their clothes                  a very high price.

A. in  B. for  

C. on  D. at

5. The beautiful house is                  sale. But it won't be              sale.

A. on; for  B. for; on  

C. with; for  D. with; on

6. --- How much                  the hats?

--- Five dollars.

A. is  B. are  

C. am  D. /

7. Some young people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order a meal which                  nice.

A. looks  B. smells  

C. tastes  D. feels

8. --- How much                  the socks?

--- Three dollars.

A. is  B. are  

C. do  D. does

9. --- Can I help you?

--- Yes, please. I want                  socks.

A. a pair  

B. two pairs  

C. two pair of  

D. two pairs of

10. --- Can I help you?

---                 .

A. Thank you       

B. Yes, please

C. You're welcome  

D. I don't want your help

11. --- Where                  your new pants?

---                  on the bed.

A. is; It's   

B. are; They are  

C. is; They're  

D. are; It's

12. How much                  the CD and the book?

A. is   B. are   

C. do   D. does

13. No news                  good news.

A. is   B. are   

C. was   D. were

14. We sell these apples                  a good price.

A. in   B. at   

C. of   D. on

15. The clothes are                  for twenty yuan each.

A. sale   B. sell   

C. on sell   D. on sale

16. How much                  your shoes?

A. is   B. are   

C. be   D. am

17. Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what                   nice.

A. feels   B. smells   

C. looks   D. tastes

18. How much                  these carrots?

A. are   B. is   

C. do   D. does

19. The man with a pair of              drank two             of coffee.

A. glass; glasses  

B. glasses; glasses

C. glasses; glass  

D. glass; glass

20. ---                 ?

--- Yes, please. I want a T-shirt.

A. How was your weekend  

B. What's your name

C. Can I help you          

D. Is this his pencil


二. 单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共20小题;共20分)


21. Students n                 to study hard.

22. I don't like young people who wears strange c      with colorful hair.

23. Look at that girl. Her s                 is very nice.

24. Fifteen and fifteen is t                .

25. There are t                 months(月) in a year.

26. The p                 of the computer is 5,000 yuan. I can't afford(买得起) it.

27. All the clothes are on s                 for only 15 dollars each.

28. It's hot today, but he still wears a shirt and t         . I like a T-shirt and shorts better.

29. --- How much is the book?

--- Twenty d                .

30. A quarter (一刻钟) has f                 minutes(分钟).

31. Jane can play the piano, but she can't play it well. She n                 to practice more.

32. Our parents provide us with food and c                 and never ask for anything in return.

33. Put on your s                . It's a bit cold.

34. My class has t                 students, ten girls and twenty boys.

35. --- What's two and ten?

--- It's t                .

36. The p               of the computer is 5000 yuan. I can't afford it.

37. This beautiful MP5 is on s                 in that shop, and it is very cheap, you can go and buy it.

38. This pair of t                 is too short for me.

39. --- How much are the trousers?

--- They're only ten d                .

40. Seven and eight is f                .


三. 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共20小题;共20分)


41. My brother is                 (十三) this year.

42. I want to buy                 (十一) watermelons.

43. Look at his new                 (裤子). They are very beautiful.

44. How many                 (双) of shoes are there under the bed?

45. ---Have you heard about the news?

---Yes. The                  (价格) of petrol(汽油) went up last month!

46. He is only eight, but he can wash his                 (衣服) himself.

47. The bags on                 (销售) are fifteen yuan each.

48. Here are                 (十五) pencils.

49. Linda                 (需要) your help.

50. I want to buy a                 (毛衣) for my mother.

51. In the box, there are                 (十三) big apples.

52. Five and six is                 (十一).

53. When go travelling, you'd better wear light                 (裤子).

54. Robert bought two                 (双) of skates yesterday.

55. What's the                 (价格) of your skirt?

56. Their favorite                 (衣服) are jeans and T-shirts.

57. All the coats are on                 (出售) for only 45 yuan.

58.                 (十五) is Jim's favourite number.

59. I agree with you that she                 (需要) a good rest.

60. --- Whose                 (毛衣) are these?  

--- They're Kate's.


四. 完形填空(共10小题;共15分)


Let's talk about the British family today.

The British family     61     get up at about seven in the morning. They have     62     at eight. After breakfast, the students     63     to school and the parents go to     64    . The students have lunch     65     school at about twelve thirty and go     66     at four in the afternoon.     67     parents go home at six. After dinner, the father may     68     TV at home or go to a pub. The children don't     69     a lot of homework. They go to bed at about eight. Their parents go to bed two or three     70     later—at about ten or eleven.


()61. A. often    B. sometimes    

           C. seldom    D. never

()62. A. dinner   B. breakfast     

           C. lunch      D. supper

()63. A. walk     B. drive         

           C. go     D. return

()64. A. school   B. bank         

           C. shop  D. work

()65. A. at       B. to            

          C. on    D. with

()66. A. house   B. home          

           C. fishing  D. shopping

()67. A. Our     B. Your           

           C. Her      D. Their

()68. A. look    B. see    

           C. feel    D. watch

()69. A. have    B. hate   

           C. need   D. give

()70. A. minutes  B. hours 

           C. days  D. weeks


五. 阅读理解(共20小题;共40分)



One Sunday afternoon, Mr. Green and his child, Mary, are in a big shop. Mr. Green likes Mary and wants to buy a new dress for her. Mary doesn't like the new dress. She likes something to eat. So her father buys two kilos of apples for her, too. Mary also wants to buy some picture-books and colored pencils. There are many things and many people in the shop. They are men and women, old and young. They all want to buy something there. The people in the shop are very friendly.


71. It is                 .

A. Saturday   B. Monday   

C. Friday   D. Sunday

72. Mary and                  are in the shop.

A. Mrs. Green   B. his father   

C. her father   D. her mother

73. Mary likes to buy                 .

A. a new dress

B. colored books

C. apples, picture-books and colored pencils

D. something to drink

74. Many people                  in the shop.

A. buy picture-books  

B. do nothing

C. buy something     

D. drink something

75. What does the underline(划线的) word mean?

A. 友好的 B. 放松的 

C. 朋友关系的 D. 可爱的



Shopkeeper: What can I do for you?

Mrs. Green: I'd like a sweater for my son.

Shopkeeper: What size do you want?

Mrs. Green: Size "L".

Shopkeeper: What colour do you like?

Mrs. Green: I like blue.

Shopkeeper: Which would you like, the woolen ones or the cotton ones?

Mrs. Green: I'll have a look at the cotton ones.

Shopkeeper: What about this one?

Mrs. Green: Oh! It's great. How much does it cost?

Shopkeeper: Fifty-five yuan.

Mrs. Green: Hmm. That's cheap. I'll take it.


76. The speakers are talking                 .

A. in an office  

B. at school

C. in a shop    

D. at the bus stop

77. Mrs. Green wants to buy a sweater for                 .

A. her father       

B. her son

C. the shopkeeper  

D. herself

78. Mrs. Green would like to buy a                  sweater.

A. Size M  B. green  

C. woolen  D. Size L

79. The cotton sweater is                 .

A. 55 yuan  B. 55 dollars  

C. expensive  D. bad

80. What do we know about Mrs. Green?()

A. She buys the sweater in the end.

B. She will not buy the sweater.

C. She wants to see red sweaters.

D. She wants a dear sweater.




We are students of No. 2 Middle School. In our school, there are many teachers and students. There are some rows of houses and there are trees and flowers, too.

We are in Class Four, Grade One. There are fifty students in our class, twenty-six girls and twenty-four boys. Our classroom is big. There are six windows and two doors. The walls are white. On the front(前面的) wall there is a blackboard. There are some pictures and two maps on the others. Our desks and chairs are new. Our classroom is very nice.

We study(学习) English, Chinese, math and other subjects(科目). Our teachers are good to us. We all like them.


81. The story is about                 .

A. a class  

B. a factory  

C. a school

82. How many teachers are there in our school?

A. Sorry, I don't know.  

B. Twenty-six.  

C. Fifty.

83. In our school we have                 .

A. houses  

B. trees and flowers  

C. A and B

84. In our classroom we have                 .

A. a blackboard  

B. a picture 

C. a map

85. We like our teachers because                 .

A. they are our teachers

B. they are good to us

C. they are old




The U.S.A. is the fourth largest countries in the world. It is smaller than Russia, Canada and China. Washington DC is its capital. But it is a quiet city. New York is the biggest city in America and it's one of the biggest cities in the world. It is in the east of the U.S.A. and at the mouth of the Hudson River. A large part of the city is on Manhatten Island(岛), a big island in the river. New York has a larger population than Washington DC. In New York we can see the famous statue, the statue of Liberty.


86. The U.S.A. is the                  largest country in the world.

A. second   

B. third  

C. fourth

87. Washington DC has a                  population than New York.

A. larger   

B. smaller   

C. more

88. Washington DC is                  than New York.

A. larger   

B. more crowed   

C. quieter

89. A large part of New York is on                 .

A. an island   

B. the sea   

C. the lake

90. New York is one of the                  cities in the world.

A. quietest   

B. biggest   

C. oldest


六. 阅读与表达(判断式)(共5小题;共10分)


Hong Kong has about forty public beaches. Some of them are very famous around the world. People can go there for a swim. You can go to them by bus. To go to some beaches you must take a boat.

You will swim there without danger if you remember these instructions:

• Never swim alone.

• Never go out in a boat if you cannot swim.

• Never swim after a meal or when you feel  hungry or tired.

• Don't stay in the water too long.

Remember: A red flag means that it is dangerous for anybody to go into the water. A blue flag means that it is dangerous for children.




91. There are about 40 public beaches in Hong Kong.()

92. You should swim after a meal.()

93. You can take a bus to go to most of the public beaches.()

94. You'd better swim when you're alone.()

95. If you were a child, you could swim when you saw a red flag.()


七. 补全对话(选择)(共5小题;共10分)


A: 96.                

B: It's Monday today.

A: 97.                

B: It's snowy.

A: 98.                

B: It's December 31.

A: 99.                

B: It's January 1. It's the New Year's Day.

A: 100.                

B: We will say "Happy New Year" to each other.


A. What's the date tomorrow?

B. What will you do on that day?

C. What's the weather like today?

D. What's the date today?

E. What day is it today?



一. 单项选择

1. A  2. A  3. C  4. D  5. B 6. B  7. A  8. B  9. D 10. B

11. B 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. C

二. 单词拼写(单句首字母填空)

21. need 22. clothes 23. sweater 24. thirty 25. twelve

26. price 27. sale 28. trousers 29. dollars 30. fifteen

31. needs 32. clothes 33. sweater 34. thirty 35. twelve

36. price 37. sale 38. trousers 39. dollars 40. fifteen

三. 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)

41. thirteen 42. eleven 43. trousers 44. pairs 45. price

46. clothes 47. sale 48. fifteen 49. needs 50. sweater

51. thirteen 52. eleven 53. trousers 54. pairs 55. price

56. clothes 57. sale 58. Fifteen 59. needs 60. sweaters

四. 完形填空

61. A 62. B 63. C 64. D 65. A 66. B 67. D 68. D 69. A 70. B

五. 阅读理解

71. D 72. C 73. C 74. C 75. A 76. C 77. B 78. D 79. A 80. A

81. C 82. A 83. C 84. A 85. B 86. C 87. B 88. C 89. A 90. B

六. 阅读与表达(判断式)  91. T 92. F 93. F 94. F 95. F

七. 补全对话(选择)

96. E 97. C 98. D 99. A 100. B

—— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——




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