
仁爱版(七上)Unit2 Topic1 知识梳理

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仁爱版(七上)Unit2 Topic1单词

Unit2 Topic1 单词

guess  [ges]  v.猜

have   [hæv]  v.有;吃;喝

small  [smɔːl] adj.小的

nose  [nəʊz] n.鼻子

has  [hæz]v.有(have的第三人称单数形式)

big  [bɪg]  adj.大的

eye  [aɪ]n.眼睛

know  [nəʊ]  v.知道;认识

right  [raɪt] adj.正确的;右边的n.右边

ear  [ɪə]  n.耳朵

hair  [heə] n.头发

head  [hed] n.头

face  [feɪs]  n.脸

neck  [nek]n.脖子

mouth  [maʊθ] (pl. mouths[mauðz] n.嘴巴

round  [raʊnd]adj.圆形

long  [lɒŋ]adj.长的

wide  [waɪd]adj.宽的

favorite  [ˈfeɪvərɪt](favourite BrE)

adj. 最喜爱的n.特别喜欢的人/物

actor  [æktə] n.演员

Chinese ['tʃaɪ'niːz] n.中国人;汉语adj. 中国的;中国人的;汉语的

does [dʌz] v.(do的第三人称单数)

arm  [ɑːm] n. 胳膊

hand  [hænd]  n.手

leg  [leg] n.腿

foot  [fʊt]  (pl. feet) [fi:t]n.脚;英尺

short  [ʃɔːt]  adj.短的;矮的

boy  [bɔɪ] n.男孩

come  [kʌm] v.来,来到

come from出生于;来自

sister  ['sɪstə] adj.姐,妹

different  ['dɪfərənt]  adj.不同的

knife  [naɪf]  (pl.knives) [naɪvz]n.小刀

Unit2 Topic1课文视频

仁爱版(七上)Unit2 Topic1 P27-1a  P28-2a

仁爱版(七上)Unit2 Topic1 P31-1a

Unit2 知识梳理


1. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.把某物给某人

Please give it to her.

2. look the same 长相相同     

look different 长相不同,看起来不一样

3. look like 看起来像

He looks like his father. = He and his father look the same.

4. next to 在……旁边

The boy next to me is my good friend.

5. in +颜色  穿着……颜色的衣服

in +a/an +颜色+衣服  穿着……颜色的……

The boy in a yellow T-shirt and gray pants is my good friend.6. (1) both两者都(be动词之后,实义动词之前)   

They both have brown hair and black eyes.

They are both office workers.

(2)all 三者或三者以上都

They are all kind to me. 

7. 数字+(形状、大小)+颜色+n.  

two big red apples

She has short blond hair.


1. Who is your favorite actor?

2. We are in the same school, but we are in different grades.

3. What do/does +主语+look like? ……长得怎么样?

---What does he look like?

--- He is not very tall but very strong.

4. We don’t look the same, but we are good friends.

We look the same, but we are in different clothes.

5. ---What color is/are +主语?---It’s/ They’re +颜色.

---What color is her hair? ---It’s blond.

6. This is my cap. = This cap is mine.

Is this your cap? = Is this cap yours?

---Whose cap is this? = Whose is this cap? --- It’s Sally’s.

---Whose are these bananas? --- They’re their bananas/ theirs.

7. His pants are blue and mine are white.(mine=my pants)

My T-shirt is green and his is brown.(his=his T-shirt)

8. I have small eyes, but he has big ones.(ones指代eyes)

My jacket is blue and white. That one is blue. (one指代jacket)


1. 动词原形和动词第三人称单数形式


① 一般情况直接加“s”,如:come---comes,meet---meets

② 动词以o,s,sh,ch, x结尾,加“es”,如:do--does; go--goes; teach--teaches

③ 以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i,再加es, 如:study--studies, fly--flies, try--tries

④ 特殊情况:have--has


① 当主语为第三人称单数:变否定句时,在动词前加doesn’t, 动词现原形;变一般疑问句时,在句首加does,动词现原形。

一般疑问句的肯定回答:Yes, 人称代词+does;否定回答:No, 人称代词+doesn’t.

如:She has small eyes.

---She doesn’t have small eyes.

---Does she have small eyes?

---Yes, she does. /No, she doesn’t.

② 当主语为第一、第二人称变否定句,在动词前加don’t,变一般疑问句,在句首加do,肯定回答:Yes, 人称代词+do;否定回答:No,人称代词+don’t.

They have small eyes.

---They don’t have small eyes.

--- Do they have small eyes?  

---Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

2. 表示所属关系


形容词性物主代词   my    your   his   her    our   their    its

名词性物主代词    mine   yours   his   hers   ours  theirs   its

• --Whose is this pen? Is it yours?

• --No, it’s not mine. My pen is blue.


① 用于人或其他表示有生命的名词后:

• 单数或不以s结尾的复数+’s,如:Jane’s book;Women’s Day

• 以s结尾的复数+’如:Teachers’Day

• Lucy’s and Lily’s bags 分有   

Lucy and Lily’s room 共有

Those are Jane’s shoes.= Those shoes are Jane’s.

② of 表示所属关系,用于没有生命的物体,如:a map of China;a photo of my family




