

Research Commune 研质共设



"A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

- John Keats, Endymion

- 空中花园,浮生若梦 | 样板间

Hanging garden, life passes like a dream | Model Room


Into the room, the wire glass screen covers everything with a distant psychedelic color, triggering people's infinite reverie. The lounge lobby is rendered by light and shadow, just like ink spilled on it. The leather lounge chairs with black and white textures create a fashionable and laid back vibe.


The open kitchen, living room and terrace garden are integrated, which forms a transparent and generous view of the open.


Independent island and sofa background walls are made of vivid decorative marble, with metal art chairs and natural wool carpets to provide a pleasant leisure time for young people.


The master bedroom continues this luxurious feeling, with a soft mink blanket which hides the forest of fun. The bathroom is cut off by water corrugated glass suffusing a romantic atmosphere, and the arched light line on the dressing table seems to introduce the charm of the bustling city into the most private corner of the home.


The single product selection of the child's room uses household products with a rounded chamfer to ensure that children can have fun without worry. The color adopts pale pink of mild macaron’s color , like entering a fairy-tale dream world.


This is a dream-making space, but it is also a real world, which the virtual and the real echo each other. Let the child always retain the childlike innocence in the real world.

-云销雨霁, 彩彻区明 | 会所

After the rain, the clouds disperse, and the sun shines | Club


The "Stove Club" under the long eaves is almost integrated with the courtyard, and the view is wide and unobstructed. The sunken layout uses black marble and natural wood, with Nordic simplicity and romance. In the background, there are many translucent screens, and it has the charm of Chinese traditional.


The long furnace of semi-frosted black stainless steel is deep and full of texture, revealing a charming leisurely temperament. On a beautiful day, invite friends to have a barbecue while in the company of friends with food and wine, bare your heart, relax your spirit and release your soul.


In the Memorial Day Living Room, the kitchen and the guest space are shared together, and the scattered fragments of the wall outline the leisurely and arbitrary style of the Western garden, but also create a rich relationship of light and shadow. The sofa area is light and elegant, and the dining area is made of natural materials, which is convenient for friends to have a dinner party.

“听雨书屋”意韵含蓄,宁谧清雅。坐在长长的茶台前,心绪宁静,品茗幽香, 开卷有益。四季流转,伴书凝思,有春风之和煦,夏雨之微凉,秋叶之静美,冬雪之烂漫。

Listening To The Rain Of The Library  meaning subtle, quiet and elegant. Sitting in front of a long tea table and feeling peaceful enjoy tea and book. The circulation of the seasons, accompanied by the book, which knowing the spring breeze is warm, the summer rain is cool, the autumn leaves are quiet, and the winter snow is in full bloom.


Project Name:Longhu · Chunyu River Bank Model Room and Club


Project Location:Chongqing


Interior Design:Research Commune Design


Design Director:Zhichao Deng

摄 影:404NF STUDIO

Photography:404NF STUDIO



Research commune design is an innovative, forward-looking and exploratory design company. Its design is based on the rational analysis of the essence of existence, and solves problems in the most concise way.

Research commune design conveys a kind of power without a kind of real emotion, hoping that all things will be presented in an organic, free, relaxed and joyful state in the contemporary context.

商务接洽 | Business contacts
Tel : 13510508161
Emall : 18261287@qq.com




