
动态 | NYUSH - NYU Stern联合培养硕士项目录取学生招待会

NYUSH-Stern MS 上海纽约大学研究生与研修项目 2021-05-27

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在会上,上海纽约大学教务长Joanna Waley-Cohen,纽约大学斯特恩商学院全球项目与高管培训项目副院长Eitan Zemel肯定了这批学生敢为人先的精神。上海纽约大学研究生与研修项目主任Eric Mao认为这些学生会为将来的学生们设立一流的榜样,担当着”先锋旗手“的角色。

上海纽约大学教务长Joanna Waley-Cohen

纽约大学斯特恩商学院全球项目与高管培训项目副院长Eitan Zemel

OGAE主任Eric Mao以及NYU Shanghai - NYU Stern项目主任Rohit Deo举杯祝贺各位录取学生

纽约大学Stern商学院和上纽大联合培养硕士项目主任Rohit Deo也向一同出席的录取学生的亲友致以敬意,感谢他们支持这些学生们实现新的高度。MSQF和MSDABC的项目主任,Jeffrey Wurgler和Jiawei Zhang教授则强调了项目的学术严谨性及其优秀的教师团队。最后,上海纽约大学校长俞立中和副校长Jeffrey Lehman也送上了激励人心的视频贺词。

MSDABC项目主任Jiawei Zhang

MSQF项目主任Jeffrey Wurgler


On the evening of April 13, NYU Shanghai and NYU Stern welcomed students admitted to the inaugural classes of the MS programs in Quantitative Finance (MSQF) and in Data Analytics & Business Computing (MSDABC) for a networking reception at NYU Shanghai.Nearly 70 guests attended the event, which both celebrated the students’ admission and provided an opportunity to connect with senior business leaders, NYU Shanghai and NYU Stern leadership, program faculty, and staff.  
From across China and in some cases, from overseas, MSQF and MSDABC admitted students arrived in Shanghai for the first official kickoff to their programs. Among the senior business leaders at the event were many members of the MSQF and MSDABC industry advisory boards, who exchanged their professional insights and career advice.
During the reception’s formal program, NYU Shanghai Provost Joanna Waley-Cohen and NYU Stern Vice Dean of Global and Executive Education Eitan Zemel remarked on the pioneering spirit of the students. NYU Shanghai Assistant Dean of Graduate and Advanced Education Eric Mao predicted the students would “set a standard of excellence for future students to aspire to” and that from this point forward, they would be “flag-bearers.”

Acknowledging family and friends of students who also came, Director of NYU Stern - NYU Shanghai Programs Rohit Deo took a special moment to applaud their role in helping students to “achieve new heights.” MSQF and MSDABC directors, Professor Jeffrey Wurgler and Professor Jiawei Zhang, emphasized the academic rigor of the programs and the distinguished faculty who will be teaching in the programs. Finally, NYU Shanghai Chancellor Yu Lizhong and Vice Chancellor Jeffrey Lehman delivered greetings and inspirational messages via video.

Congratulations to all MSQF and MSDABC admitted students, whose next milestone comes in June in New York City for orientation and the first day of classes. We look forward to seeing you again!




MS in Quantitative Finance



MS in Data Analytics & Business Computing


