SPARTAN 科普| 斯巴达勇士儿童赛的障碍都有这些!
障碍1/Obstacle 1:跨跃屋脊(A Frame Cargo)
规则/Rules: 小勇士需要面向网状障碍物,从障碍物的起始端翻越到另一端,障碍高度3米;the kid needs to face to the net and across the obstacle. The height of this obstacle is 3 meters.
失败判定/Failure modes: 不能或无法翻过障碍;Unable or unwilling to get up and over the cargo net.
失败惩罚/Failure Penalty:10 个波比跳/10 burpees
障碍2/Obstacle 2:翻越屋顶(A Wall)
规则/Rules: 不借助任何道具翻越高度1.2m木质墙体,女孩子可以使用底座辅助;Climb up and over the wall(1.2m) without touching the support structure. Girls can use braces or flag poles.
失败判定/Failure modes: 无法翻越障碍;Unable to over the wall.
失败惩罚/Failure Penalty:10 个波比跳/10 burpees
障碍3/Obstacle 3: 独木桥 (Balance Beam)
规则/Rules: 不借助任何道具从独木桥上通过,不可以中途落地;pass through a Balance Beam without touching the support structure.
失败判定/Failure modes: 中途触地;Touch the ground halfway.
失败惩罚/Failure Penalty:10 个波比跳/10 burpees
障碍4/Obstacle 4: 俄尔普斯之禁(Barb Wire Twine Crawl)
规则/Rules: 小勇士在长度10m-20m的绳网下匍匐通过(允许翻滚)。Crawl under the barbed wire. (Rolling IS allowed).
失败判定/Failure modes: 无法或没有穿越障碍;Unable or unwilling to crawl the net.
失败惩罚/Failure Penalty:There is no option to do burpees instead of this obstacle.
障碍5/Obstacle 5: 三阶穿越(O.U.T)
规则/Rules: 此障碍由三部分组成,小勇士翻过第一面墙,钻过第二面墙,从第三座墙中间穿过;Navigate OVER the first wall,UNDER the second wall, and THROUGH the last set of walls.
失败判定/Failure modes: 无法完成障碍;Unable to navigate the walls.
失败惩罚/Failure Penalty:10 个波比跳/10 burpees
障碍6/Obstacle 6:金苹果的守护(Rope Climb)
规则/Rules: 小勇士需要借助绳子,爬向顶端,然后敲响铃铛。绳子高度为3.6m。Climb the rope andring the bell with your hand. The height of the rope is 3.6m.
失败判定/Failure modes: 不能使用工具通过障碍;No mechanical devices are allowed to aid with climbing the rope.
失败惩罚/Failure Penalty:10 个波比跳/10 burpees
障碍7/Obstacle 7:牵索越坡(Slip Wall)
规则/Rules: 小勇士需要攀爬并翻过高度2m高的墙体障碍物,且不允许使用支撑物。 Navigate up and over the wall.
失败判定/Failure modes: 无法翻越障碍;Unable to get up and over the wall.
失败惩罚/Failure Penalty:10 个波比跳/10 burpees
障碍8/Obstacle 8:天罗地网(Caterpillar Crawl)
规则/Rules: 小勇士需要从网下爬行通过障碍,绳网长12米,宽6米。 Crawl through under the net. The net is 12 meters long, 6 meters wide.
失败判定/Failure modes: 无法通过障碍;Unable to crawl through under the net.
失败惩罚/Failure Penalty:10 个波比跳/10 burpees
障碍9/Obstacle 9:智慧密码(Memorization test)
规则/Rules: 根据参赛号码最后两位,找到对应的密码串;记住密码串;在检查点向工作人员背出你号码对应的密码串;Find your phase according to your last two numbers of bib number; Remenber your phase; Recite the phrase when the staff ask you on the course;
失败判定/Failure modes: Forget the phase
失败惩罚/Failure Penalty:10 个波比跳/10 burpees
障碍10/Obstacle 10: 海格力斯的挑战(Rolling Mud)
规则/Rules: 在障碍范围内通过障碍。不准潜水。Navigate and stay within the widths of the obstacle.No Diving!
失败判定/Failure modes: 不在障碍范围内,环绕通过。无法或不敢完成障碍。Not staying within the widths of the obstacle, “skirting” the obstacle. Open Heat: Unwilling or unable to complete the obstacle.
失败惩罚/Failure Penalty:10个波比跳 10 Burpees
障碍11/Obstacle 11:翻越高栏-Hurdles
通过规则/Rules: 所有参赛选手在检录区翻越翻越高栏之后,进入集结区等到出发。All racers have to cross over the Hurdles and get to the start line.
失败判定/Failure modes:无法通过障碍物。Unable or unwilling to get up and over the obstacle.
惩罚规则/Failure penalty: 取消参赛资格。Disqualification.
方式一/Method 1:
Click 「Read More」to sign up;
方式二/Method 2:(仅限上海地区/Only for Shanghai)
官方合作报名点「盛力瑛才」线下报名 ;
You can sign up at "SECA Academy" in Shanghai.
线下报名点地址/Location:爱琴海中心Aegean Sport Complex(上海市闵行区吴中路1588号爱琴海购物公园4层/4F, Aegean Place, No. 1588, Wuzhong Road, Minhang District, Shanghai)
《Sign up | 2018斯巴达勇士儿童赛北京站报名开启!Spartan kids Beijing is coming!》