SPARTAN 科普| 那些跟墙有关的障碍都该怎么过?
斯巴达勇士赛中,跟墙有关的障碍都有这些:伊卡洛斯之翼(4,5,6,7,8 Wall)、翻越奥林匹斯(Inverted Wall)、三阶穿越(Over、Under、Through)。这些障碍你都能轻松通过吗?作为斯巴达勇士赛中的经典障碍,它可一点儿都不简单。要克服这些障碍,你需要强壮的三头肌,良好的上肢和背部力量。今天斯哥来教你几招,如何轻松通过这些障碍?
This is a classic, but not for this simple! To overcome the Wall Jump you'll need a few things, strong triceps, decent ups,and back strength.
Basic guideline
If you are able to do some pull-up, then you won't have problems.To reach the top you can either jump from a standing position or attack the Wall with a running start, it's up to you, both methods are good.
A little mental tip:
When you are on top of the Wall don't think to pull up yourself, instead, try to push down the Wall! As a result, all the right back muscle will be activated. Once on the top proceed to roll over the Wall with your stomach, in a horizontal position, then jump over the other side. This is probably the most effective methods to approach this obstacle.
如何成功挑战三阶穿越O.U.T ?
How to overcome the Over Under Through Obstacle?
O.U.T 并不难,你可以轻松地通过这项障碍。但是显然,如果你想快速通过,那么你就得花时间学习下这些技巧了。通常,为了测试你的技巧,这个障碍会出现在赛道前面。
The Over Under Through obstacle is not so difficult, you can pass through it easily. Obviously, you want to do it fast.Follow these tips and you'll make up some time. Typically, you'll find this obstacle at the start of a race, just to test your skills.
It is divided into three parts:
In the first one, you have to jump a 5-foot wall, just like a Wall Jump.
In the second obstacle, you must crawl under a wall of few inches thick, you can either crawl or roll. I suggest rolling because is faster and easier.
3-In the third and last obstacle, you'll have to pass through a hole in the wall, here there are three methods to do it.You can place your hands on top of the wall, lift up your body to kick your legs through.
Or you can carefully put one leg through at a time, I don't suggest this because it will slow you down.
The third method is for park our athletes, diving through with the head first!
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