[杂志征稿] 眼动研究杂志JEMR征稿
Journal of Eye Movement Research杂志,主要发表眼动相关的研究。这个杂志并不是很popular,影响因子0.5左右。主要是因为做眼动也不一定要投这里,大多研究问题都能找到适合的杂志。这个杂志是基于方法的,而不是侧重研究问题。不过,杂志审稿很正规,编辑也很负责。
● Submission Deadline: May 15, 2017
● First Round Decisions: June 15, 2017
● Online Publication: upon acceptance
The intuitive appeal of eye tracking as a measurement tool can be found in its apparent ease of interpretation. Even to this day, many believe that a simple overlaid visualization of observers’ fixations on the image itself (cf., Yarbus, 1967; or fixation density heatmaps) can reveal the observers’ intentions when looking at the image. However, experienced researchers know that a “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” approach to raw eye-tracking data visualization grossly simplifies visual behavior and cognition. It also restricts the dimensional complexity of eye-movement data and stimuli, which poses the risk of obscuring meaningful relationships between the two. Effective visualization and analytics of eye-tracking data can serve to better our understanding of visual behavior. For example, Dolezalova and Popelka (2016; ) demonstrated how the visualization of graph cliques can allow for the comparison of scanpaths with different lengths. In another example, the properties of data visualizations (e.g., Recurrence plots) can serve as a novel metric for describing eye-movement behavior (Farnand, Vaidyanathan, Pelz, 2016; ). Also, novel interactive tools and their graphical user interfaces can facilitate the exploration of eye-tracking data (Di Nocera, Capobianco, Mastrangelo, 2016; .). Last but not least, eye tracking can itself be used to evaluate the ease-of-use of novel visualizations themselves (Strobel, Saß, Lindner, Köller, 2016; ).
The Special Issue for Eye Tracking and Visualization follows from the success of the workshops for Eye Tracking and Visualization () to welcome relevant contributions across the various areas of eye-movement behavior, data visualization, visual analytics, human-computer interactions, and others. The goal is to communicate the vital role of visualization in understanding eye-tracking data as well as how eye tracking can be used to improve visualization research.
Manuscripts are solicited on the following topics with an emphasis on the relationship between eye tracking and visualization, including but not limited to the following:
• Visualization and visual analytics techniques for eye-movement data (inc. spatio-temporal visualization, evolution of gaze patterns, visual analysis of individual behavior, 2D vs. 3D representations of eye-movement data)
• Visual analytics of gaze behavior (inc. visual data mining, aggregation, clustering techniques, and metrics for eye-movement data)
• Eye-movement data provenance
• Standardized metrics for evaluating gaze interactions with visualization
• Cognitive models for gaze interactions with visualizations
• Novel methods for eye tracking in challenging visualization scenarios
• Uncertainty visualization of gaze data
• Interactive annotation of gaze and stimulus data
• Systems for the visual exploration of eye-movement data
• Eye-tracking studies that evaluate visualization or visual analytics
• Eye tracking in non-WIMP visualization environments, including mobile eye tracking, mobile devices, virtual environments, mixed reality, and large displays
• Visualization applications that rely on eye tracking as an input parameter