

BLG SPURS Gallery 2020-10-19



开幕式:2018年5月12日 下午四点至七点

Wang Jiajia: Pop the Champagne

12 May – 24 Jun., 2018

opening: 12 May 4pm – 7pm

博而励画廊荣幸地宣布艺术家个展,“王加加:带你飞” 于2018年5月12日正式开幕,此次展览标志着艺术家与博而励画廊的首次合作,我们在画廊呈现艺术家近期创作的多件绘画作品。 王加加生于上世纪八十年代中期,同他的许多同代人一样,他在电视的普及、互联网的出现、流行文化的无处不在中逐渐成长起来。伴随着这些视觉传播工具的日益普及,王加加从艺术史以及英国和亚洲80、90年代的漫画、卡通和流行文化中提取了大量素材,将独具个人风格的浓烈色彩运用融入于抽象和具象绘画的创作之中。

开挂(厉害了) Hacks2018     
油画,喷漆,树脂,丙烯,布面数码打印oil, spray paint, resin, acrylic, digital print on canvas
100 x 150 cm

王加加近期的《冒险》(2016- )系列,融合了数码简图拼贴、抽象绘画的笔触和丝网印刷技术。在这些作品中,人们可以找到八十年代电子游戏里的图案、英国电视节目《Top to the Pops》的Logo、以及足球队服的美学元素。艺术家希冀透过这些视觉线索,构建出一种与流行于社交媒介之虚拟现实中的“标题党”文化相仿的强烈即视感。厚重的颜料涂抹方式和鲜艳的色彩运用强化了画面中经由数码手段处理的背景图像。一些作品被包裹着合成树脂,以达到一种光鲜亮丽的表面效果,召唤着观众“来看我”。艺术家所使用的多层次创作过程和他对图像的选择,围绕着在当代景观中无处不在的数码图像展开叙事,邀请观众共同踏上一段揉杂了对数码图像的疯狂迷恋、焦虑情绪和贪求心态的视觉之旅。

奥德赛  Odyssey2018     
数码打印,树脂,丙烯,喷漆,布面油画digital print, resin, acrylic, spray paint, oil on canvas
100 x 150 cm

超级赛亚人 2  Super Saiyan 22018     
数码打印,油画,丙烯,树脂,布面喷漆digital print, oil, acrylic, resin, spray paint on canvas
100 x 150 cm

Boers-Li Gallery is pleased to announce the solo exhibition “Wang Jiajia: Pop the Champagne”, opening on May 12th, 2018. This occasion marks the artist’s debut with the gallery, bringing together a selection of Wang’s recent paintings. Wang Jiajia, born in the mid 1980s, whose coming of age like many of his generation, was eclipsed with the popularization of the television, the advent of the Internet, and the ubiquity of popular cultures. With the accessibility of these visual registries, his paintings draw elements from art history, 80s and 90s comics, animation and pop cultures from Asia and the U.K., to reveal a strong personal universe of intense colors mixed with abstractions and figurations. In his most recent series, Adventure (2016-), are composed of digitally sketched collages, gestural abstraction paintings as well as silkscreen techniques. Among them, one finds the motifs of video games from the 80s, logos from British television show “Top to the Pops”, the aesthetics of football jersey design, with which Wang hopes to articulate a strong sense of immediacy that is synonymous to the prevalent “click-bait” culture in the virtual reality of social media. The thick impasto and vivid colors underlain with digitally edited background imageries on the paintings, in certain cases coated in resin to provide a glossy quality, screams “look-at-me” to the viewers. This multi-layering process and choice of motifs suggest a deliberate narrative on the omnipresence of digital imageries of the contemporary landscape, beckoning the spectators to embark towards a frantic, angst-ridden and lustful journey where one longs for digital imageries.

王加加,1985年出生于中国北京,2008年获得英国伦敦中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院学士学位。他近期的个展包括:“平行现实”,北京德萨画廊项⽬空间(2016)。他参与的群展包括:Closer to the beautiful world,Kleinsun 画廊,美国;“我们所知的空间”,奥克塔维亚画廊,美国;“统一艺术”,迈阿密海滩SCOPE艺术博览会;“超越时间的探险”,Eleven Howland,伦敦,英国等。

Wang Jiajia, born in Beijing, China in 1985, has received a BA Honours degree from Central Saint Martins Collge of Art & Design in 2008. His recent solo exhibitions include “Alternate Realities” at de Sarthe Project Space Beijing (2016) and his works have been the subject of group exhibitions such as "Closer to the beautiful world",Kleinsun gallery,USA; “The Space We Know”, Octavia Gallery, USA; “Art Unified”, Scope, Miami, USA; “2009 Adventure Beyond the Edge of Time”, Eleven Howland, London, UK, among others.

BLG LAB是由博而励画廊与艺术家们共同发起,旨在突破常规展览空间的限制,结合Pop up store、休息区、展览、放映、座谈及现场表演等形式,为艺术家搭建一个更加开放的实验性平台。我们将持续发掘当代艺术领域新的可能性,就当代艺术与公众形成进一步的对话。

BLG LAB is an open collaborative platform for artistic research, experimentation and creation as well as talks, screenings, exhibitions, Pop up store and performances, taking contemporary themes and innovative artistic strategies out of the gallery and into an ongoing dialog with the public.

