
【SPURS 新展】希拉里·佩西斯:山谷背风处

S SPURS Gallery 2021-02-05

SPURS Gallery(马刺画廊)荣幸地宣布将于11月21日(本周六)于Gallery I 推出来自美国洛杉矶的艺术家希拉里·佩西斯在国内的首场个展“山谷背风处”,呈现艺术家在2020年全新创作的13件绘画作品。

希拉里· 佩西斯的绘画使用繁复而迷人的方式捕捉她所居住的空间。通过广泛地援引绘画的历史,佩西斯作品中的场景似乎既可以存在于过去的某一时期,同时敏锐地捕捉当下人们生活方式的私密氛围。观众将很容易被画面中的各种细节所吸引,并跟随附着丰富纹饰的生活物件进入艺术家创造的空间,不断从画面中发现新的、令人兴奋的元素。佩西斯毫不掩饰她对经典图示及艺术大师的崇敬之情,从她刻画的堆叠着艺术家画册的室内场景可见一斑。她乐于描绘个人收集的书籍图册、展览海报甚至是其他艺术家的作品,将“装饰”作为绘画的内容,实现对于不同艺术风格的再现,以及对于浪漫乡村风情的表达。文化的交融以及艺术史的提示,令其作品为观众提供了一系列与特定时空对话的图景——最终,画面中正负空间相互演绎,激发对于重新思考日常空间,包括我们正如何被环境塑造,同时又是如何通过环境来描述自身的。

希拉里·佩西斯(Hilary Pecis,生于1979年,加利福尼亚)获得加利福尼亚艺术学院文学学士和硕士学位。最近在佛罗里达The Crisp- Ellert博物馆、纽约哈尔西·麦凯(Halsey McKay)和洛杉矶The Pit等地举办了个展。佩西斯的作品曾在包括加利福尼亚Brand Library & Arts Center、旧金山现代艺术博物馆、 加利福尼亚托伦斯美术馆、德克萨斯州大学和加利福尼亚州、Southern Exposure等美术馆机构展出。其作品受到ArtForum,artnet,The New Yorker、CARLA等媒体的报道。佩西斯是San Francisco Arts Commission's Murphy和Cadogan奖学金在2008年的获得者,也是Binder of Women(位于洛杉矶的女性艺术家组织)的联合创始人之一。

Hilary Pecis的作品仿佛就是这样一个难以拒绝的邀请,让你徜徉在极度浓稠的图像中展开绘画史版的侦探游戏。稍有洞察的鉴赏者不难从她的画作中辨识出诸多悬浮其中的艺术史的端倪,甚至陷入堆叠的历史脚注和静物、风景画传统的痕迹和指向中无法自拔,马蒂斯的色彩和图案,霍克尼对于加州光线的捕捉和扁平化的空间处理,Les Nabis画派的构图,甚至里希滕思坦的室内系列中的视角以及对于平面设计元素的关注和挪用,湾区具象画派和加州放克艺术的遗产……这个谱系也可以从画作中的画册,墙上悬挂的画中画找到不少线索。

—— 栾诗璇,《Hilary Pecis的生活蒙太奇》,2020




SPURS Gallery | Gallery I

希拉里·佩西斯,《好孩子》,2020,布面丙烯,173 x 137 cm | Hilary Pecis, Big Boy, 2020, Acrylic on canvas©SPURS Gallery

SPURS Gallery welcomes visitors to Delivered by the Foehn Winds, the gallery’s first exhibition with American painter Hilary Pecis, featuring thirteen new paintings the artist has created this year at her Los Angeles studio.

Hilary Pecis' paintings capture the spaces she inhabits in an intricate and captivating way. Referencing the history and medium of painting, Pecis' work feels as though it could exist in a number of time periods, while retaining a modern quality. Upon exploring the various details on Pecis' canvases, one becomes enthralled in all that exists on the surface and could spend hours discovering new and exciting elements. Pecis' interest in the history of representational painting is evident throughout her work. She often includes stacks of monographs, exhibition posters, and works by other artists within her compositions, allowing Pecis the opportunity to try out different styles alongside her vernacular of making. With the inclusion of cultural and art historical references, Pecis offers a set of visual cues to the viewer that speak to specific time and place. Ultimately, through negotiating the negative and positive space on the canvas, Pecis's acrylic paintings allow for contemplation of the space we occupy and how we overlap with our surroundings.

Hilary Pecis (b. 1979, Fullerton, CA) earned a BFA and MFA from the California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA. Recent solo exhibitions include The Crisp- Ellert Museum, St. Augustine, FL; Halsey McKay, East Hampton, NY; The Pit, Los Angeles, CA among others. Pecis has participated in numerous group exhibitions, at venues such as Brand Library & Arts Center, Glendale, CA; Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA; Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, CA; University of Texas, San Antonio, TX; Dominican University of San Rafael, San Rafael, CA; and Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA. The artist's work has been reviewed in ArtForum, Artnet, The New Yorker, and CARLA. Pecis was the 2008 recipient of the San Francisco Arts Commission's Murphy and Cadogan Fellowship and is a co-founder of Binder of Women, a collective of female artists based in the Los Angeles area.


The works of Hilary Precis seem to be just this sort of irresistible invitation to engage in a leisurely detective game of painting history. The keen observer will recognize hints of art history floating around in her paintings, even find themselves mired in piles of historical footnotes, and traces of still life and landscape painting traditions: Matisse's colors and patterns, Hockney’s capturing of the Californian light and flat rendering of space, the compositions of Les Nabis, the perspectives of Lichtenstein's indoor series and his focus and appropriation of graphic design elements, the legacy of the Bay Area Figurative Movement and California Funk Art... There are many clues to this genealogy to be found in the art books and paintings within the paintings. 


— Excerpt from Luan Shixuan, "The Living Montage of Hilary Pecis"

(The full text will be released after the opening of the exhibition)

希拉里·佩西斯,《茶饼店》,2020,布面丙烯,137 x 112 cm | Hilary Pecis, Tea Parlor, 2020, Acrylic on canvas©SPURS Gallery

Hilary Pecis: Delivered by the Foehn Winds


SPURS Gallery | Gallery I


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