
【SPURS 新展】法利·阿吉拉尔:纸老虎

S SPURS Gallery
SPURS Gallery荣幸宣布,于2021年8月21日推出来自美国迈阿密的艺术家法利·阿吉拉尔(Farley Aguilar)在画廊的首场个展“纸老虎”(Sauvage Effete),在Gallery II呈现他最新创作的6幅绘画作品。

如前所述,阿吉拉尔的作品往往以历史照片为基础,此次展出作品的构图几乎全部来自英国爱德华时代的图像。《围猎者》(Pheasant Shoot,2021),这些作品中尺幅最大的一件,也是如此。画中,五个身着粗花呢羊毛夹克和马裤的男人正在打猎间隙休息。在此,艺术家向观众示范了自己的高超技巧。如洗碧空照亮整个场景,围住富裕的地主们,与之相映成趣的是背景里深色的灌木丛和男人们颜色花哨的着装。这般非自然主义的色彩使人想起野兽派艺术家亨利·马蒂斯,却并不像他口中的“安乐椅”那般令人愉悦,它们反而令人不安。爱德华时代,猎山鸡是相当流行而重要的社交活动,但是毫无疑问只有富裕的地主和他们的朋友才有特权享受这份惬意。


2021年8月21日至9月19日SPURS Gallery II  | 北京朝阳区酒仙桥路二号院798艺术区D-06

法利·阿吉拉尔,《围猎者》,2021,油画棒、铅笔、亚麻布油画,162.6 x 200.7 cm | Farley Aguilar, Pheasant Shoot, 2021, Oil, oil stick, pencil on linen, 162.6 x 200.7 cm

SPURS Gallery is proud to announce the launch of "Sauvage Effete" by Miami artist Farley Aguilar. It is the artist's first solo exhibition at the gallery and opens on August 21, 2021, presenting his new paintings at Gallery II.

Strongly influenced by the writings of French economist Thomas Piketty, Aguilar is deeply concerned with income and wealth inequality and other injustices. With this exhibition, the artist would like "to display the dichotomy of a ruling class that is both ruthless with a profit and dominating logic and also ineffectual, [therefore] no longer capable of contributing to society in a holistic way."
 As stated before, Aguilar often bases his compositions on found photographs. This time he predominantly chose images from the Edwardian era. Pheasant Shoot (2021), the largest painting here, depicts five Edwardian men resting, who are dressed in the typical outdoor clothes of the time: tweed wool jackets and breeches. The artist demonstrates his unarguable skills, surrounding the well-to-do landowners with a beautiful glow in the sky that illuminates the whole scene while contrasting it with the dark bushes in the background and the brightly painted attire of the men. This unnaturalistic use of color reminds us of the Fauvist Henri Mattise, but Aguilar's art is no like "a good armchair". Instead, the work is profoundly upsetting— pheasant shooting was an important fixture on an Edwardian social calendar, however, only wealthy landowners and their close friends had the privilege to hunt.
 "I’ve always liked the general insight of Romanticism: color, application, and composition can lead to a higher understanding of human sentiment and consciousness than just pure rationalism," said Aguilar, naming art traditions he appreciates. In a sense, the six paintings exhibited here do have an air of Romanticism. The compositions are spontaneously historical and contemporary, and more importantly, they never fail to rouse intense feelings, urging the audience to support a fairer socio-political system.
The exhibition will be on view until September 19th.

Farley Aguilar‍: Sauvage EffeteDuration: August 21 – September 19, 2021  SPURS Gallery II | 798 Art District D-06, Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing


Born in Nicaragua in 1980, Aguilar is a self-taught artist. He and his family fled conflict in his native country and settled in the United States, where he now lives and works in Miami. The artist often bases his compositions on found photographs and uses all kinds of materials, oil, oil stick, and pencil included. His frenzied works not only faithfully depict America's moment of social unrest but remind us of his artistic forebears— James Ensor, Edvard Munch, even Francisco de Goya, as well.

SPURS 即将展出
2021.8.21 - 9.19
SPURS画廊(Gallery I)| 北京朝阳区酒仙桥路二号院798艺术区D-06


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