【SPURS 新展】使徒统绪
SPURS画廊 Gallery I | 北京朝阳区酒仙桥路二号院798艺术区D-06
SPURS画廊荣幸地宣布将于2021年11月6日推出群展“使徒统绪”。该展览是比尔·鲍尔斯(Bill Powers)在亚洲策划的首展,将展出17名艺术家的作品。
使徒统绪(Apostolic Succession)
文 / 比尔·鲍尔斯
我记得是画家彼得·纳丁(Peter Nadin)首先引进了“使徒统绪”的概念。它源于宗教——耶稣将圣职传给他的使徒,使徒们则继承了这些传统——当然我们会在世俗的语境中使用这个词语,转译为艺术在文化以及视觉历史中的演变。假若没有提香的《乌尔比诺的维纳斯》作为先例,会有马奈的《奥林匹亚》吗?如果不曾看过拉斐尔《西斯廷圣母》中的小天使,阿西夫·霍凯会想出他的插着双翼的美男子吗?乔舒亚·佩特克的《夜歌》这样的画作更直接受惠于蒂费德里科·安德烈奥蒂(Federico Andreotti)和尤金·德布拉斯 (Eugene de Blaas) 等欧洲大师。模仿与颠覆只在一线之间,换言之,正如评论家罗伯塔·史密斯(Roberta Smith)所说,“如果你足够幸运的话,就能摆脱这些影响。”
不可否认,目睹一位新生代画家摆脱艺术史的重负令人无比兴奋。马克·杨能否向我们揭示卡罗尔·邓纳姆(Carroll Dunham)未能展露过的摔跤手的另一面?纳撒尼尔·玛丽·奎因为他的艺术品经纪人画了一幅肖像,就像巴勃罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso)和伊丽莎白·佩顿 (Elizabeth Peyton) 曾经画过他们的画廊主一样。从彼得·多伊格(Peter Doig)到约翰·柯林(John Currin) 的许多艺术家都会从电影中取材,柳熙珍则在她笔下的自然风景中嵌入了来自《绿野仙踪》的元素。安娜·韦安特让我们重新思考孤独,在她画中的豆荚里只有一颗豌豆。杰伊·米里亚姆对这一展览主题的回应可能最接近其字面意义,一位母亲将珍珠作为礼物送给女儿,传家宝就此诞生。
Apostolic Succession
November 6 – December 12, 2021
SPURS Gallery I | 798 Art District D-06, 2 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing
SPURS Gallery is pleased to present the group exhibition “Apostolic Succession”, featuring 17 artists. This exhibition is the first exhibition curated by Bill Powers in Asia, a New York based curator, writer and gallerist. The exhibition will open on November 6, 2021.
Apostolic Succession
By Bill Powers
I believe it was the painter Peter Nadin who first introduced me to the idea of “apostolic succession.” Religious in its origin – Jesus handing down certain rituals to his apostles and them in turn carrying on those traditions – is here in use in a secular sense translated into the cultural field of art and it’s evolution of visual history, like: Would we have Manet’s “Olympia” without Titian’s “Venus of Urbino” as a precedent? Or in relation to this exhibition, would Asif Hoque ever have thought to create his winged American loverboys without Raphael’s iconic cherubs in the painting “Sistine Madonna”? A painting like Joshua Petker’s “Nightsong” for example owes a direct debt to European masters like Federico Andreotti and Eugene de Blaas. Which is to say that it’s a fine line between the derivative and the transformative. Or as critic Roberta Smith pointed it out, “If you’re lucky you can escape your influences.”
For the viewer, it is undeniably exciting to witness how young aspiring painters grapple with art history, free themselves from their burdens and design new contemporary images, placing them in the reference space of the historical and current world of images. Can Mark Yang reveal a new facet about wrestlers to us which Carroll Dunham hadn’t previously disclosed? Nathaniel Mary Quinn draws a portrait of his art dealer the way Pablo Picasso and Elizabeth Peyton once depicted their gallerists. Hiejin Yoo embeds a “Wizard of Oz” reference in her nature scene as so many other artists from Peter Doig to John Currin have looked to cinema. Anna Weyant makes us think anew about the loneliness of vegetables as we see one solitary “Pea” in her pod. Jay Miriam takes perhaps the most literal approach to this exhibition theme showing a mother gifting pearls to her daughter, the birth of an heirloom.
The exhibition will remain on view until December 12.
比尔·鲍尔斯,1967年生于美国纽约市,1989年毕业于福特汉姆大学,曾为《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、ARTnews、Purple Fashion Magzine等媒体撰稿。2008年,鲍尔斯创立了画廊Half Gallery。2013年,高古轩发表了他同多位艺术家的一系列采访。
鲍尔斯已经为阿尔敏·莱希、高古轩、博伦坡等画廊策划过众多群展,还曾同Jerry Saltz和Simon de Pury合作担任Bravo“Work of Art: The Next Great Artist”的常驻评委。今年早些时候,他帮助Tanya Merrill在上海池社举办了一场个展。
Bill Powers was born in New York City in 1967. He graduated from Fordham University with a B.A. in 1989 and have written for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, ARTnews, and Purple Fashion Magzine. In 2008, Powers started Half Gallery. In 2013, Gagosian published a collection of his interviews with artists.
Powers has previously curated group shows for Almine Rech, Gagosian, and Blum & Poe, and is a permanent judge on Bravo's "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist" with Jerry Saltz and Simon de Pury. Earlier this year, he helped organized a solo museum show for Tanya Merrill at Pond Society in Shanghai.
SPURS 正在展出
SPURS画廊 Gallery II | 北京朝阳区酒仙桥路二号院798艺术区D-06
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