
【SPURS 艺术家】邢丹文近期动态

s SPURS Gallery

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邢丹文,《都市演绎 图2》,2006,彩色冲洗印相,170 x 220 cm

邢丹文,《都市演绎 图23》,2005,彩色冲洗印相,170 x 212.5 cm

















Hirshhorn Museum美术馆,美国华盛顿


邢丹文作品“绝缘”系列(2002—2003)正在美国华盛顿Hirshhorn Museum美术馆群展“豁然敞开了一扇窗户”展出。

“豁然敞开了一扇窗户”展示不同代际中国艺术家1993至2022年间的摄影作品共186件,其中141件是重要中国艺术收藏家Larry Warsh承诺捐赠给Hirshhorn的作品。展览标题取自1997年荣荣和刘铮宣言式的出版物《新摄影》,指向摄影实践从现实主义转向观念艺术实践的可能性。


更多内容见Hirshhorn Museum官网:


邢丹文,《绝缘 A3》,2002—2003,彩色冲印,148 x 120 cm

邢丹文,《绝缘 B12》,2002—2003,彩色冲印,148 x 120 cm



GL STRAND当代艺术中心,丹麦哥本哈根


邢丹文作品“我是女人”系列(1994—1996)正在哥本哈根GL STRAND当代艺术中心群展“出走!中国当代艺术中的女性身份”展出。


展览此前曾在挪威的利勒哈默尔美术馆展出,随后还将巡展到奥地利萨尔茨堡的Museum der Moderne。德国知名艺术类出版社Hatje Cantz出版了展览画册。

更多内容见GL STRAND官网:


邢丹文,《我是女人 02》,1994—1996,收藏级纸矿物质喷墨打印,157 x 224 cm

邢丹文,《我是女人 10》,1994—1996,收藏级纸矿物质喷墨打印,127 x 178 cm



玛丽·罗伯和特露丝·勒巴特 编

Thames & Hudson出版社出版



中国当代摄影景观 1980—2020

顾铮 著




40 Years of Chinese Photography

Kulangsu Center for Contemporary Art, Xiamen, China


Images from Xing Danwen's "Urban Fiction" (2004–present) are on view at the KCCA group exhibition "40 Years of Chinese Photography."

"40 Years of Chinese Photography" is curated by Lao Zhu, professor of the Department of History at Peking University and academic member of the China Annual Critics Assembly. Yang Xiaoyan, professor of the School of Art at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, critic, and art history scholar, is the academic director. The exhibition has two parts. The second part features 40 selected photographers, and Xing is one of them. Considering the 40 photographers a reflection of a larger picture, the exhibition invites viewers to re-examine how photography has changed the history and ideas of China, the world, and all of humanity at Kulangsu, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. 

Beijing East Village

Tate Modern, London, UK

2022.12.10–2023 Autumn

Images from Xing Danwen's "A Personal Diary" (1993–2003) are on view at "Beijing East Village," part of the Tate Modern display "Performer and Participant." 

From 1992 to 1998, a group of artists who met in the Dashanzhuang village in Beijing enacted a series of provocative experiments – both as individuals and collectively – that put Chinese performance art and photography on the world map. Today, they are remembered as the Beijing East Village artists.

"Beijing East Village" explores performances and photographs created in Beijing’s ‘East Village’, highlighting the collaboration among the East Village artists, which is emblematic of the parallel and mutually supportive development of performance and photography practices in China.

For more details, please visit the official site of Tate: 


(De)constructing Ideology

The Cultural Revolution and Beyond

The Wende Museum in Culver City, CA, US


Xing Danwen's triptych "Born with the Cultural Revolution" (1995) is on view at the Wende Museum exhibition "(De)constructing Ideology: The Cultural Revolution and Beyond."

"(De)constructing Ideology" explores the history and artistic production of the Cultural Revolution. It presents imagery from the period while investigating the circumstances of production, the relationship between art and ideology, and the agency of the artists working within restrictive frameworks. The exhibition also looks at the afterlife of the movement through contemporary art, wherein which Chinese artists have appropriated and adapted the iconic images from this period for their own use today.

For more details, please visit the official site of The Wende Museum: 


A Window Suddenly Opens

Contemporary Photography in China

Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, DC, US


Images from Xing Danwen's "disCONNEXION" (2002–2003) is on view at the Hirshhorn Museum group exhibition "A Window Suddenly Opens: Contemporary Photography in China."

"A Window Suddenly Opens" is the Hirshhorn’s first survey of photography by leading multigenerational Chinese artists made between the 1990s and 2000s. The exhibition showcases 186 artworks made between 1993 and 2022 of which 141 are a landmark promised gift to the Hirshhorn from pioneering collector of Chinese art Larry Warsh. The exhibition’s title is drawn from a 1997 publication, a near manifesto, by Rong Rong and Liu Zheng that celebrated the possibilities in shifting the practice of photography away from realism toward a conceptual art practice.

A catalog will be published by Yale University Press.

For more details, please visit the official site of Hirshhorn Museum: 


Stepping Out! 

Female Identities in Chinese Contemporary Art

Kunstforeningen GL STRAND, Copenhagen, Denmark


Images from Xing Danwen's "I am a woman" (1994–1996) are on view at GL STRAND group exhibition "Stepping Out! Female Identities in Chinese Contemporary Art."

"Stepping Out!" presents a collection of more than 80 works that across video, performance, painting, photography and sculpture reflect and explore the major deve­lop­ments and transformations that Chinese society has undergone since the 1980s. The exhibition shows the Chinese art scene through artists born in the period between 1960 and 1994. They belong to the genera­tions that grew up with the great economic, political and cultural changes that China has seen from the time of the Cultural Revolution until today, and work in the field of tension between past and present, and longing for a different future.

The exhibition was previously shown at Lillehammer Kunstmuseum in Norway and will also tour the Museum der Moderne in Salzburg, Austria. A catalog has been published by the leading German art publisher Hatje Cantz.

For more details, please visit the official site of GL STRAND: 



A World History of Women Photographers

edited by Luce Lebart & Marie Robert

published by Thames & Hudson

July 2022, UK

P431, P460–461

Chinese Contemporary Photography 1980–2020, A Collection of Essays by Gu Zheng (Chinese version)

by Gu Zheng

published by Shanghai People's Publishing House

Jul 2022, China



邢丹文,出生于中国西安,现在生活并工作于北京。1992年毕业于中央美术学院获学士学位,2001年毕业于纽约视觉艺术学院获硕士学位。邢丹文的作品一直处于中国当代艺术的前沿位置,活跃于国内外的当代艺术舞台上。作为一位突出的运用摄影和新媒体创作的艺术家和杰出的女性代表,邢丹文的作品广泛地被国内外众多优秀学术性杂志出版及艺术评论人反复提及,成为当今国际艺术界的学术话题之一,被编入多本重要的国际书籍。其作在国内外众多的美术馆和国际性双年展、三年展上展出,诸如纽约惠特尼美国艺术博物馆、纽约大都会艺术博物馆、纽约国际摄影中心、洛杉矶盖蒂博物馆、巴黎蓬皮杜中心、伦敦维多利亚与艾尔伯特博物馆、鹿特丹Boijmans Van Beuningen博物馆、悉尼双年展、横滨三年展等等;也被以上美术馆,以及许多国际重要私人藏家及艺术机构广泛收藏,诸如藏家希客、瑞士银行、法国国家当代艺术基金等等。2017年,她的个人回顾展在北京红砖美术馆举行。2018年,她获得了AAC艺术中国年度艺术家提名奖。2019年,她被日本版《时尚芭莎》In 2018, she was nominated for the AAC Art China Artist of the Year Award. In 2019, she was listed in the top 10 Asian Women Artists by the Japanese edition of Harper's Bazaar.杂志评为25位“亚洲艺术女性”之一,排行前10名。

Xing Danwen was born in Xi'an, China, and now lives and works in Beijing. She graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts with a BFA in 1992 and the School of Visual Arts, New York with an MFA in 2001. 

Xing's work has been at the cutting edge of Chinese contemporary art and appears on the contemporary art scene both at home and abroad. As a prominent artist using photography and new media and an outstanding woman artist, Xing has been repeatedly mentioned in academic journals and by art critics, becoming one of the academic topics in the international art world today. Her works are widely included in international publications and exhibited at major institutions and biennials/triennials around the world, including the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; The International Center of Photography (ICP), New York; the J. Paul Getty Museum; the Centre Pompidou, Paris; the Victoria and Albert Museum, London; the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam; the Biennale of Sydney; the Yokohama Triennale. In 2017, "Captive of Love," a large solo exhibiton of her was held at the Red Brick Art Museum, Beijing. In 2018, she was nominated for the AAC Art China Artist of the Year Award. In 2019, she was listed in the top 10 Asian Women Artists by the Japanese edition of Harper's Bazaar.

SPURS 正在展出



Gallery I|SPURS Gallery,北京朝阳区酒仙桥路二号院798艺术区D-06


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