
【SPURS 新展】马德琳·普福尔:我行我速

s SPURS Gallery



Gallery II|SPURS Gallery,北京市朝阳区酒仙桥北路二号院798艺术区D-06




展览将在马刺画廊Gallery II持续展出至2024年4月7日。

马德琳·普福尔,《牛仔不难》,2023,亚麻布面油画,三联,每件180 × 120 cm | Madeleine Pfull, Cowgirl, 2023, oil on linen, triptych, each 180 × 120 cm

Madeleine Pfull: Shoot Your Shot

March 2–April 7, 2024

Gallery II | SPURS Gallery, D-06, 798 Art Zone, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

SPURS Gallery is pleased to present “Shoot Your Shot,” an exhibition by Australian Madeleine Pfull on March 2, 2024. This will be the artist's first solo show with the gallery, as well as the inaugural presentation of her work in China. 

The majority of Pfull's work consists of portraits of mid-aged women in different situations. These figures present themselves with a blend of exaggeration and awkwardness, but also undeniable power. The model for these portraits is, in fact, the artist herself. Donning flamboyant and old-fashioned attire, she creates a persona for each of these women. Then, embodying these characters who are older than her actual age, she performs an assortment of scenarios which are then depicted onto canvas. Pfull draws inspiration for these figures from her upbringing in the suburbs of Sydney, mixing her friend's family members, neighbors, and her own interpretation of middle age seen in popular culture.

The show concerns itself with the ignominy that occurs in the mundane lives of these women. “Shoot Your Shot” connotes an act of dramatic self-declaration that culminates in an ill-fated, shame-inducing denouement. Using diptychs or triptychs, the artist presents the progression of the characters in each scene. While all the women appear bored, startled, or dissatisfied with their situation, they occupy the canvases' center resolutely. In doing so, Pfull puts a spotlight on this familiar yet overlooked demographic—the everyday women occupying Australian middle-class suburbia. In her depictions, these fed-up women rule their own universe in their vibrantly garish and kitschy worlds. 

The exhibition will be on view in Gallery II until April 7, 2024.






普福尔的近期个展包括:马刺画廊,北京(2024);Nino Mier Gallery,洛杉矶(2021和2018);Salon Nino Mier,科隆(2020);Chalk Horse Gallery,悉尼(2019);M2 Gallery,悉尼(2017)。群展包括:Nino Mier Gallery,洛杉矶;Johannes Vogt,纽约。驻留包括:Chalk Horse Studio Residency,悉尼;Salon Nino Mier,科隆;Fores Project,伦敦;以及位于加拿大的Jen Mann和Spark Box Studio。

Madeleine Pfull was born in 1993 in Sydney, Australia, and lives and works in Sydney. She graduated with a Bachelor of Visual Arts from Sydney College of the Arts in 2015.

The first act in Pfull's practice is peculiar. She ages herself with makeup, puts on wigs and dresses up as the characters she wants to reproduce, namely 1980s suburban housewives. Mimicking particular expressions, idiosyncrasies and postures, she feeds the documentation into smoothly surfaced paintings. Describing the process she says:

“I think I have similar impulses to writers and actors, of making up stories and involving myself in a character's life. I am fascinated with performance and mannerisms which can provide a whole backstory to the person they portray.”

Integrating performative staging into painting, Pfull forms uncompromising portraits of women who occupy domestic spaces and are seen through the lens of suburban cliches. Positioning painting as a medium that encourages quiet meditation, Pfull urges the importance of stillness and patient contemplation in understanding. This is further heightened by the “dual portraits” where she creates the same scene twice but with only a minor variation. Clad in outdated frocks and firm in their unyielding stances, her characters materialise a type of resistance and in return, with this same unhurried attitude she asks us to consider them.

Pfull has recently shown in a solo capacity at SPURS Gallery, Beijing (2024); Nino Mier Gallery, Los Angeles (2021 and 2018); Salon Nino Mier, Cologne (2020); Chalk Horse Gallery, Sydney (2019); M2 Gallery, Sydney (2017); and has held group exhibitions at Nino Mier Gallery, Los Angeles and Johannes Vogt, New York. Her residencies include Chalk Horse Studio Residency, Sydney; Salon Nino Mier, Cologne; Fores Project, London; Jen Mann and Spark Box Studio in Canada.

SPURS 即将展出



Gallery I|SPURS Gallery,北京市朝阳区酒仙桥北路二号院798艺术区D-06



Gallery II|SPURS Gallery,北京市朝阳区酒仙桥北路二号院798艺术区D-06

SPURS Gallery

