
【SPURS 新展】罗克萨娜·皮鲁曼德:失去重心前的十七段叙事

s SPURS Gallery



Gallery IISPURS Gallery,北京市朝阳区酒仙桥北路二号院798艺术区D-06

马刺画廊将于2024年5月25日于Gallery II推出罗克萨娜·皮鲁曼德(Roksana Pirouzmand,1990年出生于伊朗亚兹德,现生活和工作于美国洛杉矶)的个展“失去重心前的十七段叙事”,以艺术家的十七件绘画、雕塑、装置与行为表演作品呈现她的近期感受与思考,也是其在中国的首秀。皮鲁曼德的创作从个人经历出发,展现了跨地域与跨文化背景下有关个人身份与家庭历史的叙事,同时,通过拓展对不同材料的使用,她更关注的是身体在主体与客体、观者与表演者之间的关系,以及这其中产生的互动与变化。





罗克萨娜·皮鲁曼德,《静待火山爆发的水晶灯》,2024,陶瓷,37 × 39 cm|Roksana Pirouzmand, on a fault line, in a volcano, under a chandelier, 2024, ceramic, 37 × 39 cm

Roksana Pirouzmand: on my mothers’s lap

May 25–July 7, 2024

Gallery II | SPURS Gallery, D-06, 798 Art Zone, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

SPURS Gallery is delighted to present “on my mother’s lap”, a solo exhibition by Roksana Pirouzmand (b. 1990 in Yazd, Iran; lives and works in Los Angeles, USA), marking the artist’s debut in China, on May 25, 2024. The exhibition presents seventeen works of her recent thoughts and practices at Gallery II, spanning from paintings, sculptures, installations to performances. Pirouzmand works with identity and its politics and narrates a cross-regional and trans-cultural poignancy. By exploring a vast array of work materials, she attunes to the subjectivity and objectivity of bodily rites, the relational aesthetics between performer and spectator, and the arising interactivities and changes. 

The title of Pirouzmand’s forthcoming performance comes from the two exhibition highlights under the same titles on my mother’s lap as it is a profound metaphor of the artist’s personal history and irrevocable emotional baggage. The ceramic piece, among all the on my mother’s lap, is a pile of sculptural legs that belongs to her female predecessors, forming an unstable set of steps — an immigrant analogy for searching the intricate balance between the personal and family pursuits, the perennial quest for sufficient identity and protection, and the active seeking of one’s place in history. 

The large-scale installation in the center of the gallery space is the negative derivation of a formed sculpture. The indistinct human outline suggests a story forgotten by time; for its whispering, reminds us about those fading memories, the disappearance and the oblivion in life. Water slowly drips into the “reservoir”, the unspeakable tale tells, it is a recital of how time flies and how emotions are bottled up. The audience is no longer a spectator of the staging performance but a crucial part of this sentimental relay. Together we find a transitory balance in an outraged, chaotic and uneven world.

Paintings on the red clay panels are settled on the surrounding walls with their unique texture and textuality. Whereas, temporality is an intrinsic property of this very medium, the red clay. Holes on the panels not only serve as a passage to the heart of the works but also exhaust the faces of figures, only the gestures and movements persist. One may find this omnipresence of surrendering by posing in the Savasana (corpse pose) or in worshiping prayers, perhaps across all cultures and religions. Pirouzmand communicates in an intimate yet universal language, so may you find some peace on her mother’s lap.

The exhibition will remain on view until July 7, 2024. 

罗克萨娜·皮鲁曼德,《可见与不可见,口与口,手与手(II)》,2023,陶瓷,41 × 53 cm|Roksana Pirouzmand, visible, invisible, from one mouth to the other, from one hand to the other (II), 2023, ceramic, 41 × 53 cm


罗克萨娜·皮鲁曼德,摄影:陶溪川艺术中心|Roksana Pirouzmand, photo: Taoxichuan Center



皮鲁曼德的近期个展包括:“失去重心前的十七段叙事”,马刺画廊,北京(2024);“The Past Seeps through the Present”,Murmurs,洛杉矶(2022);“They Last Forever”,Grand Central Art Center,奥兰治县(2021);“Open Studio”,Margo Leavin Graduate Art Studios,洛杉矶(2020)。近期群展包括:“Made in L.A. 2023: Acts of Living”,哈默美术馆,洛杉矶(2023);“浴室梦魇”,Del Vaz Projects,洛杉矶(2022);“Mehmooni”,Guest House Gallery,洛杉矶(2022);“Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer”,Make Room Gallery,洛杉矶(2022);“Machines of Desire”,Simon Lee Gallery,伦敦(2022)。

Born in 1990 in Yazd, Iran, Roksana Pirouzmand is a multidisciplinary artist currently living and working in Los Angeles, USA. She holds a BFA from the California Institute of the Arts (2017) and an MFA from the University of California, Los Angeles (2022).

Pirouzmand’s artistic interest focuses on the interaction between the human body as a receiver/viewer and as an activator/performer, with the materials’ qualities often serving as a method of communication between the two. She expresses her ideas through mediums such as sculpture, installation, video, and performance art.

Pirouzmand’s recent solo exhibitions include “on my mother’a lap,” SPURS Gallery, Beijing (2024); “The Past Seeps through the Present,” Murmurs, Los Angeles (2022); “They Last Forever,” Grand Central Art Center, Orange County (2021); “Open Studio,” Margo Leavin Graduate Art Studios, Los Angeles (2020). Recent group exhibitions include “Made in L.A. 2023: Acts of Living,” The Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (2023); “Nightmare Bathroom,” Del Vaz Projects, Los Angeles (2022); “Mehmooni,” Guest House Gallery, Los Angeles (2022); “Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer,” Make Room Gallery, Los Angeles (2022); “Machines of Desire,” Simon Lee Gallery, London (2022).

SPURS Gallery

