
共同的节日-废墟艺术计划 | 即将开幕!!

SNAP SNAP艺术中心 2021-09-26



09.19 - 10.06

艺术家 | Artists

阿诈里 A Zhali / 安卡尔·艾尔肯 ANKAR ARKEN / 高铭研 Gao Mingyan / 虹紫 Agnes Wang / 胡任乂 + 弄堂侠© Hu Renyi + LONGTANG CLAN© / 雷童 Lei Tong / Michael Arcega / 王欣 Wang Xin / 吴牧寒 Wu Muhan / 徐喆 Xu Zhe / 姚念宇 Leslie Yao / 殷漪 Yin Yi / 曾晨 FRESHLY SQUEEZED / 张乐华 Zhang Lehua / 张孟泰 Zhang Mengtai / 张小船 Boat Zhang 



1969年,纽约著名艺术家Mierle Laderman Ukeles曾在《维系艺术宣言》(Manifesto for Maintenance Art)中把这样的社会形态定义为“两个基本系统:发展和维系”。她阐释道:





—— 策展人:胡任乂
COMRADERY is a group art exhibition scheduled to be held within the former Shanghai Pharmaceutical Vocational College at 1088 Yuyuan Road and is part of the ongoing A REJUVENATION PROJECT. Situated at the end of a humble lane this historical building has stood for decades lonely and abandoned, yet upon further inspection one can find evidence of it once being a grand residence long before being turned into make-shift classrooms complete with lab facilities for eager students of medicine. At this moment the Yuyuan Road comes back to the life leading its community to this symbolic building with unforeseen potential. Throughout Yuyuan Road’s modern history, many unique vendors have established themselves along its tree laden sidewalks. These social innovations have paved the way for today’s artists to introduce new ideas, fostering stronger communication between the multiple layers of Yuyuan Road’s already thriving old & young communities. In 1969, New York artist, Mierle Laderman Ukeles presented this as “two basic systems: Development and Maintenance” stating in her Manifesto for Maintenance Art, “Development: pure individual creation; the new; change; progress; advance; excitement; flight or fleeing” and “Maintenance: keep the dust off the pure individual creation; preserve the new; sustain thechange; protect progress; defend and prolong the advance; renew the excitement; repeat the flight…” Artists are naturally born with a sensitivity and an unrelenting creativity that later evolves into a lifestyle, although they remain contained by the ordinance and regulations of the society they exist in. The mundane maintenance of life can be simplified, but can never be nonexistent. Sol Lewitt stated in 1968, “Conceptual artists are mystics rather than rationalists. They leap to conclusions that logic cannot reach.” Many artists remain misunderstood, walking away, and distancing themselves from their communities. The responsibility falls on the society to make a place for them, to seek comradery amongst all its members, to forge a place for all. COMRADERY - A REJUVENATION PROJECT connects its local artists with a space and gives them an audience with the community while at the same time raising questions and solving problems. Please join us on September 19th at 17:00 in the former Shanghai Pharmaceutical Vocational College for the launch of this inaugural contemporary art exhibition which will include interactive installations, soundart, live performances, live music and more.
—— Curator: Hu Renyi





胡任乂+ 弄堂侠© Hu Renyi + LONGTANG CLAN©


Change the World

16:00 - 16:15

16:30 - 16:45

17:00 - 17:15

17:30 - 17:45

18:00 - 18:15

18:30 - 18:45


王欣 Wang Xin

八赫兹灵修 2019

8 HZ Spiritural Exercises 2019

17:30 - 19:00


张小船 Boat Zhang


Opening Performance

17:00 - 17:30




17:00 - 19:00


本成立在上海,在短时间内在中国独立摇滚圈获得了极大的好评。他们的专辑“新时代,共享未来”于3月15日由武汉的野生唱片发行,Enaut Martí Zinkunegi和Florian Rudin参与录音制作。上海秋天在虾米的数学摇滚风格中多次亮相,发布后3周内有超过32,000的新专辑评论,并在发布后的7周内单曲播放量超过37k。他们也是相关的数学摇滚艺术家。他们富有张力的现场表演也得到了许多方面的积极肯定。他们目前的配置5人组。上海秋天在微信和微博等社交媒体上不断扩展的新的社区,用承诺回馈那些在过去一路支持并信赖他们的粉丝。目前还有一些确定场次的演出,同时欧洲巡演和新的专辑已经在筹划中。上海秋天得到了来自武汉的独立唱片公司——野生唱片(一个在中国备受好评的厂牌)的支持。上海秋天乐队在武汉的vox livehouse举办了庆祝14周年的演出,演出结束后不久,Vox就在他们的官微上发帖,为著名日本乐队Toe的歌迷们强烈推荐该上海秋天乐队。

Based in Shanghai, they have received great critical acclaim in the independent rock scene of China, withina short period of time. Their album “New Era, Shared Future” was released in March 15 via Wild Records, Wuhan, by Enaut Martí Zinkunegi and Florian Rudin. Shanghai Qiutian was featured multiple times in Xiami’s Math Rock selection, with over 32k listens of their new EP within 3 weeks after release, and over 37k listens of the single within 7 weeks after release. They are also featured as relevant math rock artists. Their vivid live performances have also received positive feedback from many sides. They currently perform with 5 people on stage. Shanghai Qiutian’s growing community on Wechat and Weibo, the followers on Xiami and the friendships made during the past tourpromise more to come. A few confirmed concerts, as well as a Europe tour and a new EP are already being planned. Shanghai Qiutian is supported by the China wide respected independent label Wild records based in Wuhan, China. The band has played on the 14th anniversary concert of Vox Livehouse in Wuhan. In their Weibo post soon after the concert, Vox highly recommended the band to fans of the reputed Japanese bandtoe.





09.19 - 09.22

艺术家 | Artists
姚念宇 Leslie Yao


我们希望通过本次展览的机会,让观众可以重新发现这些“洞”里的光亮。根据三位艺术家: 安卡尔·艾尔肯、姚念宇以及曾晨的作品,整个展览被分为“光”,“声”以及“舞”三个部分,在志愿者的带领下,观众将进入大楼中的展览现场,与艺术家一起探索与发现“洞”里的闪光点,并与其共处与狂欢。

Alongside with the fast development of urbanization, the increasing numbers of abandoned buildings are just like the forgotten nooks inside the city. Similarly, the fast pace lifestyle easily brings pressure and emptiness to us. The abandoned former Shanghai Pharmaceutical Vocational College was selected to be the first stop, with the form of site-specific art, we try to explore the deficiency in city development.

We are hoping to offer an opportunity to let the lights shine again from the “holes” of the city. Three artists —— Ankar Arken, Lesile Yao and Freshly Squeezed, joined this exhibition and their works divide the exhibition into three parts, which are “Light”, “Sound” and “Movement”. During the self-guided tour, audience will have the chance to explore and enjoy the hidden secrets in the abandoned places.




学术支持SNAPUnique Citizen

联合策展FIU Gallery

Opening Hours: 10:00 - 18:00

开放时间:10:00 - 18:00

1088 Yuyuan Rd, No. 48, Changning, Shanghai 

      (former Shanghai Pharmaceutical Vocational College)



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