只有GPA3.8才能进哈佛?| 清澜山标化考试中心成立
T | S | S | A
英文全称:Tsinglan School Standardized test Academy
In the twentieth century, the US conducted a very interesting education experiment. Several researchers released and analyzed the result of a diagnostic test to all students in a public school, then told the school that one of their classes contains an unusual high number of “gifted” students, and therefore the school should pay extra attention. Not surprisingly, students who were in the identified class achieved much better learning outcome than those who are in regular classes, and many of which successfully entered their dream schools.
But it was not until the end of the experiment did the researchers publish that there were no gifted students at all. All the data were fabricated to intentionally leave faculty and parents with the impression that their kids were gifted.
The result of this experiment shows the power of expectation. When faculty, parents and the school truly believe that a student is gifted and that she has the potential to enter world-class universities, they usually start to believe in themselves too, meet expectations and eventually do end up in their dream schools. More often than not, our kids don’t lack the potential to enter the best universities. The problem is that potential is often buried deep, and we have to find and develop it.
One of the goals of TSSA is to establish high standards for every student, to provide trust and support, to activate all their potential, and finally to make sure that each student believes that they can enter their dream school by their own efforts.
Of course, faith alone does not fulfill our dreams. When assessing competency of applicants, the admission officers of universities often considers the following factors: GPA, Standardized tests scores, personal statement and writing samples, and extracurricular activities. We help students maximize the first three factors.
The goal of TSSA is to help students to get the best standardized test scores by strengthening English skill, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. We have world-class faculty, as well as a veteran curriculum design and research team. All of the core instructors have abundant experience in research of the tests and superior pedagogy.
Tsinglan School’s motto is “Try, and all is possible.”
The various courses offered by each academy serves as the scaffold for the school’s core curriculum. With the collaboration from multiple domains within our school, students will develop stronger and better academic skill.
The courses of TSSA serves as a most solid foundation which provides the powerful aid students need in order to achieve their best possible results on these challenging standardized tests. In addition, they help students enter world-class universities which best fit each individual.
TSSA promises that we protect students’ curiosity toward the world, arouse interest and foster passion for English; that we keep looking for the best learning materials from latest world affairs which promote critical thinking, discussion and reflection, and which enhance students’ English comprehension skills and the ability to solve challenging exam questions. In the end, our goal is to both dramatically improve test scores and strengthen English core skills.
In addition, TSSA also aims to provide students with other soft skills which are essential for becoming a true life-long learner, such as grit, critical thinking, teamwork and effective communication.
We also promise that we put the cultivation of global vision as one of our top priorities. Under the long-term trend of globalization, not only do we provide students with the tools to better cope with tests, but we also give them the skills and mindset to communicate, collaborate, and solve problems with people from different cultures, backgrounds and civilizations. We hope students have readily at their hands the skills to improve and change the world.
Boarding Center
在为6-9年级的学员备考时,将采取西方近几年在脑神经学和认知科学的最新研究成果以保证学习的长期迁移,如Grant Wiggins的Understanding by Design (UBD), Peter C. Brown的retrieval practice, spaced practice and interleaving. 做到不断通过诊断性小测试,精准定位学员的薄弱能力点,再有针对性的逐个解决问题,牢固且逐步的帮学员提升其各项听、说、读、写、批判性思维、以及团队合作能力及领导力。
TSSA blends the best of Chinese and Western educational philosophies and practices.
When preparing students from Grade 6 to Grarde 9, we implement the latest findings from Western neuroscience and cognitive research. For example, Understanding by Design (UBD) by Grant Wiggins and retrieval practice, spaced practice and interleaving are all incorporated into our curriculum to ensure long-term transfer of knowledge and skills.
Using well-designed and diagnostic quizzes, we quickly identify the specific weak areas where students need guidance and further practice. In this way, we lay a solid foundation for each individual core skill: reading, listening, speaking, writing, critical thinking, teamwork and leadership.
When preparing students from Grade 9 to Grade 11, our goal is to get the best score in the shortest time frame. We use short-term, high intensity programs to quickly build a systematic framework of skills and techniques to help students better deal with the tests, which saves students precious time to focus on other aspect of demanding college application.
Our pedagogies include but are not limited to: well-designed lectures, socratic seminar, English fiction & non-fiction book clubs, inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, debate and group presentations.
Our core courses are the language tests TOEFL and IELTS, and the SAT.
All TOEFL & IETLS preparatory classes are offered in the Tsinglan Night Class. Stay tuned for more information about other courses!
非核心课程覆盖AP, SAT2, ACT(A-level与IB科目课程敬请期待)。对有特殊申请需要的学员,标化考试学院将会进行量身定制个性化课程。
Our non-core courses cover all major tests currently available on the market, including AP, SAT2, ACT (A-level and IB courses are under development). For students with special needs, TSSA will provide customized courses to each individual to meet those needs.
申请国外本科大学时,学员除了需获得标化考试高分外,还需写出漂亮的文书,其中包括个人陈述(Personal Statement, or Statement of Purpose), 写作样本展示(Writing Sample),以及各类申请简述题。
When applying to universities, in addition to high test scores, it is imperative that students have excellent writing skills which allows them to compose high-quality Statement of Purpose (SOP), writing samples and responses to application questions.
Unlike impersonal test scores, these writings are the keys that helps admission officers to see and build a vivid, positive and vivacious image about applicants. Therefore, writing skills and techniques are equally important to the result of college application.
TSSA will teach students how to write the best SOP and writing sample, by gradually mastering the core writings skills and techniques, and by aiding each student to find and form a distinct style of writing.
Students will learn how to communicate ideas precisely and concisely, how to lay out the best overall structure, how to describe the changes of one’s understanding about the world and about oneself, how to grab the attention of admission officers from tens of thousands of applications by using skillful storytelling and appeals to emotions, how to highlight the main thread, and finally, how to write the perfect conclusion.
TSSA creates a digital profile for each student to keep track of the mastery of all the necessary skills which are essential to success. We provide periodic analysis and feedback to both students and parents, pointing students to the specific areas where they need more practice. Furthermore, we layout long-term plans to guide students and parents through the complex journey of college application.
Parents can always check and keep track of students’ academic performance from our IT system, as well as communicate and collaborate with our faculty to get the best outcome for each student.
傅 辰
Sen Foo
傅辰老师,本科毕业于美国爱荷华大学(The University of Iowa),硕士毕业于哥伦比亚大学的私立学校领导力项目(Private School Leadership, Teachers College, Columbia University)。
Sen Foo, Director of TSSA, received his Bachelor’s degree from University of Iowa, and Master’s degree in Private School Leadership from Teachers College, Columbia University.
He has nearly ten years of experience both teaching and researching English standardized tests, including TOEFL, GRE, SAT and SSAT. Previously, he worked as the dean of faculty of North American Test Department of New Oriental Beijing School, and was awarded the best instructor title given only to the top 5%.
His class is humorous and student-centered. He skillfully uses Socratic seminars to push students to think, constantly encourage students to explore the unknown and to fully embrace the challenges and doubts which students encounter while learning. He believes these constitute the best way to ensure the long-term transfer of knowledge and skills.
康 霞
Cathy Kang
of ESL Centre
Cathy Kang, Director of ESL Centre, graduated from Xi’an Foreign Languages University with a master’s degree in English Linguistics and Applied Linguistics.
Being an admitted member of TESOL and NACAC, she has been working in international curriculum program and offering college counselling in one of the top high schools in China for about 10 years. With these practical experiences, Ms. Kang has also committed herself into academic researches, focusing on the studies of second language acquisition and curriculum system constructions.
Meanwhile, she has successfully coached students in various national and international competitions. The Debate team under her coach has stood out for many times in national and international events as the Champions, the Best Teams and the Best Speakers. Many of her students are now studying at the top universities such as Yale, Stanford, Peking University, Tsinghua University, University of California and etc.
Shirley Kong
TSSA & ELA teacher
孔令琦(Shirley)老师先后毕业于北京外国语大学(Beijing Foreign Studies University)、香港中文大学(深圳)(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)和伦敦政治经济学院(the London School of Economics and Political Science)。曾辅导香港中文大学(深圳)本科生英语翻译课程和北京外国语大学留学生中级汉语阅读课程,也曾赴土耳其担任英语教师志愿者。Shirley老师相信语言是认识世界的钥匙,将通过语言教学拓展学生们的全球视野。具有人事部二级笔译和二级口译资格。
Shirley Kong, TSSA & ELA teacher, received her B.A. degree at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) and M.A. degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) (CUHK(SZ)) with exchange experience at London School of Economics.
She worked as an assistant teacher for intermediary Chinese reading class for non-native speakers at BFSU and a tutor for undergraduates’ translation class at CUHK(SZ). She also used to be a volunteer teacher in Turkey. Shirley believes that language is the key for exploring the world and has been dedicated to developing students’ global vision. Besides, she is a nationally accredited simultaneous interpreter and translator.
Grace Li
TSSA & ELA teacher
黎珮汶(Grace)老师先后就读于华南农业大学(South China Agricultural University)和澳洲新南威尔士大学(The University of New South Wales),后就读于英国杜伦大学(Durham University)英语教育 (TESOL)专业。黎珮汶老师性格外向开朗,热爱语言学习和文化交流,曾有多段面向各年龄段中西方学生的义务教学及海内外文化交流经历,喜欢阅读、运动、旅游。
Grace Li, TSSA & ELA teacher. Ms. Li graduated from Durham University in the U.K., where she earned a master’s degree in teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). She also graduated from the South China Agricultural University, when she did an exchange program in the University of New South Wales in Australia.
With an outgoing personality, Ms. Li enjoys language learning, cross-cultural volunteering, reading, exercising, and traveling. She has volunteered in teaching Chinese and overseas students of different ages, and has participated in different cross-cultural activities.
姚 婕
Jie Yao
TSSA & ELA teacher
姚婕老师先后就读于西安外国语大学(Xi’an International Studies University)和香港浸会大学(Hong Kong Baptist University)、香港中文大学(The Chinese University of Hong Kong)。先后学习英语教育、国际新闻和日本研究专业,毕业后在香港国际学校就职多年。喜欢音乐、电影、阅读和慢跑、瑜伽。
Jie Yao, TSSA and ELA teacher. She graduated from Xi'an International Studies University, Hong Kong Baptist University, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
She studied English education, international journalism and Japanese studies, and worked at Hong Kong International School for 3 years. She likes music, movies, reading, jogging and yoga.
余 婉
Ashley Yu
TSSA Assistant
余婉老师先后毕业于中国地质大学(China University Of Geosciences,Wuhan)和英国曼彻斯特大学(The University of Manchester)。本科和研究生学习成绩优异,多次获得奖学金,曾经从事外事翻译和文件笔译等工作。
Ashley Yu, TSSA Assistant, graduated from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) and University of Manchester. With her excellent academic performances, she has won scholarships for many times. She has also once provided translation and interpreting services for companies and educational institutions.
李 淑颖
Shuying LI
TSSA & ELA teacher
李淑颖老师先后毕业于湖南大学(Hunan University)、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)和加拿大西安大略大学(The University of Western Ontario)。曾任新东方北美项目和英联邦项目的助教,也曾远赴尼泊尔和摩洛哥担任志愿者英语教师。喜爱钢琴并通过了业余10级的测试,喜爱户外运动、旅游和跳舞。
Shuying Li, TSSA & ELA teacher, graduated from Hunan University, University of British Columbia and University of Western Ontario.
She worked as a teaching assistant in North American Test Department and British Test Department in New Oriental, and she also traveled to Nepal and Morocco as a volunteer English teacher. She loves the piano and pass the level 10 amateur test. She enjoys outdoor sports, travel and dance.
Tsinglan School is a pre-K through grade 12 international school committed to blending the best of Chinese and western educational philosophies and practices. In a compassionate, free, open, and collaborativeschool culture, Tsinglan cultivates thoughtful, responsible, intelligent, and interesting young citizens and sets them up on the paths to pursuing truth.Mission: Cultivate limitless talents, create a limitless world.Motto: Try, and all is possible.