
【逆天】 西非海盗集火攻击超大型LNG运输船!

2017-03-16 何明哲 LNG168物联网




  3月9日,一艘运力超过17万立方米的超大型LNG运输船在几内亚水域的Bonny湾遭遇海盗,被火力袭击!无知者无畏!人最大的悲剧就是死都不知道是怎么死的!(LNG运输船属于海上危化品运输工具,如果满载发生意外,结果很可能是如下图这样的:一艘 16 万立方米的LNG船满载时所储存的LNG总能量约是广岛原子弹的70倍,一旦爆炸,后果你猜!)

  据悉,这艘LNG船名为LA MANCHA KNUTSEN,遇袭当时正航行于尼日利亚Harcourt港南面约90海里的海面,具体经纬度为0303N 006 57E。事件中,一艘载有携带武器的人员的快艇驶近该液货船,并且朝该船开火试图拦截,以期登船。见此情形,该船启动保安警报系统,提高航速并且采用特殊操纵方式。幸运的是,这伙海盗最终放弃了袭击,悻悻离去。事件没有造成人员伤亡和明显的船舶损坏。据了解,该船此行未配有专业的安保人员。该船后来开往Bonny港。

  资料显示,液化天然气运输船LA MANCHA KNUTSEN于2016年在韩国现代重工建造,入籍西班牙,长284米,宽46米,114000总吨,载重吨为81605吨,能装载173656m³液化天然气。其船东为挪威财团Trygve Seglem 和日本NYK,目前由Knutsen OAS 航运公司运营。






  Spanish LNG carrier La Mancha Knutsen attacked by pirates in Gulf of Guinea,The Spanish LNG carrier La Mancha Knutsen was attacked by pirates in Gulf of Guinea on 90 nautical miles south off Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The tanker was approached by suspicious motor skiff from the stern with at least 7 heavy armed men on board. The Master raised alarm and increased speed, maneuvering to avoid boarding of the vessel. The pirates opened fire against the bridge of the LNG carrier, but after several minutes abandoned the attack and fled to the shore. After the unsuccessful attack the ship La Mancha Knutsen reported the accident to the local authorities and headed to Bonny, later during the day was berthed at the port for investigation. The LNG carrier was proceeding through Gulf of Guinea without security guards on board.

  Fortunately during the accident there were no injuries and no material damages reported. The company operator refused to comment the piracy attack before getting in contact with the Master and until completion of the investigation.

  The Spanish LNG carrier La Mancha Knutsen left Port of Aliaga in Turkey on February 25 and in early March it crossed the Canary Islands. Last Sunday the vessel was near to waters of Sierra Leone before entering the Gulf of Guinea, where was attacked by pirates.

  The LNG carrier La Mancha Knutsen (IMO: 9721724) is operated by Knutsen OAS Shipping and belong to the Norwegian consortium Trygve Seglem and NYK. The vessel was built in 2016 by Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea. The LNG carrier has overall length of 284.00 m, moulded beam of 46.00 m and maximum draft of 10.20 m. The deadweight of the ship is 81,605 DWT and the gross tonnage is 114,000 GRT with capacity to transport 173,656 cubic meters of LNG.

