
人教精通版三年级英语上册Unit4 Lesson24 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃三年级资源 2021-08-10


Revision 复习

Fun story 有趣故事

Read and act 读并表演

Look, Kate. I have a plane. 看,凯特。我有一架飞机。

Cool! I have a doll. 酷!我有一个娃娃。

Look! It's Santa! 看!是圣诞老人!

Hello! Merry Christmas! 你好!圣诞快乐!

Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!

I have a kite, a ball, a car, a plane... 我有一个风筝,一个球,一辆车,一架飞机……

Wow! Really?哇!真的吗?

Super. Can I see it? 好厉害。我能看看吗?

Here you are. 给你。

Thank you! 谢谢!

You're welcome. 不客气。

Good bye! 再见!

Bye! 再见!

Let's check 检查一下

Listen and number. 听并标数。

Hi, Monkey. I have a boat. 你好,猴子。我有一艘小船。

Look, I have a taxi. 看,我有一辆出租车。

I have a plane. 我有一架飞机。

I have a ship. 我有一艘船。

Look at my car. 看看我的车。

Look at my bike. 看看我的风筝。

Look, this is my doll. 看,这是我的娃娃。

This is my tra

in. 这是我的火车。

This is my bus.这是我的公交车。


(  ) 1. —How old are you?       —________
  A. I'm 10.     B. I'm fine.         C. I'm happy.
(  ) 2. My brother is seven ________ old.
A. year         B. years      C. year's
(  ) 3. I'm short. But my father is ________.
A. tall         B. young      C. old
(  ) 4. I have five birthday________.
A. gift            B. gifts         C. Gifts
(  )5. —________    —My foot hurts.
 A. What's the matter? B. Happy birthday! C. How old are you?
1. is  How  she  old _________________________________?
2. six  old  Lynn  years   is _______________________________.
3. you  Happy  to  birthday   __________________________!
4. name  Her  is  Mary Smith _______________________________.
5. for  you  This  gift  is__________________________________
My name is Li Jing. I am a girl. This is my family. We live in China. My father is a teacher. He is tall. My mother is a doctor. She is tall, too. I'm ten years old. I'm a student. My hair is black. My eyes are black, too. I love my family.
(  ) 1. Li Jing is a boy.
(  ) 2. Li Jing's father is a worker.
(  ) 3. Li Jing's mother is a doctor.
(  ) 4. Li Jing's mother is short.
(  ) 5. Li Jing is a student.

一、1. A  2. B  3. A  4. B  5. A
二、1. How old is she?   2. Lynn is six years old.  3. Happy birthday to you.
4. Her name is Mary Smith.  5. This gift is for you.
三、1. F  2. F  3. T  4. F  5. T


