

The following article is from 投资海南 Author 海南国际经发局



H.E. ZHANG Xiangchen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of China to the WTO.

Scott, Richard, Dennis and other dear colleagues,
It is a pleasure for me to participate in today's Online Roundtable, though I do feel bad for not being able to see all of you here in Geneva and have a face-to-face discussion as originally scheduled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I would say that the roundtable today, to some extent, shares similarities with the current Sino-US Relations: both are in a difficult situation, but at the same time important enough to keep everyone’s attention.
Lately, some of my friends from China and the US, including my schoolmates and teachers, have expressed pessimistic views and projections on the Sino-US relations. I don’t want to say that mine is much different, since many of their arguments are indeed factual. However, what I want to highlight here today is that those projections will become a reality if no concrete efforts are made to address the challenges, and the people of both nations as well as the rest of the world will have to suffer the consequences.
Scott and I met many times when I worked on the Sino-US SED and JCCT in Beijing. We often use the term “ballast” to describe the commercial relationship between the two countries. My US colleagues on the other hand, like to call it the “anchor”. Either way, it is meant for stabilization. I personally prefer “ballast”, because the “ballast” does not stop the ship, rather it helps the ship sail far and steady. Although now the metaphor is being challenged due to trade tensions, I still believe that our economic and trade relationship is still the most stable factor in all areas of the bilateral relations. Because in trade, we can negotiate, make tradeoffs, where both sides can get what they need.
Of course, "we can" does not necessarily mean "we will". The current Sino-US trade friction highlights the complexity of our economic and trade relations in the globalized world, which demonstrates that the "ballast" we had simply is not enough. In my view, the right approach is not to abandon it, but rather to adjust to the change by increasing the density and tenacity of our economic ties in the global value chain, bringing more benefits to more parties. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we do see the necessity and possibility of cooperation in at least areas such as medical products and services. According to a WTO report published in early April, China and the US are both main importer and exporter of global medical products. The medical product imports of China and the US account for 25% of the world's total, and the two countries’ exports of PPE and ventilators account for 27.4% and 26% respectively. Therefore, China and the US are able to lead the way, making a real difference through cooperation to help each other and provide assistance to others, especially the most vulnerable ones. This is also the historic responsibility the two countries should bear, as the two largest economies in the world.
The WTO also released its trade forecast recently. The Director General said the figures were "ugly". No one will benefit from the decline of global trade. Only by keeping the global supply chain open and stable through joint efforts, can we cut losses. Of course, the multilateral trading system can do more than this, and it needs to do more. Just to name a few: 
A two-tier, independent and fair dispute settlement mechanism needs to be maintained, and China will continue to pursue this goal; the negotiation on fishery subsidies needs to be concluded as soon as possible, where China stands ready to make substantial contributions together with others; the positive momentum of Investment Facilitation Initiative with already 101 participating members needs to be kept, and as one of proponents, China will continue to push it forward with a view to delivering concrete outcome; the negotiation on E-commerce needs to be accelerated, and China has tabled three proposals and is committed to making further contributions. In a nutshell, the WTO must make necessary reform in a pragmatic and incremental manner. I would like to work together with ambassador Shea and others to promote this process, and the right path is the further liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, while helping developing countries achieve industrialization and development. But I have to say in this process, the efforts that going beyond the WTO’s authority and trying to interfere with members' economic sovereignty will not bear fruit.
Recently, like everyone else, my daily life has also been affected by the pandemic. My exercises lately are reduced to the shortwalks around an oak tree in my yard. Two things caught my attention: a falcon on a branch, and a group of ants under the tree. Days passed, the falcon always stands at the top, with sharp eyesand great vision; the ants are moving things around every single day, diligently and persistently. Perhaps, in order to avoid the deterioration of Sino-US relations, we also need those two kinds of people.
Professor Baldwin is the most visionary person I know in Geneva. While we are struggling with disturbances in front of us, his book "The Great Convergence" has already painted a clear picture of the future evolution of globalization. In particular, his theory that globalization will enter into a new phase following the development of technology, provided us a good reference for our policy responses addressing new challenges.
I also have many friends in businesses and academia, who have been working their whole life for the cooperation between the two countries. Even with all the fuss about "decoupling", those people keep plugging away at the commercial or research projects of the two countries, making their efforts to stablize the foundation of the bilateral relations, striving for a bright future. Although I can't become a falcon like Professor Baldwin, nor can I be the diligent working ants like many friends of mine, but I am going to give my applause to our visionaries and a great cheer for the people who make it happen. 
When the crisis passes, I promise another gathering like this, but in face-to-face format in Geneva. I want to invite all of you to come to the newly-constructed conference center at the Chinese Mission, designed by the famous Swiss architect Mr. Bendahan, facing the beautiful lake and mountains, where we will share the latest findings and results of your research. Hopefully by then the dawn of hope has already appeared for the Sino-US relations and the multilateral trading system.
I wish the seminar a success. Stay safe and healthy. 
Thank you.


来源/海南国际经济发展局  本文是张向晨大使在“中美关系与世界贸易体系”研讨会上的致辞

责编/王若寒   审校/赵银平   监制/李雨思




